And in the other room another chimpanzee is placed.
By hunting or gathering away from the group, both chimpanzee and dolphin moms ensure that what they find goes to their young.
In chimpanzee groups, females mate with all the males, in what appears to be a strategy to reduce the risk of her children being killed by older males.
So when you go from head to toe, you're seeing a mosaic creature that is neither chimpanzee, nor is it human.
It was, if I can give a chimpanzee language, I can empty the contents of his mind. He can tell me what he's thinking, how he sees the world.
It only works within species. So, in another experiment they put a rabbit in the other room and the chimpanzee would slap the lever repeatedly to make the rabbit scream in pain and jump.
Rather, we may have such strong feeling of morality because, without them, we would revert to the "evil" behavior inherent in the 97.3 percent of us that is chimpanzee.