Unit 7 Journeys 翻译:第七单元 旅行
Talk about different kinds of journeys. 翻译:谈论不同种类的旅行。
Read about travel experiences. 翻译:阅读有关旅行经历的文章。
Listen to and appreciate a poem. 翻译:聆听并欣赏诗歌。
Write about one of your journeys. 翻译:记述你的一次旅行。
Learn about articles. 翻译:学习冠词。
Getting Ready 翻译:课前准备
Look at the Key Words. The people in the photos are on journeys. Where do you think they are? 翻译:看一看关键词。照片中的这些人正在旅行。你认为他们在哪里?
Key Words: Places 翻译:关键词:地点
Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Atlantic Ocean, Australia, Europe, forest, Indian Ocean, mountain, Pacific Ocean, sea 翻译:非洲,南极洲,亚洲,大西洋,澳大利亚,欧洲,森林,印度洋,山脉,太平洋,海洋
Example 翻译:例子
I think the people in Photo D are on a journey in Antarctica. 翻译:我认为照片D中的那些人正在南极洲旅行。
Have you ever been on a long journey? Where did you go? How was it? 翻译:你曾经进行过长途旅行吗?你去了哪里?过得怎么样?
Lesson 19 The Silk Road 翻译:第十九课 丝绸之路
Warm-up 翻译:课前热身活动
Do you know anything about the Silk Road? In groups, discuss the following questions: 翻译:你知道有关丝绸之路的一些事情吗?以小组为单位,讨论下列问题:
How long was the Silk Road? 翻译:丝绸之路有多长?
Which places did it go through? 翻译:它经过哪些地方?
What was it used for? 翻译:它是用来做什么的?
Reading 翻译:阅读
Skim the text and find the answers to the questions in Exercise 1. 翻译:浏览课文,找出练习1中那些问题的答案。
My dad is very interested in history and the Silk Road has always fascinated him. He has told me many things about it. Although it's called the Silk Road, people traded much more than silk. The Silk Road went through Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. It was 6500 km from Xi'an to Rome and it played an important role in the development of the world. My family got away for a holiday last summer and went to some famous places along the original road. 翻译:我爸爸对历史非常感兴趣,而丝绸之路总是令他着迷。他给我讲过许多有关丝绸之路的事情。虽然它被叫做丝绸之路,但人们并不仅仅是进行丝绸贸易。丝绸之路经过亚洲、中东、北非和欧洲。从西安到罗马全长6500公里,它对世界的发展发挥着重要作用。去年夏天,我们家外出度假,就沿着原路去了一些著名景点。
We started at Lanzhou and went on to Wuwei. Wuwei was a very important city on the Silk Road. It connected three main cities in the area. In ancient times, it was also a capital. Although it's now a modern city, you can get a sense of history when you visit it. We saw lots of very old stone monuments and people there were very proud of their city's long history. 翻译:我们在兰州出发,接着去了武威。武威是丝绸之路上的一座非常重要的城市。它连接着该地区的三座主要城市。在古代,它还是首都。虽然它现在是一座现代化城市,但你在参观的时候还是可以得到一种历史感。我们看见了许多非常古老的石碑,那里的人们也为他们城市的悠久历史感到非常自豪。
The next stop was Jiayuguan. It's on the edge of the desert, and was an important place on the Silk Road. It was a busy city with a lot of people coming and going. Even today, it's a city that many business people travel through. An important part of the Great Wall was also built here. 翻译:第二站是嘉峪关。它位于沙漠边缘,是丝绸之路上的一个重要地点。它是一座繁忙的城市,拥有许多来来往往的人群。即使在今天,它仍是一座许多商业人士经过的城市。长城的一个重要部分也是建在这儿。
After that, we went on to Yumenguan. I first found out about Yumenguan in the famous poem written by Wang Zhihuan. It was in the Gobi Desert and was the only connection between Central Asia and China. I wonder how people ever made it through the hot desert so long ago. 翻译:之后,我们接着去了玉门关。我第一次弄清楚了王之涣所写的著名诗歌中玉门关的情况。它位于戈壁滩,是中亚和中国之间的唯一联系。我真想知道很久以前人们曾经是如何成功穿过这片炎热沙漠的。
