清华大学版六年级上册英语Fun reading课文音频

版本: 清华大学版
年级: 六年级上册
英语朗读宝清华大学版六年级上册课文Fun reading单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力小学生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。
英语朗读宝清华大学版六年级上册课文Fun reading单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力小学生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。

Fun reading课文翻译及听力音频

  • FUN READING 翻译:趣味阅读

  • CINDRELLA 翻译:灰姑娘

  • Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Cinderella. Her mother died when she was a baby. Her father took care of her. 翻译:从前有一个小女孩叫灰姑娘,她母亲去世时,她是一个婴儿,她的父亲照顾着她。

  • Cinderella's father was very kind to her. When he traveled, he took Cinderella with him. He bought her beautiful dresses and many toys. At night, he told her stories. Cinderella loved her father very 翻译:灰姑娘的父亲对她很好,当他旅行时,他会带着灰姑娘一起,他给她买美丽的衣服和许多玩具。晚上,他给她讲故事,灰姑娘非常爱她的父亲。

  • When Cinderella was eight years old, her father married again. Her stepmother was mean. She had two daughters. They were named Olivia and Ingrid. Olivia and Ingrid were ugly. They were lazy and mean, 翻译:当灰姑娘八岁的时候,她的父亲又一次结了婚,她的继母很刻薄,她有两个女儿,她们分别叫奥利维亚和英格丽,奥利维亚和英格丽长得丑,她们很懒的,对灰姑娘很不好。

  • Cinderella was happy when her father came home.Her stepmother and stepsisters pretended to be nice to her. 翻译:当她父亲回家时,灰姑娘很开心,她的继母和姐姐假装对她很好。

  • One day, bad news came to Cinderella. Her father fell off his horse and died. 翻译:一天,坏消息传来,灰姑娘的父亲从他的马掉下来,死了。

  • From then on, life was hard for Cinderella Her stepmother and stepsisters took away all her beautiful dresses. They did not give her enough food to eat. 翻译:从那以后,灰姑娘过着艰难的生活,她的继母和姐姐抢走了她所有的漂亮衣服,他们没有给她足够的食物吃。

  • The mean stepmother made Cinderella do all the housework. 翻译:刻薄的继母让灰姑娘做了所有的家务。

  • 'Cinderella, bring me some cake!' said Olivia. 翻译:“灰姑娘,给我拿些蛋糕”

  • 'Cinderella, bring me my dress!' said Ingrid. 翻译:灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿过来

  • 'Clean my shoes!'said Olivia. 翻译:把我的鞋子洗了

  • 'Clean up my bedroom!' said Ingrid. 翻译:打扫我的卧室

  • Cinderella cleaned the house, cooked the meals and washed the dishes. She did all the laundry. The two lazy stepsisters asked Cinderella to do things for them. 翻译:灰姑娘拼命工作,她没有休息的时间,两个懒惰的姐姐们穿着漂亮的衣服,吃好吃的食物,他们没有做任何工作。

  • The prince wanted to find a wife. The king decided to hold a party in the castle to find a wife for him. 翻译:王子想到一个妻子,国王决定在城堡里举行一个聚会为他找到一个妻子。

  • One day, the postman brought an invitation letter to Cinderella's house. Olivia, Ingrid and Cinderella were all invited to the party. 翻译:有一天邮递员给灰姑娘家带来了一封邀请信,英格丽奥利维亚和灰姑娘都被邀请参加聚会。

  • The two lazy stepsisters began to prepare for the party. They put on their beautiful dresses. They wore their gold necklaces and earrings. They put a lot of powder on their faces. They put thick lipst 翻译:两个懒惰的姐姐开始准备晚会,她们穿上了漂亮的衣服,戴上了金项链和耳环,她们在脸上扑了很多粉,嘴唇上涂了厚厚的唇膏,他们准备好了参加宴会。

  • The mean stepmother said to Cinderella, 'You're dirty. You don't have a beautiful dress Stay at home and work!' 翻译:刻薄的继母对灰姑娘说,”你那么脏,也没有漂亮的衣服,就待在家里工作“。

  • The stepmother took her two lazy daughters to the party. Cinderella was so sad that she began to cry. 翻译:继母带着她两个懒女儿去宴会,灰姑娘太伤心了,她开始哭了起来。

  • Cinderella cried and cried. Then she heard a voice, 'Don't cry, Cinderella.' 翻译:灰姑娘哭着哭着,然后她听到一个声音,”不要哭,灰姑娘“

  • Cinderella looked up. She saw a fairy standing before her. The fairy had a magic wand in her hand. Cinderella was surprised. 'Who are you? Why did you come here?' 翻译:灰姑娘抬起头来看,她看到一个仙女站在她面前,仙女手里有一根神奇的魔法棒,灰姑娘很惊讶,”你是谁,为什么会出现在这里?”

  • 'I'm a fairy.' said the fairy. 'I'm here to help you. Stand up, Cinderella.' 翻译:“我是仙女,我是来帮你的,站起来,灰姑娘”

  • Cinderella stood up. The fairy waved her magic wand Cinderella had a beautiful dress and a pair of glass shoes! 翻译:灰姑娘站起来,仙女挥动她的魔法棒,灰姑娘有了一件漂亮的裙子和一双水晶鞋。

  • 'Thank you, Fairy.' said Cinderella. 'But how can I get to the castle?' 翻译:“谢谢你,仙女”灰姑娘说,“但我怎样才能到达城堡?”


最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-07 08:59:06

