Unit 5 What's the Date Today? 翻译:第五单元 今天是多少号?
Listen and Speak 翻译:听一听并说一说
Hey!Where are you going? 翻译:嘿!你要去哪儿?
To buy my father a present. 翻译:给我爸爸买一份礼物。
Is it your father's birthday? 翻译:是你爸爸的生日吗?
Yes. His birthday is on November fifteenth. 翻译:是的。他生日是11月15号。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's November sixth. 翻译:是11月6号。
When's your birthday, Dongdong? 翻译:你生日是什么时候,东东?
On September second. 翻译:9月2号。
Can you join us? 翻译:你要加入我们吗?
Yes. I want to buy my cousin a present. 翻译:好的。我想给我表妹买一份礼物。
November 翻译:11月
Her birthday is on November eighth. 翻译:她的生日是11月8号。
Oh, I see. 翻译:哦,我明白了。
What do you want to buy her? 翻译:你想给她买什么?
I want to buy her a teddy bear. 翻译:我想给她买一只泰迪熊。
GIFT SHOP 翻译:礼品店
What do you want to buy your father, Billy? 翻译:你想给你爸爸买什么,比利?
Well, I'm not sure. 翻译:额,我不确定。
Anyway, let's go to the gift shop. 翻译:不管怎样,我们一起去礼品店吧。
Talk Together 翻译:一起说一说
When's your birthday? 翻译:你生日是什么时候?
My birthday is on ... 翻译:我生日是……
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's ... 翻译:是……
January 翻译:1月
When's your birthday? 翻译:你生日是什么时候?
My birthday is on January twenty-second. 翻译:我生日是1月22号。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's January third. 翻译:是1月3号。
March 翻译:3月
When's your birthday? 翻译:你生日是什么时候?
My birthday is on March fourteenth. 翻译:我生日是3月14号。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's March first. 翻译:是3月1号。
June 翻译:6月
When's your birthday? 翻译:你生日是什么时候?
My birthday is on June thirtieth. 翻译:我生日是6月30号。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's June thirteenth. 翻译:是6月13号。
August 翻译:8月
When's your birthday? 翻译:你生日是什么时候?
My birthday is on August twenty-third. 翻译:我生日是8月23号。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's August nineteenth. 翻译:是8月19号。
What do you want to buy ...? 翻译:你想……买什么?
I want to buy ... 翻译:我想买……
What do you want to buy him? 翻译:你想给他买什么?
I want to buy him a tie. 翻译:我想给他买一条领带。
What do you want to buy her? 翻译:你想给她买什么?
I want to buy her a new bike. 翻译:我想给她买一辆新自行车。
What do you want to buy them? 翻译:你想给他们买什么?
I want to buy them shoes. 翻译:我想给他们买鞋子。
What do you want to buy me? 翻译:你想给我买什么?
I want to buy you a bag. 翻译:我想给你买一个包。
Sounds and Letters 翻译:语音词汇
Listen and repeat. 翻译:听音跟读
present 翻译:礼物
$100 翻译:100美元
price 翻译:价格
prince 翻译:王子
join 翻译:参加
boy 翻译:男孩
enjoy 翻译:享受
Listen and fill in the missing letters. 翻译:听录音,填写缺失的字母。
The prince was surprised at the price of the present. 翻译:这个王子对这份礼物的价格感到很吃惊。
The boy joined the Scouts and enjoyed hiking. 翻译:这个男孩加入了童子军,并且还很享受徒步旅行。
Read and Role-play 翻译:分角色朗读对话
Where are you going? 翻译:你要去哪儿?
To buy my father a present. 翻译:给我爸爸买一份礼物。
7.15 翻译:7月15号
Is it your father's birthday? 翻译:是你爸爸的生日吗?
Yes. His birthday is on July fifteenth. 翻译:是的。他生日是7月15号。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's July sixth. 翻译:是7月6号。
Can you join us? 翻译:你能加入我们吗?
Yes. I want to buy my brother a present. 翻译:好的。我想给我弟弟买一份礼物。
His birthday is on July tenth. 翻译:他生日是7月10号。
What do you want to buy your brother? 翻译:你想给你弟弟买什么?
I want to buy him a cap. 翻译:我想给他买一顶帽子。
Let's go to the gift shop. 翻译:我们一起去礼品店吧。
Check Up 翻译:自我检测
Listen and circle the date. When's his / her birthday? 翻译:听录音并圈出日期。他 / 她的生日是什么时候。
October 翻译:10月
November 翻译:11月
December 翻译:12月
April 翻译:4月
May 翻译:5月
June 翻译:6月
Listen and number the pictures. 翻译:听录音,给图片标号。
May 8 翻译:5月8号
May 翻译:5月
November 翻译:11月
Listen and read the sentence. Then check True or False. 翻译:听录音,读句子。然后勾出正误。
Today is November 8. 翻译:今天是11月8号。
True 翻译:正确的
False 翻译:错误的
Dongdong wants to buy Cody a teddy bear. 翻译:东东想给科迪买一只泰迪熊。
True 翻译:正确的
False 翻译:错误的
Read and match the best response. 翻译:读一读,匹配正确的回答。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
June 1 翻译:6月1号
Children's Day is on June 1st. 翻译:儿童节是6月1号。
What do you want to buy? 翻译:你想买什么?
Well, I'm not sure. 翻译:额,我不确定。
Oh, I see. 翻译:噢,我明白了。
April 20 翻译:4月20号
It's April 20th. 翻译:是4月20号。
Listen and draw a line. Then write a complete sentence. 翻译:听录音,连线。然后写出完整的句子。
Billy 翻译:比利
Tino 翻译:蒂诺
Jane 翻译:简
Cody 翻译:科迪
March 2nd 翻译:3月2号
May 10th 翻译:5月10号
February 12th 翻译:2月12号
December 3rd 翻译:12月3号
Cody's birthday is on May tenth. 翻译:科迪的生日是5月10号。
Billy's birthday ______. 翻译:比利的生日______。
Tino's birthday ______. 翻译:蒂诺的生日_____。
Jane's birthday ______. 翻译:简的生日_____。
Write a complete sentence on the line. 翻译:在横线上写出完整的句子。
Where are you going? 翻译:你要去哪儿?
To buy my father a present. 翻译:给我爸爸买一份礼物。
What's the date today? 翻译:今天是多少号?
It's June thirtieth. 翻译:是6月30号。
June 翻译:6月
What do you want to buy her? 翻译:你想给她买什么?
I want to buy her a new bike. 翻译:我想给她买一辆新自行车。
Work Together 翻译:一起做一做
When's your birthday? 翻译:你生日是什么时候?
Name 翻译:姓名
Birthday 翻译:生日
When's your birthday? 翻译:你生日是什么时候?
My birthday is on October sixth. 翻译:我生日是10月6号。
我的活动表现 翻译:
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