STORY TIME 翻译:讲故事时间
STORY 1 翻译:故事1
Be quiet, please. What are you doing there? 翻译:请安静。你们在那里干什么呢?
We are practicing. We are going to have a singing contest with the birds tomorrow. 翻译:我们在练习。我们明天跟鸟儿有一个唱歌比赛。
I'm sure you will win. You sing louder than the birds. Good luck to you! 翻译:我确信你们会赢。你们唱的声音比鸟儿大。祝你们好运!
Choose the correct answer. 翻译:选择正确的选项。
The ducks are practicing singing for a contest tomorrow. 翻译:鸭子们正在为明天的歌唱比赛做准备练习。
STORY TIME 翻译:讲故事时间
STORY 2 翻译:故事2
A boy and his dog come to an ice cream stand. 翻译:一个男孩和他的宠物狗到了冰淇淋摊。
My dog can talk. 翻译:我的狗会说话。
I don't believe it. 翻译:我不信。
The boy begins to talk to his dog. 翻译:男孩开始与他的宠物狗交谈。
What covers a house? 翻译:房子是用什么盖住的?
Roof! 翻译:屋顶!
How does sandpaper feel? 翻译:砂纸感觉怎么样?
Rough! 翻译:粗糙!
Who is Uncle Bobby's wife? 翻译:谁是博比叔叔的妻子?
Ruth! 翻译:露丝!
I told you. 翻译:我告诉过你了。
Answer the questions. 翻译:回答问题。
Can the dog talk? Why or why not? 翻译:那只狗会说话吗?为什么会或为什么不会?
STORY TIME 翻译:讲故事时间
STORY 3 翻译:故事3
Little hippo lives in the city zoo with his mother. He likes to make the children laugh. But one day some workers take his mother away. He is all alone. 翻译:小河马跟他的妈妈生活在城市动物园里。他喜欢逗孩子们开心。但是有一天,工作人员带走了他的妈妈。他感到很孤单。
Why are you crying, little hippo? 翻译:小河马,你为什么哭呢?
My mum is away. 翻译:我妈妈被带走了。
I'm sure she'll come back soon. Look, is that your mum? 翻译:我敢肯定她很快就会回来的。看,那是你的妈妈吗?
Great! My mum is back. 翻译:太棒了!我妈妈回来了。
Look, I have a surprise for you. 翻译:看,我有一个惊喜给你。
A baby sister! Can she play games? 翻译:一个小妹妹!她能玩游戏吗?
We'll teach her, and you will never be alone again. 翻译:我们会教她的,你再也不会感到孤独了。
Answer the question. 翻译:回答问题。
Why is little hippo crying? 翻译:为什么小河马哭泣?
STORY TIME 翻译:讲故事时间
STORY 4 翻译:故事4
April 22nd is World Earth Day. Schools hold special activities on this day. 翻译:4月22日是世界地球日。学校会在这一天举行特别活动。
At my school, we had a special class this year. A teacher taught us how to protect birds. 翻译:在我的学校,今年我们上了一节特别的课。一位老师教我们如何保护鸟类。
At my school, we made bags from waste. 翻译:在我的学校,我们用废弃物做袋子。
We wrote our names on a big poster this year. 翻译:今年我们把名字写在一张大海报上。
My class drew a lot of paintings on Earth protection. 翻译:我们班画了很多关于保护地球的画。
We watched a video about China's largest wind power plants. 翻译:我们观看了一个关于中国最大的风力发电厂的视频。
We walked into a virtual 3D tropical rainforest in National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest. 翻译:我们走进了位于海南热带雨林国家公园的虚拟3D热带雨林。
A Wind Power Plant in Gansu 翻译:甘肃的一个风力发电厂
National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest 翻译:海南热带雨林国家公园
Answer the question. 翻译:回答问题。
What does your school do on World Earth Day? 翻译:你们学校在世界地球日都做些什么?
STORY TIME 翻译:讲故事时间
STORY 5 翻译:故事5
Long, long ago, there was once a monster. His name was Nian. He came once each year to a little village and scared everyone! One day, just by luck, the villagers found that Nian was afraid of the colour red and even more afraid of loud noises. 翻译:很久很久以前,中国曾经生活着一个怪物。它的名字叫年。它每年都要去小村庄里吓唬村民!一天,村民们偶然发现年害怕红色,更怕嘈杂的声音。
The villagers made some red flags and noise makers. When Nian came, they waved their red flags and rattled their noise makers. 翻译:村民们制作了一些红色旗子和噪音器。当年来的时候,他们挥舞着红旗,敲打着噪音器。
This scared Nian so much! He ran away and never came back again. 翻译:这可把年吓坏了!年逃跑了,再也不敢回来了。
That is why today on the Chinese New Year we see the red colour everywhere, and we set off firecrackers. 翻译:那就是在如今的春节里,我们到处都可以看到红色,并且燃放爆竹的原因。
Choose the correct answer. 翻译:选择正确的选项。
What was the monster Nian afraid of? 翻译:年兽害怕什么?
He was afraid of the villagers. 翻译:它害怕村民。
He was afraid of the colour red and loud noises. 翻译:它害怕红色和响声。
STORY TIME 翻译:讲故事时间
STORY 6 翻译:故事6
When the Chinese people tell stories about the moon, there are usually three figures in the stories. 翻译:当中国人讲关于月亮的故事时,故事里通常有三个主人公。
Chang'e is an excellent dancer, sweet and beautiful. 翻译:嫦娥是一个很棒的舞者,长相甜美,心地善良。
Wu Gang is a hard-working man. He is always busy chopping down a tree. 翻译:吴刚是一个工作刻苦的人。他经常忙于砍树。
The Jade Bunny is lovely and cute. It is the pet and good company for Chang'e. 翻译:玉兔非常可爱。它是嫦娥的宠物和好朋友。
On the Mid-Autumn Festival, when you share moon cakes with your family, look up and enjoy the bright full moon. Can you see those three figures in the moon? 翻译:每年中秋节,当你和家人一起吃月饼赏月的时候。你可以在月亮上发现这三个人物吗?
Choose the correct answer. 翻译:选择正确的选项。
In the story, the word 'company' means a close friend. 翻译:在故事中,单词“company”是亲密朋友的意思。
STORY TIME 翻译:讲故事时间
STORY 7 翻译:故事7
The monkeys are riding bikes very fast in the streets. They are having a good time. 翻译:猴子们在街上飞快的骑自行车。他们骑的很开心。
One of them runs into a car and falls off from his bike. 翻译:它们的其中一只撞到了小汽车,从自行车上掉了下来。
Oh, no. 翻译:噢,不。
Watch out. 翻译:小心。
My arm may be broken. I have to go to the hospital. 翻译:我的手臂有可能摔断了。我必须去医院了。
It's dangerous to ride bikes fast in the streets. 翻译:在街上飞快的骑自行车很危险。
Tick (✓) or cross (×). 翻译:打勾或画叉。
最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-09 10:34:48