Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays 翻译:第三单元 节假日
Talk about festivals and holidays. 翻译:谈论节假日。
Read about Chinese New Year and American Thanksgiving. 翻译:阅读有关中国新年和美国感恩节的文章。
Listen to people making a phone call and taking messages. 翻译:听人们打电话和捎口信。
Write about celebrating a festival. 翻译:记述庆祝节日的事。
Learn more about the present perfect. 翻译:学习更多有关现在完成时的知识。
Getting Ready 翻译:课前准备
Put the following festivals and holidays in order of time in a year. 翻译:将下列节假日按一年中的时间顺序进行排列。
Key Words: Festivals and holidays 翻译:关键词:节假日
American Thanksgiving, Chong Yang Festival, Christmas, Dragon Boat Festival, May Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year's Day, Qing Ming Festival, Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), Women's Day 翻译:美国感恩节,重阳节,圣诞节,端午节,五一劳动节,中秋节,元旦,清明节,春节(中国新年),妇女节
Which festival or holiday do you like best? Tell the class. 翻译:你最喜欢哪一个节日或假日?跟全班同学说一说吧。
Example 翻译:例子
I like the Dragon Boat Festival the best. The boat races are so exciting. 翻译:我最喜欢端午节。划船比赛是那么的刺激。
I like it, too, but the Spring Festival is the best because there are a lot of fireworks and I get to see all my cousins. 翻译:我也喜欢,但春节却是我最喜欢的,因为有许多的烟花,而且我可以见到我所有的堂表兄弟姐妹。
Lesson 7 Chinese New Year 翻译:第七课 中国新年
Warm-up 翻译:课前热身活动
What do you and your family do on Chinese New Year's Eve? 翻译:你和你的家人在中国的除夕之夜都做些什么?
Example 翻译:例子
We have a big family dinner on Chinese New Year's Eve. 翻译:我们在中国的除夕之夜会举办一场盛大的家宴。
Reading 翻译:阅读
Read the instant messages. Who is talking? What are they talking about? 翻译:阅读这些即时消息。是谁在说话?他们在谈论些什么?
Grace is a student from England. She's spending the Chinese New Year holiday with her friend Li Lin's family in Beijing. 翻译:格蕾丝是一位来自英国的学生。她正和她的朋友李琳一家人一起在北京度过中国的新年假期。
Hi, Grace! You weren't online all day. Where have you been? 翻译:嗨,格蕾丝!你一整天都没在线。你去哪儿了?
Hi, Dad. We've been busy. In the morning, we put up Chinese New Year decorations. Li Lin's grandpa wrote '福' (meaning “good luck”) on red pieces of paper. I helped to put them on doors and windows. 翻译:嗨,爸爸。我们一直很忙。上午,我们张贴了中国的新年装饰品。李琳的爷爷在红纸上写了个“福”字(表示“好运”的意思)。我帮忙把它们贴在了门窗上。
Have you learned to write the character? 翻译:你学会写这个字了吗?
Oh yes. It's interesting! 翻译:哦,学会了。那真是有趣!
Then in the afternoon, I helped Li Lin's family prepare the Chinese New Year dinner. It's like our Christmas dinner. 翻译:然后下午,我就帮李琳一家人准备了年夜饭。它就像我们的圣诞晚宴一样。
What have you prepared? 翻译:你们准备了些什么?
We've prepared fish, tofu, fried meat balls, etc. Every dish has its meaning, like peace, good luck, good health ... And I've learned to make jiaozi! 翻译:我们准备了鱼、豆腐、炸肉丸等等。每道菜都有其含义,比如和平、好运、身体健康……我还学会了包饺子!
Have you tasted the jiaozi you made? 翻译:你尝过自己包的饺子吗?
Oh yeah, they were not bad, although they didn't look as good as the others. In fact, we've just finished dinner. It lasted for three hours! 翻译:哦,尝过,它们还不错,但是看上去没有其他人的好看。事实上,我们刚吃完晚饭。它们持续了三个小时!
Three hours! What have you eaten? 翻译:三个小时!你们都吃什么了?
Lots and lots! And it's not just about eating. The family wished each other, and me, good luck, and we watched TV. Everyone was so happy! 翻译:太多太多了!而且他们不光是吃。他们一家人互相祝福,也祝福我好运,我们还看了电视。大家都非常高兴!
