重庆大学版五年级下册英语Children's Garden课文音频

版本: 重庆大学版
年级: 五年级下册
英语朗读宝重庆大学版五年级下册课文Children's Garden单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力小学生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。
英语朗读宝重庆大学版五年级下册课文Children's Garden单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力小学生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。

Children's Garden课文翻译及听力音频

  • Children's Garden 翻译:儿童乐园

  • Across the river and through the green woods, we're walking to Grand-mother's house. Oh, the breeze is kissing our faces, and the flowers are tickling our toes. Oh, the breeze is kissing our faces, and the flowers are tickling our toes. Across the river and through the green woods, we're walking to Grand-mother's house. 翻译:歌词大意: 穿过河流与青葱的林间,我们正向奶奶的家走去。噢,微风正亲吻着我们的脸颊,花儿正抚摸着我们的脚趾。噢,微风正亲吻着我们的脸颊,花儿正抚摸着我们的脚趾。穿过河流与青葱的林间,我们正向奶奶的家走去。

  • Poem time 翻译:诗歌时间

  • Let's read aloud these poems 翻译:让我们大声朗诵这些诗歌吧。

  • Butterflies 翻译:蝴蝶

  • Butterflies fly up and down, Without making any sound. They are flying so high, Making a rainbow in the sky. 翻译:蝴蝶上下翻飞, 没有任何声音。 它们飞得太高, 成了天空中的一道彩虹。

  • Ladybugs 翻译:瓢虫

  • Ladybugs all dressed in red, Strolling through the flowerbed. If I were tiny just like you, I'd creep among the flowers too! 翻译:瓢虫都穿着红色的外衣, 漫步在花圃。 如果我和你一样轻盈, 我也想爬到花丛间。

  • Snails 翻译:蜗牛

  • Snail, snail, come out of your hole, Or else I'll beat you as black as coal. Snail, snail, put out your horns, I'll give you bread and popcorns. 翻译:蜗牛,蜗牛,快快出洞, 不然打你鼻青脸肿。 蜗牛,蜗牛,快快伸角, 给你面包,给你爆米花。

  • Ants 翻译:蚂蚁

  • Left, right Left, right We're army ants. We swarm. We fight. We have no home. We roam. We race. You're lucky if We miss your place. 翻译:左,右 左,右 我们是蚂蚁大军。 我们是蚁群。 我们浴血奋战。 我们没有家。 我们流浪。 我们赛跑。 如果我们错过你的地盘,你很幸运。

  • Show time 翻译:表演时间

  • Let's read and act out 翻译:让我们阅读并表演。

  • Mother World and Her Four Children 翻译:世界妈妈和她的四个孩子

  • Mother World has four children: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. They all love their mother very much. Look, Winter is coming home. 翻译:世界妈妈有四个孩子:春天,夏天,秋天和冬天。他们都很爱他们的妈妈。看,冬天回家了。

  • Hello, Mother, I'm home. 翻译:您好,妈妈,我回来了。

  • I'm happy to see you, Winter. What are you carrying? 翻译:很高兴见到你,冬天。你拿的什么东西?

  • A coat and a scarf. When it snows, they'll keep you warm. 翻译:一件外套和一条围巾。当下雪的时候,它们可以让你保持温暖。

  • Thank you, dear son. You're always kind to me. 翻译:谢谢你,亲爱的儿子。你总是对我很好。

  • Look! Your sister Spring is coming. 翻译:看!你的妹妹春天要回来了。

  • Yes. I have to go now. See you next year, Mother! 翻译:是的,我现在得走了。明年再见,妈妈!

  • Bye! 翻译:再见!

  • Hello, Mum! Nice to see you again. 翻译:你好,妈妈!很高兴再次见您。

  • Nice to see you, too. How are you, my dear daughter? 翻译:我也很高兴见到你。你好吗,我亲爱的女儿?

  • Not bad. Look, Mum! I have some flowers for you. 翻译:还不错。看,妈妈!我有一些花要送给你。

  • What beautiful flowers! 翻译:多么漂亮的花啊!

  • May you be young and beautiful forever! 翻译:祝愿您永远年轻漂亮!

  • Thank you, my good daughter. 翻译:谢谢你,我的乖女儿。

  • Oh, I see your brother is Summer is coming. 翻译:噢,我看到你的弟弟夏天要回来了。

  • Then, goodbye, Mum! I'll come back next year. 翻译:那么,再见,妈妈!我明年再回来。

  • So long, Spring! 翻译:再见,春天。

  • I'm back, Mama. How I missed you! 翻译:我回来了,妈妈。我好想你啊!

  • I missed you, too. Welcome home, dear son. 翻译:我也想你。欢迎回来,亲爱的儿子。


最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-10 14:46:43

