STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 1 翻译:故事1
I'm making a birthday cake for Lala. 翻译:我在给拉拉做生日蛋糕。
The dog doesn't know. He is playing with Maomao. 翻译:狗不知道。他正在和毛毛玩耍。
Wow! What's that? A birthday cake for me? What a happy surprise! 翻译:哇!那是什么?给我的生日蛋糕?多么大一个惊喜啊!
Choose the correct answer. 翻译:选择正确的答案。
Lala is going to have his birthday. 翻译:拉拉要过生日了。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 2 翻译:故事2
I'm so sad because my favourite toy is missing. 翻译:我很伤心因为我最喜欢的玩具不见了。
Don't be sad. Don't cry. I'm sure you can find it soon. 翻译:不要伤心。不要哭。我确信你不久就会找到它。
Here it is. 翻译:它在这。
I'm so happy to see my toy again. 翻译:我很高兴再次见到我的玩具。
Answer the question. 翻译:回答问题。
What is Lala's favourite toy? 翻译:拉拉最喜欢的玩具是什么?
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 3 翻译:故事3
Look at these new books. 翻译:看这些新书。
But I can't read. 翻译:但是我不会读。
Maomao can read. He know all these stories. He reads them to me. 翻译:毛毛会读。他知道所有这些的故事。他给我读它们。
Guoguo tells me stories, too. I like Snow White. 翻译:果果也给我讲故事。我喜欢白雪公主。
Answer the question. 翻译:回答问题。
Which story does Kate like? 翻译:凯特喜欢哪一个故事?
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 4 翻译:故事4
What's wrong with you? 翻译:你怎么了?
I have a runny nose. I think I have a cold. 翻译:我流鼻涕。我想我感冒了。
I'll take you to see the doctor now. 翻译:现在我带你去看医生。
Don't go out. Stay inside and keep warm. You'll get well soon. 翻译:不要出门。待在室内并保持温暖。不久你就会好的。
Choose the correct answer. 翻译:选择正确的答案。
Lala will go to see the doctor today. 翻译:拉拉今天会去看医生。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 5 翻译:故事5
The ant is moving a big piece of bread home. He is very tired. 翻译:蚂蚁正在搬一大块面包回家。他非常累。
Can you do me a favour? 翻译:你们能帮我一个忙吗?
OK. We'll help you with the bread. 翻译:好的。我们帮你搬面包。
Here is my home. But I can't open the door. I don't know where I put my key. I'm really worried. 翻译:这是我家。但是我不能开门。我不知道我把钥匙放在哪里了。我真的很担心。
Is this your key? It's under the grass. 翻译:这是你的钥匙吗?它在草下面。
Thank you so much. 翻译:非常感谢你。
Tick (✓) or cross (×). 翻译:正确的打✓,错误的打×。
The ant is worried because his friends won't help him. 翻译:蚂蚁很担心因为他的朋友不帮助他。
The ant is worried because he can't find his key. 翻译:蚂蚁很担心因为他找不到他的钥匙。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 6 翻译:故事6
It's a lovely summer afternoon. The sun is bright. The sky is blue. I'm fishing by the lake. 翻译:这是夏日一个可爱的下午。阳光灿烂。天空湛蓝。我在湖边钓鱼。
The grey clouds are coming over. It's beginning to rain. Let me hold a big leaf over your head. 翻译:乌云过来了。开始下雨了。让我放一片大叶子在你的头顶。
What a big fish! Thank you for your help. 翻译:多么大一条鱼啊!谢谢你的帮助。
It's my pleasure. 翻译:这是我的荣幸。
Choose the correct answer. 翻译:选择正确的答案。
The frog is holding a big leaf for the cat because it's beginning to rain. 翻译:青蛙帮猫举着一片大叶子因为开始下雨了。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 7 翻译:故事7
A lion is sleeping under a tree. A little mouse is playing around. The lion is angry. He wants to eat the mouse. 翻译:一头狮子在树下睡觉。一只小老鼠在周围玩。狮子很生气。他想吃掉老鼠。
Please let me go. I will help you in the future. 翻译:请放我走。未来我会帮到你的。
The lion is trapped in a net. 翻译:狮子被困在网里。
Let me cut the net open with my sharp teeth. 翻译:让我用我锋利的牙齿咬破网。
Thanks a lot. 翻译:非常感谢。
Tick (✓) or cross (×). 翻译:正确的打✓,错误的打×。
The little mouse is playing with the lion. 翻译:小老鼠在和狮子玩。
The little mouse helps the lion cut the net open. 翻译:小老鼠帮狮子咬破了网。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 8 翻译:故事8
I would like some meat and some bones. How much are they? 翻译:我要一些肉和一些骨头。它们多少钱?
Eight yuan for the meat and seven for the bones. 翻译:肉8元,骨头7元。
最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-09 22:21:27