The best thing about Chinese New Year is fireworks. Just before midnight, everyone went outside and millions of fireworks went off together. The sky suddenly became bright and everybody cheered. It was very exciting. 翻译:中国新年最棒的事情就是烟花。就在午夜前,大家都走到户外,无数的烟花同时爆响。天空突然变得明亮起来,每个人都欢呼着。真是非常令人兴奋。
Have you taken any photos? 翻译:你拍照了吗?
Oh, yes, I have. Lots of them ... 翻译:哦,是的,我拍了。它们中很多……
List what Grace did in time order. 翻译:按时间顺序列出格蕾丝所做过的事情。
In the morning 翻译:上午
In the afternoon 翻译:下午
In the evening 翻译:傍晚
At night 翻译:晚上
Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays 翻译:第三单元 节假日
Your Opinion How did Grace feel about Chinese New Year's Eve? Find evidence from her instant messages. 翻译:你的观点 格蕾丝对中国的除夕之夜感觉如何?从她的即时消息中找一找证据吧。
Grammar 现在完成时 2 翻译:语法 现在完成时 2
Read the following sentences and find other similar ones from the text. Then work out rules to complete the table with has, have, hasn't or haven't. 翻译:阅读下列句子,并从课文中找出其他类似的句子。然后总结出规律,用has、have、hasn't或haven't完成这份表格。
What have you prepared? 翻译:你们准备了些什么?
Have you taken any photos? 翻译:你拍照了吗?
Oh, yes, I have. 翻译:哦,是的,我拍了。
Have I / we / you / they written Chinese? 翻译:我/我们/你(们)/他(她,它)们写过中文吗?
Has he / she / it written Chinese? 翻译:他/她/它写过中文吗?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 翻译:是的,我写过。/不,我没写过。
Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't. 翻译:是的,他写过。/不,他没写过。
Where have I / we / you / they been? 翻译:我/我们/你(们)/他(她,它)们去哪儿?
Who / What has he / she / it seen? 翻译:他/她/它看见谁/什么了?
Grammar Summary 2, page 118. 翻译:详见第118页语法总结2。
Watch out! 翻译:注意!
They have already finished that project. 翻译:他们已经完成了那个项目。
Jim has never been to the Great Wall. 翻译:吉姆从来没有到过长城。
Have you ever seen anything like it? 翻译:你曾经见过跟它类似的东西吗?
Complete the questions according to their answers. 翻译:根据答语,完成这些问句。
Have you ever written Chinese? 翻译:你曾经写过中文吗?
No, I haven't. 翻译:不,我没写过。
Do you like jiaozi? 翻译:你们喜欢饺子吗?
Yes, we do. 翻译:是的,我们喜欢。
What have you done? 翻译:你做了什么?
I've made jiaozi. 翻译:我包了饺子。
Where did you go? 翻译:你去了哪里?
I went to the market. 翻译:我去了集市。
Complete the following sentences using the tense indicated. 翻译:使用指示的时态完成下列句子。
I have never written Chinese. 翻译:我从未写过中文。
They didn't see us at the market. 翻译:他们在集市上没有看见我们。
We never see our friends here. 翻译:我们在这里从未见过我们的朋友。
What do you usually do on New Year's Eve? 翻译:你在除夕夜通常都做些什么?
Who did they talk to on the beach? 翻译:他们在沙滩上跟谁说话了?
The boys are so dirty! Where have they been? 翻译:那些男孩子真脏!他们去过哪里?
Speaking 翻译:口语
Your Turn Have you ever done the things below? Ask your partner. 翻译:轮到你了 你曾经做过下面这些事情吗?问问你的搭档吧。
cook Chinese New Year dinner 翻译:做年夜饭
make jiaozi 翻译:包饺子
set off fireworks 翻译:放烟火
buy flowers at a market 翻译:在集市上买花
send text messages to friends 翻译:给朋友发短信
Example 翻译:例子
Have you ever made jiaozi? 翻译:你曾经包过饺子吗?
Yes, I have. 翻译:是的,我包过。
Have you ever set off fireworks? 翻译:你曾经放过烟火吗?
