STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 1-1 翻译:故事1-1
It is night in the woods. Most animals go to sleep at night, but some animals are just waking up. 翻译:现在是林间的晚上。很多动物在晚上都睡着了,但是很多动物还醒着。
I go for a walk in the woods with Dad. Look at the moon. It is very bright. The moonlight will help us see the animals. 翻译:我和爸爸去林间散步。看看月亮,还很亮。借助月光,我们看到了动物。
Listen to the 'Hoot, Hoot' of an owl. Look! There it is! The owl is up in that tree. The owl's yellow eyes shine in the moonlight. 翻译:听到一只猫头鹰的叫声。看!在那里。猫头鹰站在那颗树上。猫头鹰黄色的眼睛在月光下闪动。
Now look up at the sky. Bats are flying here and there. They wake up at night and look for bugs to eat. 翻译:现在看看天空。蝙蝠在到处飞。它们晚上醒来找虫子吃。
Choose the correct answer. 翻译:选择正确的答案。
Where can we find the owl? 翻译:我们在哪里可以找到猫头鹰?
It is up in a tree. 翻译:它站在树上。
It is flying in the sky. 翻译:它在天空中飞。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 1-2 翻译:故事1-2
Look! A red fox is hiding in the woods. It jumps out of a bush and runs away. 翻译:看!一只红色的狐狸藏在林间。它从灌木丛中跳出并逃跑了。
A big raccoon is in that tree. The raccoon has black fur around its eyes. That fur looks like a mask. 翻译:一个大浣熊在那棵树上。浣熊眼睛四周长着黑色的毛。这看起来像一个面具。
We hear a crunching sound. What animal is hiding from us? Look! There is a deer behind the trees. The deer runs off into the woods. 翻译:我们听到了嘎吱嘎吱的声音。躲开我们的是什么动物?看!树后面有一只鹿。鹿跑进了林子里。
We love to walk in the woods at night. But now it is time to go home. It is time for us to go to sleep! 翻译:我们喜欢在夜晚的林间散步。但是现在是回家的时候了。我们该睡觉了!
Answer the question. 翻译:回答问题。
What are the fox and the deer doing in the woods? 翻译:狐狸和鹿正在林间做什么?
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 2 翻译:故事2
Do you see the diatom? It's one of the smallest plants in the world. A drop of water may have about 500 of them. 翻译:你看见过藻吗?它是世界上最小的植物之一。一滴水中大约有500个藻。
They're so small that you can see them only through a microscope. They live in water and that is their home. 翻译:它们小到以至于你只能用显微镜才能看见。它们生活在水中,那是它们的家。
Tick (✓) or cross (✕). 翻译:判断对错。
The diatom is the smallest plant in the world. 翻译:藻是世界上最小的植物。
You can see them with your eyes. 翻译:你可以用肉眼看到它们。
Their home is in the water. 翻译:它们的家在水里。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 3 翻译:故事3
The redwood tree is one of the largest plants in the world. It can grow very tall, about 85 metres. 翻译:红木树是世界上最大的植物之一。它们可以长到大约85米高。
It can live a very long life. Some redwood trees are 2000 years old. 翻译:它们可以存活很长时间。一些红木树都存活2000年了。
It has cones. That's the fruit, just as an apple is the fruit of an apple tree. 翻译:它有松塔。那是果实,就像苹果树上的苹果一样。
Tick (✓) or cross (✕). 翻译:判断对错。
The redwood tree can grow as tall as 85 metres. 翻译:红木树可以长到85米高。
The redwood tree can live to be 200 years old. 翻译:红木树可以存活200年。
The fruit of a redwood tree is like an apple. 翻译:红木树的果实就像苹果。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 4 翻译:故事4
The little tree is tired and thirsty. It is crying. 翻译:小树又累又渴。它哭了。
I'm thirsty. I'm so thirsty. 翻译:我渴了。我好渴。
The little rabbit comes over. 翻译:小兔走过来。
Eat this carrot and you will feel better. 翻译:吃胡萝卜你会感觉好点。
No, no. That's not for me. 翻译:不,不。这不是我要的。
The little tree wants to drink some water. 翻译:小树想要喝水。
Why don't you feel thirsty? 翻译:为什么你不觉得口渴呢?
My roots are deep in the ground. I can get enough water from there. 翻译:我的根深入地层。我可以从那里得到足够的水分。
I will come to water the little tree every day because the little tree cannot get enough water from the ground yet. 翻译:我每天都要来给小树浇水,因为它还不能从地层得到足够的水分。
Choose the correct statement. 翻译:选择正确的陈述。
All plants need water. 翻译:所有的植物都需要水。
Big trees don't need water. 翻译:大树不需要水。
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 5-1 翻译:故事5-1
My cousin Frank enjoys fishing and spends most of his time by the river. 翻译:我的表哥弗兰克喜欢去钓鱼,他花了很多时间在河边钓鱼。
He enjoys being in the fresh air and on his own. There is no one to trouble him, and the time passes happily for him. 翻译:他喜欢独自享受着新鲜空气。没有人打扰他,他过得很愉快。
Unfortunately, he is not a very good fisherman. He never catches anything big enough to eat. 翻译:不幸的是,他不擅长于钓鱼。他从没有钓到足够大到能吃的鱼。
However, he does not like to admit this to his wife, Jenny. If she knows he is wasting his time, she may try to stop him from going fishing. 翻译:然而,他不想向他的妻子詹妮承认。如果她知道他在浪费时间,她可能会阻止他去钓鱼。
Answer the question. 翻译:回答问题。
Why does Frank enjoy fishing? 翻译:为什么弗兰克喜欢去钓鱼?
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 5-2 翻译:故事5-2
On the way home Frank always visits the local fish shop and buys something. When he gets home, he tells Jenny that he caught a good fish. They then have it for dinner. 翻译:弗兰克回家的路上总会去当地的鱼店买一些东西。当他回家的时候,他告诉詹妮他钓了一条不错的鱼。然后他们的晚餐就会吃鱼。
One evening, Frank fails again to catch any fish, and he stops at the fish shop as usual on his way home. 翻译:一个晚上,弗兰克又没有钓到鱼,他像往常一样在回家的路上去了鱼店。
I'll have three trouts, please. 翻译:请给我三条鳟鱼。
I suggest you take a nice salmon instead. 翻译:我建议你还是买这条漂亮的鲑鱼吧。
Oh, why? 翻译:噢,为什么?
Your wife came in an hour ago and said, 'When Frank comes in, make sure he 'catches' a salmon.' 翻译:你的妻子一个小时前来说:“当弗兰克来的时候,确定他‘钓’到一条鲑鱼。”
Answer the question. 翻译:回答问题。
Why should Frank get a salmon instead of trouts? 翻译:为什么弗兰克要买鲑鱼而不是鳟鱼?
STORY TIME 翻译:故事时间
STORY 6 翻译:故事6
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