Finally, we arrived in Dunhuang, a city with long history and great artwork. It was influenced by many different cultures over time. Now, it's a major place of interest in north-west China. 翻译:最后,我们到达了敦煌,一座具有悠久历史和伟大艺术品的城市。随着时间的推移,它受到了许多不同文化的影响。现在,它是中国西北部的一个主要名胜古迹。
This trip wasn't just a scenic journey. It helped me understand the history of the area and see how people from different places influenced each other in many ways. 翻译:这次旅行不仅是一段风景优美的旅程。它还帮助我理解了该地区的历史,明白了来自不同地区的人们在许多方面是如何相互影响的。
Draw the following table in your notebook and complete it according to the text. 翻译:根据课文在你的笔记本上继续描绘表格。
Place 翻译:地点
In history 翻译:历史上
Present 翻译:现代
Wuwei 翻译:武威
an important city on the Silk Road 翻译:丝绸之路上的一座重要的城市
a modern city 翻译:现代化城市
Unit 7 Journeys 翻译:第七单元 旅行
Read the text and complete the sentences using the names of places. 翻译:读课文,使用地名完成这些句子。
You can find the Great Wall in Jiayuguan. 翻译:你在嘉峪关可以发现长城。
Wuwei used to be a capital city. 翻译:武威过去曾是一座都城。
You can see the influence of different cultures in Dunhuang. 翻译:你在敦煌可以见证不同文化的影响。
Yumenguan appeared in Wang Zhihuan's poem. 翻译:玉门关在王之涣的诗中出现过。
Your Opinion Do you enjoy history? Do you like to take a trip like this? 翻译:你的观点 你喜欢历史吗?你喜欢像这样地去旅行吗?
Vocabulary 翻译:词汇
Complete the following sentences with the phrasal verbs. 翻译:用短语动词完成下列句子。
play an important role, go through, get away, find out 翻译:发挥重要作用,经过,离开,弄清楚
His personality plays an important role in his business success. 翻译:他的个性对他商业上的成功发挥着重要作用。
Can you find out what time the meeting starts? 翻译:你能弄清楚会议几点开始吗?
The car broke when it went through the forest. 翻译:这辆车在穿过森林的时候坏了。
We're hoping to get away for a few days. 翻译:我们正希望离开几天。
Grammar 翻译:语法 冠词
Complete the following sentences with a, an, the or X. 翻译:用a、an、the或X完成下列句子。
a, an, the, X 翻译:不定冠词,定冠词,零冠词
It was an important city on the Silk Road. 翻译:它是丝绸之路上的一座重要城市。
An important part of the Great Wall was also built here. 翻译:长城的一个重要部分也建在这儿。
My dad is very interested in history. 翻译:我爸爸对历史非常感兴趣。
It was the only connection between Central Asia and China. 翻译:它是中亚和中国之间的唯一联系。
Grammar Summary 6, page 174. 翻译:详见第174页语法总结6。
Complete the text with the correct articles. If no articles are needed, put an X. 翻译:用正确的冠词完成这篇课文。如果不需要冠词的话,就填X。
My family is going to X Macau for a holiday next week. We will stay at a new hotel called the Grand Lisboa Hotel. On the first day we will go to a famous museum called the Grand Prix Museum. I look forward to visiting the museum because I love racing cars. My sister Mary doesn't like racing cars. She wants to visit the Macau Science Centre so we will go there on the second day. I think it will be an interesting place to visit. 翻译:下周,我们家打算去澳门度假。我们将会住在一家名叫新葡京的新酒店里。在第一天,我们将会去一个名叫大赛车的著名博物馆。我期盼去参观这所博物馆,因为我喜欢赛车。我妹妹玛丽不喜欢赛车。她想去参观澳门科学中心,因此在第二天我们就会去那儿。我想它会是个值得参观的有趣之地。
Speaking 翻译:口语
Your Turn Think about a memorable trip that you went on. Write a few sentences about: 翻译:轮到你了 回想你进行过的一次令人难忘的旅行。就下面的话题写几个句子:
Where did you go? 翻译:你去了哪里?
