Unit eleven 翻译:第 11 单元
Pronunciation 翻译:发音
Verbs with -ed endings 翻译:-ed结尾的动词
The baby played all day and cried all night. 翻译:婴儿玩了一整天,哭了一整夜。
The store closed before he arrived. 翻译:商店在他到达之前就关门了。
She watched the funny cartoon and laughed. 翻译:她看着滑稽的卡通笑了起来。
He danced with the princess and kissed her hand. 翻译:他和公主跳舞,吻了她的手。
He painted the wall and waited for it to dry. 翻译:他刷了墙,等墙干。
She visited her neighbor when she needed some milk. 翻译:她需要一些牛奶,于是她去了邻居家。
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