No, I haven't. 翻译:不,我没放过。
Lesson 8 A Picnic 翻译:第八课 野餐
Warm-up 翻译:课前热身活动
Here are some things you could bring to a picnic. Which are food and which are dishes? Write them in the table below. 翻译:以下是一些你可以带去野餐的东西。哪些是食物,哪些是餐具?在下列表格中把它们写下来吧。
Key Words: Food and dishes 翻译:关键词:食物和餐具
bean, biscuit, bowl, corn, cup, fork, hamburger, hot dog, knife, plate, sausage, spoon, strawberry, watermelon 翻译:豆,饼干,碗,玉米,杯子,餐叉,汉堡包,热狗,刀,盘子,香肠,勺子,草莓,西瓜
food 翻译:食物
bean 翻译:豆
dishes 翻译:餐具
bowl 翻译:碗
Listening 翻译:听力
Listen to the dialogue and complete Julie's message. 翻译:听对话,将朱莉的留言补充完整。
Julie is taking a message from her Uncle Dan about the family picnic. 翻译:朱莉正在记下她丹叔叔关于家庭野餐的留言。
Listen again. Which of the following does Uncle Dan NOT say? Circle them. 翻译:再听一遍录音。下面哪些不是丹叔叔说的?把它们圈出来吧。
Can I speak to your mum or dad? 翻译:我可以跟你的爸爸妈妈通电话吗?
Dean's coming too, right? 翻译:迪安也要来,对吗?
Have your mum and dad bought any vegetables yet? 翻译:你的爸爸妈妈已经买菜了吗?
We've got a big watermelon. 翻译:我们有一个大西瓜。
Please tell them not to buy any sausages either. 翻译:请告诉他们也不要买任何香肠。
We'll bring the knives and plates. 翻译:我们将会带刀和盘子。
Uncle Dan will leave at 翻译:丹叔叔将离开于
______tomorrow 翻译:明天______
______ and he'll see us tomorrow afternoon at the ______ 翻译:______他将于明天下午在______见我们
Don't buy more ______ 翻译:不要买更多______
and don't buy any ______ 翻译:不要买任何______
Bring ______and plates. 翻译:带上______和盘子。
Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays 翻译:第三单元 节假日
Vocabulary 翻译:词汇
Write the correct words in the table. Can you work out the spelling rules? 翻译:在表格中写出正确的单词。你能总结出拼写规律吗?
a fork 翻译:一把餐叉
a spoon 翻译:一个勺子
a knife 翻译:一把刀
a strawberry 翻译:一颗草莓
a sausage 翻译:一根香肠
Function 电话留言 翻译:作用 电话留言
Read the Key Expressions. 翻译:读这些重点表达。
Key Expressions: Taking messages 翻译:重点表达:捎口信
Can I speak to your mum or dad? 翻译:我可以跟你的爸爸妈妈通电话吗?
Sorry. They're not here. Can I take a message? 翻译:对不起。他们不在这儿。我可以替你捎个口信吗?
Can you remind them to / not to ...? 翻译:你能提醒他们要……/不要……?
Pair Work Role-play talking to your friend's parents about the school picnic. Convey the following messages. 翻译:结对活动 角色扮演,跟你朋友的父母谈论一下学校野餐的事。并传达一下如下信息。
Don't wear your school uniform. 翻译:不要穿校服。
Bring plenty of water and snacks. 翻译:带上充足的水和零食。
Don't forget to bring sunglasses. 翻译:别忘了带太阳镜。
Meet at the school gate at 9 am. 翻译:上午9点在校门口集合。
Example 翻译:例子
Can you remind Sally not to wear her school uniform for the picnic tomorrow? 翻译:你能提醒萨莉明天野餐不要穿她的校服吗?
OK. I'll tell her. 翻译:好的。我会转告她的。
Speaking 翻译:口语
Pair Work Choose one of the following situations and role-play with a partner. 翻译:结对活动 选出下面的一个情景,和一位搭档进行角色扮演。
You called Linda. She was not at home. Her mother (Mrs Hill) took a message. Tomorrow is the deadline for the school painting competition. You want Linda to bring her work to school tomorrow. 翻译:你打电话给琳达。琳达不在家。她妈妈(希尔夫人)替你留了言。明天就是学校绘画比赛的最后期限。你想让琳达明天把她的作品带到学校来。
Yang Ning left his book at your home. You called him. He was not at home. Mr Yang took a message. You will bring the book to school tomorrow. 翻译:杨宁把他的书落在了你家里。你打电话给他。他不在家。杨先生替你留了言。你明天将会把书带到学校来。
Example 翻译:例子
Hello. 翻译:你好。
Hi, Mrs Hill. Can I speak to Linda please? 翻译:你好,希尔夫人。请问我可以跟琳达通电话吗?