Did you visit any special places? 翻译:你参观过什么特别的地方吗?
Did you meet anyone special? 翻译:你遇见过什么特别的人吗?
Did you taste any special dishes? 翻译:你品尝过什么特殊菜肴吗?
Example 翻译:例子
I went to Xi'an last year. I visited lots of historical buildings during the trip. I also tried some very tasty noodles. 翻译:去年我去了西安。在那次旅行中我参观了许多历史建筑。我还品尝了一些非常美味的面条。
Lesson 20 Life Is a Journey 翻译:第二十课 人生如旅
Warm-up 翻译:课前热身活动
Life is often compared to a journey. In which ways is life like a journey? Discuss with your partner. Use the key words to help you. 翻译:人生常常被比作一段旅程。人生的哪些方面就像一段旅程呢?和你的搭档讨论一下。使用这些关键词可以帮助你。
Key Words: Life 翻译:关键词:人生
choice, despair, difficulties, enjoy, failure, future, happiness, hope, success, ups and downs, work hard 翻译:选择,绝望,困难,享受,失败,未来,幸福,希望,成功,沉浮,努力学习
Example 翻译:例子
I've never thought about it. But I think life is a journey. There are a lot of ups and downs in both. 翻译:我从未想过此事。但我认为人生就如一段旅程,存在着许多起起伏伏。
Life Is a Journey 翻译:人生如旅
Anonymous 翻译:匿名
Life is a journey. The path goes left and right. There is hope and happiness, Despair and difficulties. There are so many choices along the way. Which one is the best for me? Each creates a different future. If I compare myself to others, it really doesn't help. Their life isn't mine. And I have to make up my own mind. Success or failure may come. But worrying isn't the answer. I just need to enjoy the journey, And never give up. 翻译:人生如旅。 道路往左往右。 有希望和幸福, 有绝望和困难。 沿途有如此多的选择。 哪一个最适合我呢? 每一个都会创造不同的未来。 要是拿自己和别人比较, 这是没有用的。 他们的人生并不是我的。 我得自己做决定。 可能会成功,可能会失败。 但担忧并不是答案。 我只需要享受旅程, 并且决不放弃。
Reading 翻译:阅读
Read the poem. What could another title for the poem be? 翻译:读这首诗。这首诗的另一个标题可能是什么?
Enjoying the Journey of Life 翻译:享受人生之旅
Going on a Trip 翻译:去旅行
The Past and the Future 翻译:过去与未来
My Choices 翻译:我的选择
Read the Reading Help. Then complete the table about the poem on page 81. 翻译:读阅读辅导。然后完成这份有关第81页上面那首诗的表格。
Reading Help: Poem appreciation 翻译:阅读辅导:诗歌欣赏
The poet's name can be written at the top or bottom. If the poet's name is unknown,we write 'Anonymous'. 翻译:诗人的姓名可以写在顶部或底部。如果诗人的姓名不详,我们就可以写“匿名”。
Poems are sometimes divided up into verses / stanzas, which are a group of lines. 翻译:诗歌有时会被分割成诗节,诗节是一组诗行。
Poets sometimes use metaphors (comparing two things without using like and as) to describe things. 翻译:诗人有时会使用暗喻(不用like和as来对比两件事物)来描述事物。
Unit 7 Journeys 翻译:第七单元 旅行
Title 翻译:标题
Writer 翻译:作者
Number of verses 翻译:节数
Number of lines in each verse 翻译:每节的行数
Metaphor 翻译:暗喻
Choose the summary for each verse. Write 1—4. 翻译:选出每一节的总结。并写上1-4这几个数字。
I need to make my own decisions. 翻译:我需要自己做决定。
Our choices lead to different futures. 翻译:我们的选择会通向不同的未来。
It's best not to worry and keep working hard. 翻译:最好不要忧虑并且不断努力。
Life can be compared to a journey. 翻译:人生可以被比作一段旅程。
Answer the questions about the poem. 翻译:就这首诗回答问题。
Read Verse 1. What examples does the writer give to compare life to journey? 翻译:读第一节。作者给出了什么例子来把人生比作旅程?
