北京版六年级上册英语ENGLISH SONGS课文音频

版本: 北京版
年级: 六年级上册
出版社: 北京出版社
英语朗读宝北京版六年级上册课文ENGLISH SONGS单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力小学生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。
英语朗读宝北京版六年级上册课文ENGLISH SONGS单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力小学生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。


  • ENGLISH SONGS 翻译:英文歌曲

  • BOATING 翻译:《划船》

  • Lightly row, lightly row, o'er the gentle waves we go. Smoothly glide, smoothly glide, on the silent tide. Let the winds and waters be mingled with our heart-felt glee. Sing and float, sing and float, in our little boat. 翻译:歌词大意: 轻轻地划船,轻轻地划船, 我们行驶在平缓的波浪中。 平稳地前行,平稳地前行。 行进在平静的潮水中。 让风和水夹杂着我们由衷的快乐。 在我们的小船上边唱边划,边唱边划。

  • ENGLISH SONGS 翻译:英文歌曲

  • THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER 翻译:《夏日最后的玫瑰》

  • T' is the last rose of summer, left blooming all alone; all her lovely companions, are faded and gone. No flower of her kindred, no rose bud is nigh. To reflect back her blushes, and give sigh for sigh. 翻译:歌词大意: 这是夏日最后的玫瑰, 独自绽放着; 所有昔日动人的同伴, 都已凋落残逝。 身旁没有同类的花朵, 没有半个玫瑰苞。 映衬她的红润, 分担她的忧愁。

  • ENGLISH SONGS 翻译:英文歌曲

  • CRADLE SONG 翻译:《摇篮曲》

  • Lullaby and good night! With roses bedight. Creep into thy bed, there pillow thy head. If Mum will thou shalt wake, when the morning doth break. If Mum will thou shalt wake, when the morning doth break. Lullaby and good night! Those blue eyes close tight. Bright brothers are near, so sleep without fear. They will guard thee from harm, with fair dreamland's sweet charm. They will guard thee from harm, with fair dreamland's sweet charm. 翻译:歌词大意: 安睡吧,小宝贝! 盖上玫瑰被, 轻轻爬上床,陪你入梦乡; 妈妈会哄你睡, 一直睡到天明。 妈妈会哄你睡, 一直睡到天明。 安睡吧,小宝贝! 紧紧闭上那双蓝眼睛。 天使在保佑你, 所以不用害怕,静静地安睡吧。 他们会用甜梦魔力, 保护你免受伤害。 他们会用甜梦魔力, 保护你免受伤害。

  • ENGLISH SONGS 翻译:英文歌曲


  • When I was young I'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favourite songs. When they played I'd sing along. It made me smile. Those were such happy times and not so long ago, how I wondered where they'd gone. But ther're back again, just like a long lost friend, all the songs I love so well. Ev-'ry sha-la-la-la, ev-'ry wo-wu-wo-wu, still shines. Ev-'ry shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing, so fine. When they get to the part, where he's breaking her heart. It can really make me cry, just like before. It's yesterday once more. 翻译:歌词大意: 年轻时我爱听收音机, 等待着我最喜爱的歌。 我会跟着他们一起唱。 这样会令我笑容满面。 那段不久前快乐时光, 我多么想知道在何方。 但是它们又再次归来, 如位久未谋面的朋友, 那些歌曲我依旧喜欢。 每一句sha-la-la-la, 每一句wo-wu-wo-wu仍闪耀。 每一句shing-a-ling-a-ling, 他们又开始唱得如此动听。 当他们唱到, 他令她伤心断肠的地方。 这真能让我哭出来, 一如往昔的美好时光。 昨日再次重现于脑海。

  • ENGLISH SONGS 翻译:英文歌曲

  • When I was young I'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favourite songs. When they played I'd sing along. It made me smile. Those were such happy times and not so long ago, how I wondered where they'd gone. But ther're back again, just like a long lost friend, all the songs I love so well. Ev-'ry sha-la-la-la, ev-'ry wo-wu-wo-wu, still shines. Ev-'ry shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing, so fine. When they get to the part, where he's breaking her heart. It can really make me cry, just like before. It's yesterday once more. 翻译:歌词大意: 年轻时我爱听收音机, 等待着我最喜爱的歌。 我会跟着他们一起唱。 这样会令我笑容满面。 那段不久前快乐时光, 我多么想知道在何方。 但是它们又再次归来, 如位久未谋面的朋友, 那些歌曲我依旧喜欢。 每一句sha-la-la-la, 每一句wo-wu-wo-wu仍闪耀。 每一句shing-a-ling-a-ling, 他们又开始唱得如此动听。 当他们唱到, 他令她伤心断肠的地方。 这真能让我哭出来, 一如往昔的美好时光。 昨日再次重现于脑海。


最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-09 23:05:27