Sorry, she's not here. Can I take a message? 翻译:对不起,她不在这儿。我可以替你捎个口信吗?
Sure. 翻译:当然可以。
Pronunciation: Weak form for function words 翻译:发音:功能词的弱读
Listen and write S for strong and W for weak. 翻译:听录音,强读的写上S,弱读的写上W。
for 翻译:为了;给;因为
for 翻译:为了;给;因为
would 翻译:将会,将要
would 翻译:将会,将要
should 翻译:应该
should 翻译:应该
to 翻译:到;向
to 翻译:到;向
Listen and circle the weak forms of the function words. 翻译:听录音,圈出弱读的那些功能词。
What are you looking for? 翻译:你在找什么?
I'm looking for the theatre. 翻译:我在找剧院。
Walk to the end of the street. You'll see it. 翻译:步行至街尾。你就会看见它了。
Lesson 9 Thanksgiving 翻译:第九课 感恩节
Warm-up 翻译:课前热身活动
What do you know about Thanksgiving? Read the text below. Find out when and how people in the US celebrate the festival. 翻译:关于感恩节,你知道些什么?阅读下面的课文,找出美国人是何时又是怎样庆祝该节日的。
Holiday: Thanksgiving 翻译:节日:感恩节
Time: the fourth Thursday in November (US) 翻译:时间:十一月的第四个星期四(美国)
Traditional food: turkey, ham, pumpkin pie, potatoes 翻译:传统食物:火鸡、火腿、南瓜饼、土豆
Special activities: a big family dinner, family reunion, giving thanks 翻译:特殊活动:大型家庭聚餐、家庭团聚、致谢
Reading 翻译:阅读
Read the text. What happened to the family and how did they solve the problem? 翻译:阅读课文。这家人发生了什么事?他们又是如何解决问题的?
Read the text again. Complete the timeline of the whole story. What happened at different times? 翻译:再读一遍课文。将整个故事的时间轴补充完整。在不同的时期都发生了些什么事?
A few days before Thanksgiving 翻译:感恩节前几天
The night before Thanksgiving 翻译:感恩节前夜
Early on Thanksgiving morning 翻译:感恩节凌晨
Then soon 翻译:不久之后
Finally 翻译:最后
That evening 翻译:那天晚上
It was the turkey that made it the worst Thanksgiving ever... well, it nearly did. All the family—my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, my sister and I—expected the turkey. However, turkey is not the easiest thing to cook. It takes a lot of time to prepare and a lot of work to cook... and there are a lot of chances for things to go wrong. 翻译:就是那只火鸡使那次感恩节成为至今最糟糕的一次……哦,几乎是。全家人——我的爷爷奶奶、爸爸妈妈、叔叔婶婶、堂表兄弟姐妹、姐姐和我——都期待着那只火鸡。然而,火鸡并不是最容易烹制的东西。它要花大量的准备时间以及许多的烹制工作……有很多时候事情都会出差错。
My mum and dad bought a nice, big turkey a few days before Thanksgiving. My mum was proud of herself as she got it for a good price. The night before Thanksgiving, Mum got the turkey out of the fridge. Early the next morning, my sister and I helped her put some butter and salt on the turkey, and then Mum put it in the oven. It looked like it would be delicious. My sister and I were excited. 翻译:就在感恩节的前几天,我的爸爸妈妈买了一只又大又好的火鸡。我妈妈为自己感到很自豪,因为她以很好的价钱买了它。感恩节前夜,妈妈把火鸡从冰箱里拿了出来。第二天一大早,我和姐姐就帮她往火鸡上撒了一些黄油和盐,然后妈妈就把它放入了烤箱中。它看起来好像会很美味。我和姐姐都很兴奋。
Read the Reading Help. Then read the text and figure out the meaning of the following words. 翻译:读阅读辅助。然后读课文并弄懂下列单词的意思。
Reading Help: Working out the meaning of difficult words and expressions 翻译:阅读辅助:弄懂疑难词语的意思
Underline words or expressions you don't know. 翻译:在你不认识的单词和词组下面划线。
Read the sentences before and after and try to guess the meaning of the underlined words from the context. 翻译:阅读其前后的那些句子,并试着从语境中猜出带下划线的那些单词的意思。