Read Verse 2. Which of the following describes how the writer feels? 翻译:读第二节。下面哪一项描写了作者的感受?
happy, excited 翻译:高兴的,兴奋的
confused, unsure 翻译:迷惑的,不确定的
sad, hopeless 翻译:难过的,绝望的
Read Verse 3. What does the writer talk about? 翻译:读第三节。作者谈论了些什么?
relationships with others 翻译:与他人的关系
relationship with oneself 翻译:与自己的关系
both 翻译:两者都有
Read Verse 4. What decision does the writer make? 翻译:读第四节。作者做了什么决定?
Read the poem aloud after listening to the recording. 翻译:听完录音之后,大声地朗读一下这首诗。
Your Opinion Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not? 翻译:你的观点 你同意作者的观点吗?为什么同意或为什么不同意?
Speaking 翻译:口语
Pair Work Use some metaphors to descibe life. Why do you think life is like ...? You can use the following ideas or think of your own ideas. 翻译:结对活动 使用一些暗喻来描述一下人生。你为什么认为人生就像……?你可以使用下面的观点或想出自己的观点。
riding a bicycle 翻译:骑自行车
a game 翻译:一场游戏
a movie 翻译:一部电影
climbing a mountain 翻译:爬山
a race 翻译:一场赛跑
a book 翻译:一本书
a box of chocolates 翻译:一盒巧克力
a painting 翻译:一幅画
Example 翻译:例子
I think life is like riding a bicycle because it's hard to learn but once you learn, you never forget. Then you can go anywhere. 翻译:我认为人生就像骑自行车,因为它很难学,但是一旦你学会了,你就永远不会忘记。然后你可以去任何地方。
I think life is a race. We have to keep running until we get to the finishing line. 翻译:我认为人生就是一场赛跑。我们必须一直跑,直到我们到达终点线为止。
Your Turn Work in groups or in pairs. Use your ideas in Exercise 8 to write a short poem about life. 翻译:轮到你了 小组活动或结对活动。使用你在练习8中的观点,写一首有关人生的短诗。
Lesson 21 To the South Pole 翻译:第二十一课 前往南极
Warm-up 翻译:课前热身活动
Are these words related to the North Pole or South Pole? Write NP or SP. 翻译:这些单词是与北极还是与南极有关?写上NP或SP。
Antarctica 翻译:南极洲
Arctic 翻译:北极
polar bears 翻译:北极熊
penguins 翻译:企鹅
What do you know about the South Pole? What is the weather like? Why are the journeys to the South Pole difficult? What supplies are needed for a journey like this? 翻译:关于南极,你知道些什么?那里的天气怎么样?为什么南极之旅会很艰难?像这样的旅行需要些什么供应品?
Reading 翻译:阅读
Scan the text. Where is the writer? How many days has he spent there? Who is with him? 翻译:浏览课文。作者是在哪里?他在那儿待了多少天?和他一起的是谁?
