'We are really hot and sunny,' July and August said together. 'Choose one of us!' 翻译:“我们天气炎热阳光明媚,”七月和八月一起说。“选择我们其中一个!”
Then september said, 'I make the weather is nice and cool. choose me please!' 'wait! I change the colors of the leaves,' said october. 翻译:然后九月说:“我让天气又晴好又凉爽。请选择我!”“等等!我改变了树叶的颜色,”十月说。
'We are cold months. We bring snow. It's fun to play the snow on your birthday!' said November and December. 翻译:“我们寒冷的两个月。我们带来了雪。在你的生日上玩雪很有趣!”十一月和十二月说。
'hmm... I know what to do! i'll have a birthday every month! once a month, I will become big and round. everyone will know It's my birthday.' 翻译:“嗯……我知道该怎么做了!我每个月都会有一个生日!每月一次,我会变得又大又圆。每个人都会知道这是我的生日。”
Choose 翻译:
Bring 翻译:
Change 翻译:
Leaves 翻译:
Think and act 翻译:想一想,演一演
What month is Mr. Moon choose for his birthday? 翻译:月先生选择了哪个月作为他的生日?
Act out the story. 翻译:表演这个故事。
Unit one review 翻译:第 1 单元 复习
Listen and tick 翻译:听一听,勾一勾
Match and say 翻译:配一配,说一说
Read and number 翻译:读一读,写编号
What day is it today? It's saturday. 翻译:今天星期几?今天是星期六。
Today is may first. It's international workers' day. 翻译:今天是5月1日。是国际劳动节。
The spring festival is in January or February. 翻译:春节是在一月或二月。
When is children's day? June first. 翻译:儿童节是什么时候?6月1日。
This is national day. It is october first. 翻译:这是国庆节。是10月1日。
Look and write 翻译:看一看,写一写
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