Check whether your guess is correct or not using a dictionary. 翻译:利用字典,检查一下你的猜测是否正确。
be proud of (para. 2) 翻译:因……而骄傲;为……感到自豪(第二段)
heat up (para. 3) 翻译:加热(第三段)
suggestion (para. 5) 翻译:建议(第五段)
awful (para. 5) 翻译:糟糕的,可怕的(第五段)
My mum and dad bought a nice, big turkey a few days before Thanksgiving. My mum was proud of herself as she got it for a good price. The night before Thanksgiving, Mum got the turkey out of the fridge. Early the next morning, my sister and I helped her put some butter and salt on the turkey, and then Mum put it in the oven. It looked like it would be delicious. My sister and I were excited. 翻译:就在感恩节的前几天,我的爸爸妈妈买了一只又大又好的火鸡。我妈妈为自己感到很自豪,因为她以很好的价钱买了它。感恩节前夜,妈妈把火鸡从冰箱里拿了出来。第二天一大早,我和姐姐就帮她往火鸡上撒了一些黄油和盐,然后妈妈就把它放入了烤箱中。它看起来好像会很美味。我和姐姐都很兴奋。
But soon, we noticed something was wrong. The oven was not heating up. Dad checked it closely. Then he said in a low voice, 'It's broken!' 翻译:但是不久,我们注意到有些事不对劲。烤箱没有在加热。爸爸仔细地检查了一下。然后他低声说,“它坏了!”
Mum's heart nearly stopped. She didn't want her dinner to be a failure. We didn't know what to do. How were we going to feed everyone without the turkey? Mum looked worried. 翻译:妈妈的心脏几乎都要停止了。她不想让自己的晚餐泡汤。我们不知道该怎么办。要是没有火鸡,我们要怎样招待大家呢?妈妈看上去很焦虑。
Finally, Dad had an idea, and we all agreed with his suggestion to order pizza instead. After all, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and spending time with your family. If we did not have turkey, it was different but there was nothing awful about it. 翻译:最后,爸爸有了个主意,我们都同意他点个比萨饼来代替的建议。毕竟,感恩节是要致谢以及和家人一起共度时光。如果我们没有火鸡,是会很不一样,但这事也没什么糟糕的。
That evening, we shared a delicious pizza. We had a great time, talking, eating and playing games. Thanksgiving without turkey can still be fun! 翻译:那天晚上,我们分享了一个美味的比萨饼。我们聊天、吃饭、玩游戏,玩得很开心。没有火鸡的感恩节仍然可以很开心啊!
Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays 翻译:第三单元 节假日
Your Opinion What is the most important thing for Thanksgiving according to the writer? 翻译:你的观点 根据作者所述,感恩节最重要的事情是什么?
Vocabulary 翻译:词汇
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions. 翻译:用这些词组的正确形式完成句子。
agree with, heat up, be proud of, get … for a good price, put … on …, have a great time 翻译:同意,加热,为……感到自豪,以很好的价钱买了……,把……放在……上面,玩得很开心
They have done a great job. They should be proud of themselves. 翻译:他们干得很出色。他们应该为自己感到自豪。
The oven takes a while to heat up. 翻译:烤箱需要花一段时间才可以加热。
She was put some flowers on the table. 翻译:有人在她桌上放了一些花。
The man got a sports car for a good price. 翻译:这个男人以很好的价钱买了辆跑车。
I agree with her opinion about the travelling plan. 翻译:我同意她对于旅行计划的观点。
We really had a great time at your party last night. 翻译:我们在你昨晚的派对上真的玩得很开心。
Speaking 翻译:口语
Your Turn Have you had any interesting / sad / exciting holiday experiences? Tell the class your story. 翻译:轮到你了 你有过什么有趣的/难过的/令人兴奋的假期经历吗?给全班同学讲讲你的故事吧。
Example 翻译:例子