'It's Day 45 of our expedition to the South Pole. This must be one of the most difficult days I've ever had,' I thought with a heavy breath as I walked against the wind and snow in sub-zero temperatures. We're finally just a few miles away from our destination. 翻译:“这是我们南极探险的第45天。这一定是我所曾经历过的最艰难的日子之一。”当我在零度以下的气温中迎着风雪前行的时候,我带着沉重的呼吸想着。我们离目的地终于只有几英里远了。
This whole trip has been very difficult. We've been walking around 12 hours a day and I'm very tired. However, I can't complain because it's nothing compared to the journey of Roald Amundsen. Whenever I almost gave up, I tried to think of how he overcame his difficulties more than 100 years ago. 翻译:这整个旅行一直非常艰难。我们一天十二小时一直在到处行走,我非常累。但是,我不能抱怨,因为和罗阿尔德·阿蒙德森的旅程相比,这不算什么。每当我差点儿放弃的时候,我就会努力想着100多年前他是如何克服困难的。
This journey has been special even though at times it felt like it was never going to end. First, it's not easy to move over the white snow and ice that feels like an ocean. Sometimes it's white everywhere and it's hard to see more than a few metres ahead because of storms. Luckily, we have planned the route well. 翻译:这次旅行一直很特别,尽管有时感觉像是永远不会结束一样。起初,要挪开洁白的冰雪并不容易,它感觉就像一片海洋。有时候,由于暴风雨的关系,到处都是白色的,很难看见前方几米以上的路。幸运的是,我们已经计划好了路线。
Another challenge of the journey is preparing food. For example, we have to eat any hot food fast as it gets cold quickly. Sometimes, we just have some nuts and sweets since there's no time to stop for a proper meal. Even so, we've always made sure that we eat the right food so that we can continue our journey with enough energy. 翻译:这次旅行的另一个挑战就是准备食物。例如,我们不得不快速吃完任何滚烫的食物,因为它会迅速变冷。有时候,我们只吃一些坚果和甜食,因为没有时间停下来准备一顿像样的饭。即使这样,我们总是要确保我们吃的是合适的食物,这样我们才可以拥有足够的精力继续我们的旅程。
I think the hardest part is to protect our feet. It would be awful if we couldn't get to the pole because of injuries. Our team doctor has always treated our injuries well and has kept us in good shape. 翻译:我认为最艰难的部分就是保护我们的脚。如果我们由于受伤而无法到达极地的话,那就糟了。我们的随队医生总是把我们的伤口处理得很好,而且还让我们保持着良好的状态。
It will feel wonderful to be finally standing at the South Pole. This expedition has taught me that we need to overcome all kinds of difficulties bebore we can succeed and that we should never give up. 翻译:最后可以站在南极上,那感觉将会棒极了。这次探险教会了我,在成功之前我们需要克服各种各样的困难,还有我们应该做到决不放弃。
Unit 7 Journeys 翻译:第七单元 旅行
Read the Reading Help. Write the topic sentences of paragraphs 2-5. Then decide which sentence supports the topic sentence. 翻译:读阅读辅导。写出第2到第5段的主题句。然后决定哪个句子可以支持主题句。
Reading Help: Identifying the topic sentences 翻译:阅读辅导:确定主题句
The topic sentence is usually, but not always, found at the beginning of a paragraph. 翻译:主题句通常,但并不总是,在段落开头被找到。
The topic sentence is usually supported with specific information and examples. 翻译:主题句通常会用具体的信息和例子来支持。
This trip is a wonderful experience for me. 翻译:这次旅行对我来说是一次很棒的经历。
Sometimes I can't get enough sleep. 翻译:有时候,我无法获得充足的睡眠。
Roald Amundsen was a great explorer. 翻译:罗阿尔德·阿蒙德森是一位伟大的探险家。
It is easy to get lost. 翻译:很容易迷路。
The ice looks so nice under the sun. 翻译:那些冰在太阳底下看起来是那么好看。
I planned this trip for three years. 翻译:这次旅行我计划了三年。
We stopped at different places during the expedition. 翻译:我们在探险期间停在了不同的地方。
We brought a lot of warm clothes. 翻译:我们带来了许多暖和的衣服。
Usually we cook simple hot meals. 翻译:通常我们都煮一些简单的热饭。
The sharp ice can hurt our feet easily. 翻译:那些尖锐的冰会很容易弄伤我们的脚。
We wear hats to protect our heads. 翻译:我们戴帽子来保护我们的头。
It is our doctor's first trip with us. 翻译:这是我们的医生第一次和我们一起旅行。
Read the text again and complete the report. 翻译:再读一遍课文,完成这份报告。
Destination: the South Pole 翻译:目的地:南极
Difficulties: 翻译:困难:
felt very tired because they walked 12 hours a day in sub-zero temperatures 翻译:感觉非常累,因为他们一天在零度以下的气温中行走了十二小时。
hard to move over snow and hard to see more than a few metres ahead because of storms 翻译:很难挪开雪,由于暴风雨的关系,也很难看见前方几米以上的路
food got cold because it was so cold, sometimes there was not enough time to eat properly 翻译:食物会变冷,因为那里非常寒冷,有时候没有足够的时间吃顿像样的
need to protect your feet 翻译:需要保护你的脚
What I've learned: 翻译:我所学到的东西:
have to overcome all kinds of diffculties to succeed, never give up 翻译:要成功就必须克服各种各样的困难,决不放弃
Your Opinion Would you like to take a journey like this one day? Why or why not? 翻译:你的观点 有朝一日你想经历一次像这样的旅行吗?为什么想或为什么不想?
