As previously mentioned, the main thing this renderer does is decode input and encode output.
For more involved projects you still have to encode at least some of your functions by hand for SWIG to know what to do.
对于更复杂的项目来说,您必须手工编码至少一部分函数,以便让 SWIG 知道该做什么。
Decoder - This feature can be used to decode data to get back the original form, or to encode and encrypt data.
The two parties encode confidential data in a form that is not directly readable by the other party.
These changes basically take a section of the description and encode it into RDF serialization.
这些更改基本上是抽取描述的一部分并将其编码为 RDF 序列化。
Obviously, if you wanted to encode and decode in some other format, I would suggest extending the input and output stream.
To avoid the overhead associated with using a table, the application could encode the list of items in some string format and have the procedure decode the string to extract the items.