Last Spring Festival was really exciting. My whole family went to Harbin and spent the whole Spring Festival there. It was extremely cold and there was snow and ice everywhere. It was great fun. 翻译:去年春节真是令人兴奋。我全家人都去了哈尔滨,并在那里度过了整个春节。那里非常冷,到处都是冰和雪。真是好玩极了。
Communication Workshop 翻译:交流研习班
Reading 翻译:阅读
Read the emails and circle the correct answers on page 37. 翻译:阅读这些电子邮件,在第37页上面圈出正确的答案。
From: mandyt@tenmail.com 翻译:来自:曼迪t@tenmail.com
Sent: June 07 3:45 翻译:发送:6月7日3点45分
To: jason313@tenmail.com 翻译:致:詹森313@tenmail.com
Subject: your stay in China 翻译:主题:你在中国逗留的日子
Hi Jason, Aunt Linda told me you were visiting China and were staying with a host family. How long have you been there? Have you had any interesting experiences? Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Have you done anything special for that? What did you eat? Look forward to your email. Mandy 翻译:你好,詹森, 琳达阿姨告诉我你正在参观中国,并且还住在寄宿家庭里。你已经在那儿待了多久?你有过什么有趣的经历吗?今天是端午节。你为此做了什么特别的事情吗?你吃了什么?期待收到你的邮件。 曼迪
From: jason313@tenmail.com 翻译:来自:詹森313@tenmail.com
Sent: June 08 8:12 翻译:发送:6月8日8点12分
To: mandyt@tenmail.com 翻译:致:曼迪t@tenmail.com
Subject: RE: your stay in China 翻译:主题:回复:你在中国逗留的日子
Hey Mandy, Thanks for your email. I've been here for one week. I've enjoyed my stay very much. The host family is very nice to me. They have a son of my age. He took me to the night market. I tried many kinds of traditional Chinese food there. Some of them looked strange but tasted really good! I also tried to order food myself. You're right. It was the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday. I tried some zongzi but I haven't made any myself. I've eaten both sweet zongzi and salty zongzi. I like the salty ones better. I also watched the dragon boat races. The drums were loud and the boats were very colourful. It was fun. I've bought you some zongzi. You can have a taste when I come back next week. I hope you'll like them. Jason 翻译:你好,曼迪, 谢谢你发来电子邮件。我已经在这儿待一周了。我在这儿玩得非常开心。寄宿家庭对我非常好。他们有个儿子和我同龄。他带我去了夜市。我在那里品尝了许多种传统中国食物。它们中有一些看上去很奇怪,但尝起来却很不错!我还尝试着自己点餐了。 你说得对。昨天是端午节。我尝了一些粽子,但是我自己没有包。我既吃了甜粽子,又吃了咸粽子。我更喜欢那些咸粽子。我还观看了龙舟比赛。鼓声很响亮,船也五彩缤纷。真是好玩。 我已经给你买了些粽子。当我下周回去的时候,你就可以尝一尝了。我希望你会喜欢。 詹森
Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays 翻译:第三单元 节假日
Jason arrived in China on the first of June. 翻译:詹森于6月1日抵达了中国。
Jason thought some strange Chinese food tasted good. 翻译:詹森认为有些奇怪的中国食物尝起来很不错。
Jason has spoken Chinese. 翻译:詹森说了中文。
Jason has never made zongzi. 翻译:詹森从来没有包过粽子。
Jason prefers salty zongzi. 翻译:詹森更喜欢咸粽子。
Jason has heard the drums on the dragon boats. 翻译:詹森听到了龙舟上的那些鼓声。
Jason thought the dragon boat races were enjoyable. 翻译:詹森认为龙舟比赛很令人愉快。
Jason has bought some zongzi for Mandy. 翻译:詹森已经给曼迪买了一些粽子。
Writing 翻译:写作
Imagine you are an American student staying with a host family in China. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. What have you done? 翻译:假设你是一位住在中国的一个寄宿家庭里的美国学生。现在是中秋节。你做过些什么?