Speaking 翻译:口语
Group Work Give a presentation about the journey to your class. 翻译:小组活动 针对这次旅行,给你们班做一个介绍。
Example 翻译:例子
Expedition to the South Pole is difficult. You have to walk for 12 hours a day ... 翻译:南极探险是很难的。你必须一天十二小时地行走……
It's very cold and there is snow everywhere ... 翻译:那里非常寒冷,到处都是雪……
To finish, we have learned that ... 翻译:最后,我们学到了……
Communication Workshop 翻译:交流研习班
Reading 翻译:阅读
Read about Jenny's journey. Then match the correct paragraphs and the pictures below. 翻译:阅读有关詹妮旅行的文章。然后将正确的段落与下面的图片进行匹配。
My Shanghai Journey 翻译:我的上海之旅
Last summer, I went to Shanghai with my parents. It was our first time. Shanghai is a large and modern city but it also has lots of historical places. I was really excited to have the chance to see them. 翻译:去年夏天,我和父母一起去了上海。那是我们第一次去上海。上海是一座现代化大城市,但它却还拥有许多历史古迹。我真的很兴奋可以有机会见到那些历史古迹。
We stayed there for two days. On the first day, we went to the memorial of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China. There were many sections and we learned the founding of the Communist Party of China. We also visited some places in the city centre. In the evening, we went to the Bund - a well-known waterfront area on the Huangpu River. We also went to the Oriental Pearl Tower, which is a landmark in Pudong and one of the world's tallest TV towers. 翻译:我们在那里呆了两天。第一天,我们参观了中国共产党第一次全国代表大会纪念馆。纪念馆由很多部分组成,我们了解了中国共产党的成立。我们还参观了市中心的一些地方。晚上,我们去了外滩--黄浦江边著名的滨水区。我们还去了东方明珠塔,它是浦东的地标,也是世界上最高的电视塔之一。
On the second day, we visited Xintiandi, where we saw lots of modern shops and restaurants in traditional shikumen-style houses. The old buildings there look very interesting. The scenery was really amazing! 翻译:在第二天,我们参观了新天地,在那儿我们看见了许多含有传统石库门建筑风格的现代化商店和餐馆。那里的旧建筑看上去非常有意思。那风景真是令人惊叹!
Our stay in Shanghai was an unforgettable experience. I like both the new and the old Shanghai. Two days was a bit short. I hope I can go to Shanghai again some time in the future. 翻译:我们在上海逗留的日子是一段令人难忘的经历。我既喜欢新上海,又喜欢旧上海。两天有点短。我希望未来的某段时间我可以再去上海。
Look for the adjectives in Jenny's writing that have the following meanings. 翻译:在詹妮的文章中,寻找含有如下意思的形容词。
connected with the past (para. 1) 翻译:与过去相连(第一段)
famous, known about by a lot of people (para. 2) 翻译:著名的,被许多人所知道的(第二段)
following ideas and methods that have existed for a long time (para. 3) 翻译:遵循已经存在了很长时间的观念和方法(第三段)
surprisingly good, great (para. 3) 翻译:出人意料的好,极好的(第三段)
Unit 7 Journeys 翻译:第七单元 旅行
Text Builder 翻译:课文扩展
Read Jenny's writing again. What places and things does she talk about and how does she describe them? Complete the table below. 翻译:再读一遍詹妮的文章。她谈到了什么地点和事物?她又是怎样描述它们的?完成下列表格。
Places 翻译:地点
the memorial of the first National congress of the Communist Party of China 翻译:中国共产党第一次全国代表大会纪念馆
the Bund 翻译:上海外滩
Oriental Pearl Tower 翻译:东方明珠塔
Xintiandi 翻译:新天地
Description 翻译:描述
learn the ______ of the Communist Party of China 翻译:了解中国共产党的______
a well-known waterfront area 翻译:一片著名的海港区
a landmark, one of the world's tallest TV towers 翻译:一个地标,世界上最高的电视塔之一
lots of modern shops and restaurants in traditional shikumen-style houses, amazing scenery 翻译:许多含有传统石库门建筑风格的现代化商店和餐馆,令人惊叹的风景
Writing 翻译:写作
Think about a journey you have been on and write a list of adjectives to describe what you saw during your journey. Make some notes about your journey using the following table. 翻译:回想你所进行过的一次旅行,然后写一张形容词清单,描述一下你在旅行期间所看到的一切。使用下列表格,做一些有关你的旅行的笔记。
Example 翻译:例子
historical, new, modern, old, famous, special, amazing, ancient, traditional, unforgettable, well-known 翻译:历史的,新的,现代化的,旧的,著名的,特别的,令人惊叹的,古老的,传统的,令人难忘的,众所周知的
Places 翻译:地点
Scenery 翻译:风景
Buildings 翻译:建筑
People 翻译:人
Food 翻译:食物
Write about your Journey using your notes. 翻译:使用你的笔记,记述一下你的旅行。
My Journey 翻译:我的旅行
Unit 7 Check Your Progress 翻译:第七单元 检查进度
Draw lines to match the words on the left with the appropriate words on the right. 翻译:画线,将左边的单词与右边恰当的单词连起来。
the capital city 翻译:都城
a province 翻译:一个省份
a desert 翻译:一片沙漠
a dessert 翻译:一道甜点
a tourist attraction 翻译:一处旅游胜地
ice cream 翻译:冰淇淋
the Great Wall 翻译:长城
the Gobi Desert 翻译:戈壁滩
Beijing 翻译:北京
Gansu 翻译:甘肃
Vocabulary ______ / 5 翻译:词汇 ______ / 5
Read the following passage and write a, an or the in the blanks. Then answer the following questions. 翻译:阅读下列文章,在空白处写上a、an或the。然后回答下面的问题。
Inner Journey 翻译:内心旅程
A wise man told me the most important journey I would ever make in life was a journey into myself. More important than where I would go was what I would learn about my true self. The best question, he told me, to ask myself throughout my life was 'Who am I?' As I journeyed through life, the answer has changed. I was, at first, a child, a son, then a student, a class president, an employee and now, a boss! Finally, I am discovering that these are all just 'on the surface', and who I really am is much deeper and more meaningful! 翻译:一位智者告诉过我,我一生中将会经历的最重要的旅行就是探索自我的一次旅行。比起我要去往何处更重要的是我要了解自我的什么方面。他告诉我,最好的问题就是我终生都要问自己“我是谁?”当我走过人生旅程的时候,答案就已经改变了。最初我是小孩、儿子,然后是学生、班长、雇员,现在是老板啦!最后,我发现这些都只是“在表面上”,真正的我要深奥得多,也更有意义得多!
What question did the wise man say was the best? 翻译:这位智者说最好的问题是什么?
What is your answer to this question for yourself? 翻译:你自己对这个问题的答案是什么?
Complete the following sentences using a, an or the. 翻译:使用a、an或the完成下列句子。
I just booked a flight. The plane leaves tomorrow night. 翻译:我刚刚预订了一趟班机。这趟班机明晚离开。
Where is the Gobi Desert? 翻译:戈壁滩在哪儿?
A new teacher will join our school. 翻译:有位新老师要加入我们学校。
An elephant is running in the street! 翻译:有头大象正在街上奔跑!
What's the biggest country in the world? 翻译:世界上最大的国家是什么?
I baked a cake for your birthday. The cake looks good! 翻译:我为你烤了个生日蛋糕。这个蛋糕看起来很不错!
I read a interesting story last night. 翻译:我昨晚读了一个有趣的故事。
Underline and correct the errors in the following sentences. Then write the correct sentences. 翻译:在下列句子中错误的单词下面划线并进行纠正。然后写出正确的句子。
Dalian is a beautiful city. 翻译:大连是一座美丽的城市。
I'd like to buy the biggest one. 翻译:我想买最大的那个。
He goes there every day after lunch. 翻译:他每天午饭后都会去那儿。
She will study at the University of Hong Kong. 翻译:她将在香港大学学习。
He dropped an egg. 翻译:他掉了个鸡蛋。
What is the meaning of life? 翻译:人生的意义是什么?