buy lanterns 翻译:买灯笼
solve riddles on lanterns 翻译:解灯谜
look at lanterns in the park 翻译:在公园里赏灯
look at the moon 翻译:赏月
eat mooncakes 翻译:吃月饼
Write sentences about your list. Remember to use linking words. 翻译:就你的列表,写些句子。记得要使用连接词。
Example 翻译:例子
I've looked at lots of lanterns and solved the riddles on some of them. 翻译:我看了许多灯笼,还了解了上面的一些灯谜。
I've eaten mooncakes but I haven't eaten any starfruit. 翻译:我吃过月饼,但是我没吃过杨桃。
Your friend has sent you an email like Mandy's email on page 36. Write an email reply to your friend. Talk about your stay and the Mid-Autumn Festival. 翻译:你的朋友给你发了一封像36页上面曼迪发的那样的电子邮件。写封电子邮件来回复你的朋友。谈论一下你在中国逗留的日子以及中秋节的事。
http://www.flymail.net 翻译:
Speaking 翻译:口语
Exchange emails from Exercise 4 with another student. Read the email. Then role-play and ask and answer questions. 翻译:和另一个学生交换练习4中的电子邮件。阅读这封电子邮件。然后进行角色扮演,提问并回答问题。
Example 翻译:例子
How long have you been in China? 翻译:你已经在中国待了多久?
I've been here for ... 翻译:我已经在这儿待了……
Unit 3 Check Your Progress 翻译:第三单元 检查进度
Match the words with the pictures. 翻译:将单词与图片进行匹配。
fork 翻译:餐叉
biscuit 翻译:饼干
corn 翻译:玉米
plate 翻译:盘子
spoon 翻译:勺子
strawberry 翻译:草莓
sausage 翻译:香肠
knife 翻译:刀
Write the correct words in the blanks according to the pictures. 翻译:根据图片,在空白处写上正确的单词。
Dragon Boat Festival 翻译:端午节
Thanksgiving 翻译:感恩节
Spring Festival 翻译:春节
Mid-Autumn Festival 翻译:中秋节
Vocabulary ____ / 12 翻译:词汇 ____ / 12
Put the sentences in order to make a conversation. 翻译:将这些句子按顺序进行排列,以组成一段对话。
Sorry. He's not in his room. Can I take a message? 翻译:对不起。他不在房间里。我可以替你捎个口信吗?
Good morning, Ritz Hotel. How can I help you? 翻译:早上好,里茨宾馆。我怎样才能帮你呢?
Can you ask him to call me back? 翻译:你可以让他给我回电话吗?
Can I speak to Mr Jones in Room 8024, please? 翻译:请问我可以跟8024号房间的琼斯先生通电话吗?
OK. What's your number? 翻译:好的。你的号码是多少?
Wait a moment. I'll see if he's there. 翻译:稍等一下。我要去看看他是否在那儿。
Circle the correct words. 翻译:圈出正确的单词。
This is my first time in Beijing. I've never visited Beijing before. 翻译:这是我第一次来北京。我以前从来没有参观过北京。
Yesterday I bought some flowers at a fair. 翻译:昨天我在集市上买了一些花。
I've already been to Fragrant Hills Park twice this year. 翻译:我今年已经去过两次香山公园了。
Have you ever been to the Great Wall yet? 翻译:你曾经到过长城吗?
Put the words in order to make sentences. 翻译:将这些单词按顺序进行排列,以组成句子。
Where have you been today? 翻译:你今天去哪儿了?
He has never made jiaozi before. 翻译:他以前从来没有包过饺子。
Have they ever set off fireworks? 翻译:他们曾经放过烟火吗?
She hasn't ever written Chinese. 翻译:她不曾写过中文。
Grammar ____ / 14 翻译:语法 _____/14
Across Cultures 2 翻译:跨文化 2
New Year Celebrations 翻译:新年庆典
How does your family celebrate the New Year? 翻译:你们家是怎样庆祝新年的?
Read the texts and find out the answers to the questions. 翻译:阅读课文,找出这些问题的答案。
Why do Spanish people eat twelve grapes at the midnight of New Year's Eve? 翻译:西班牙人为什么要在新年前夕的午夜时分吃十二颗葡萄?
Why do Japanese people laugh after the midnight's bell? 翻译:日本人为什么要在午夜的钟声敲响之后大笑?
What do people do during the countdown in Times Square? 翻译:人们在时代广场倒计时期间都做些什么?
What New Year traditions are the same in these places? 翻译:这些地方的什么新年传统都是相同的?
Read the texts again. Which celebration do you think is the most exciting? Why? 翻译:再读一遍课文。你认为哪一种庆典是最令人兴奋的?为什么?
People all around the world celebrate the start of a new year. They do it in different ways and at different times because their calendars are not the same. 翻译:全世界的人们都会庆祝新年的开始。他们在不同的时间以不同的方式庆祝新年,因为他们的历法都不相同。
New Year (on January 1st) in Spain is more commonly known as “Nochevieja”. Celebrations usually begin with a family dinner on New Year's Eve. It is a tradition to eat twelve grapes—one for each stroke of the clock at midnight. It is thought that every grape brings good luck for every month of the coming year. 翻译:西班牙的新年(一月一日)更普遍的是被称为“Nochevieja”。庆典通常是以除夕夜的家庭聚餐开始的。吃十二颗葡萄是一种传统——一颗代表午夜的一声钟声。人们认为每一颗葡萄都会为来年的每个月带来好运。
The Japanese New Year is on the first day of January. People buy decorations and put them on their doors and windows for good luck. Families make rice cakes and give money to children. At midnight, Buddhist monks ring bells 108 times. Then people laugh — this brings them luck in the new year. 翻译:日本的新年是在一月一日。人们会买些装饰品,并把它们贴在门窗上以祈求好运。家家户户都做年糕,还给孩子们发钱。在午夜,佛教僧人会鸣钟108次。然后人们就会大笑——这样可以在新的一年里给他们带来好运。
In America, there is often a “ball drop” celebration during the countdown to the New Year. The most famous one is at Times Square in New York. From 11:59 pm on December 31st, the huge crystal ball at the top of the tower moves down slowly. Everyone counts down the final ten seconds. When the ball reaches the bottom at midnight, there are beautiful fireworks in the city centre. 翻译:在美国,新年倒计时期间常常会有一个“落球”仪式。最有名的一个就是在纽约时代广场上。从12月31日凌晨11点59分开始,塔顶端的巨大水晶球缓缓落下。大家都倒数着最后十秒。当球在午夜到达底部时,市中心就会绽放着美丽的烟火。
Unit 3 Study Help 翻译:第三单元 学习辅助
Idiomatic Expressions 翻译:习惯用语
A good dictionary can help you work out the meaning of idiomatic expressions. 翻译:一本好字典可以帮你弄懂习惯用语的意思。
First, identify the idiomatic expression, e.g., 翻译:首先,确定这一习惯用语,例如,
We will have a white Christmas this winter. 翻译:今年冬天我们将会有一个白色圣诞节。
Then look up the key word in your dictionary, e.g., white. 翻译:然后在字典里查找一下关键词,例如,white。
a white Christmas: a Christmas when there is snow 翻译:白色圣诞节:圣诞节的时候有雪
Finally, look for an equivalent idiom or expression in your own language, e.g., 翻译:最后,在你自己的语言中寻找一个对等的习语或表达,例如,
a white Christmas: 翻译:白色圣诞节
Match these idiomatic expressions with their meanings. Use a dictionary to help you. 翻译:将这些习惯用语与其意思进行匹配。使用字典可以帮助你。
Getting into that high school is a mixed blessing—it is a good school but there is a lot of homework. 翻译:进入那所中学有好处也有坏处——它是一所很好的学校,但是有许多的家庭作业。
Don't complain all the time! Please count your blessings. 翻译:不要一直抱怨个不停!请多往好处想吧。
Missing the bus this morning was a blessing in disguise. There was a serious car accident on the road. 翻译:今天早上错过那趟公交车真是因祸得福啊。路上发生了严重车祸。
something that looks bad at first but turns out to be good 翻译:刚开始看起来很糟糕的事情,但是结果却很不错
a situation that has both good and bad sides 翻译:一种有好有坏的情况
remember how lucky we are 翻译:记得我们有多幸运
Unit Diary 翻译:单元日志
How well can you do these? 翻译:你能把这些完成得多好?
Language and Skills 翻译:语言和技能
I can understand the texts about Chinese New Year and Thanksgiving. 翻译:我能理解有关中国新年和感恩节的课文。
I can relate past events to the present. 翻译:我能把过去的事件与现在的联系起来。
I can take and leave telephone messages. 翻译:我能记录并留下电话留言。
I can work out the meaning of difficult words. 翻译:我能弄懂疑难单词的意思。
I can write an email about celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. 翻译:我能写一封关于在中国庆祝中秋节的电子邮件。
Culture 翻译:文化
I know how people around the world celebrate the new year. 翻译:我知道全世界的人们是如何庆祝新年的。
Study Skills 翻译:学习技能
I can use a dictionary to work out the meaning of idiomatic expressions. 翻译:我能利用字典弄懂习惯用语的意思。
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