This is the end of the unit. 翻译:这是单元末。
Grammar ______ / 23 翻译:语法 ______ / 23
Across Cultures 4 Journey to the West 翻译:跨文化四 《西游记》
What do you know about the story 'Journey to the West'? 翻译:关于《西游记》的故事,你知道些什么?
Read the text and answer the questions. 翻译:读课文,回答问题。
What did Monkey King do in heaven? 翻译:美猴王在天上都做了些什么?
What did Monkey King do for Xuanzang? 翻译:美猴王为玄奘做什么了?
What are some similarities between Monkey King and Pigsy? 翻译:美猴王和猪八戒之间的一些相似之处是什么?
Why did Xuanzang go with the demons? 翻译:为什么玄奘要跟着妖怪走呢?
Read the text again. Is the journey easy or difficult? Why? 翻译:再读一遍课文。这次旅途是容易还是艰难?为什么?
Sun Wukong, or Monkey King, was a monkey who learned to be very good at magic and fighting. He was given a job in heaven guarding a peach garden, but he was very naughty, so Buddha imprisoned him under a mountain. 翻译:孙悟空,或美猴王,是一只学会了高超法术并且非常擅长打斗的猴子。天庭给他安排了一份看守蟠桃园的工作,但是他非常淘气,因此佛祖把他关押在了一座大山下面。
Buddha sent a monk, Xuanzang, to India to get some books to teach people how to live better lives. Guanyin found Monkey and freed him so that he could go along on the journey to India and protect Xuanzang. Monkey King tried to be good, but broke his promise. 翻译:佛祖派了一位和尚——玄奘——去印度取一些书籍来教导人们如何过上更好的生活。观音找到美猴王,把他给释放了,为的是他能够一同踏上印度之旅,并且可以保护玄奘。美猴王尽量听话,但还是违背了诺言。
Then, Xuanzang and Monkey King met Zhu Bajie, or Pigsy, who also used to have a good job in heaven, but behaved badly and was changed into a pig-man. Pigsy agreed to come along with them. Pigsy was very greedy and lazy. 翻译:然后,玄奘和美猴王遇到了猪八戒,八戒过去在天上也有一份很好的工作,但是行为恶劣,于是被变成了一头猪。猪八戒同意和他们一同前往。猪八戒非常贪吃,也很懒惰。
Next, they met a water monster called Sha Wujing, or Sandy. Monkey King and Pigsy fought Sandy. After a long fight they discovered Sandy was from heaven, too. Sandy joined them. Unlike Monkey King and Pigsy, Sandy was quiet and reliable. 翻译:接着,他们遇到了一只名叫沙悟净或沙僧的水怪。美猴王和猪八戒与沙僧打了起来。经过一番长时间的打斗之后,他们发现沙僧也是从天上来的。沙僧加入了他们的队伍。与美猴王和猪八戒不同,沙僧既文静又可靠。
Along the way, the travellers met powerful and dangerous demons, who wanted to eat Xuanzang because they thought it would make them live forever. Many of the demons could change themselves to look nice and friendly, so they often tricked Xuanzang into going with them. However, Monkey, Sandy and Pigsy always rescued Xuanzang. 翻译:这些旅行者沿途都遇到了强大而又危险的妖怪,那些妖怪都想吃了玄奘,因为他们认为这会让他们长生不老。许多妖怪都能把自己变得看上去既亲切又友好,因此他们经常骗玄奘跟他们一起走。然而,美猴王、沙僧和猪八戒总是会把玄奘给救出来。
Many years later, the four reached India and got the special books, which they took back to China. 翻译:多年后,这四个人到达了印度,取得了特殊书籍,他们把那些书籍带回了中国。
Unit 7 Study Help 翻译:第七单元 学习辅导
Brainstorming and Editing 翻译:头脑风暴与编辑
Brainstorming ideas 翻译:头脑风暴法
You can use 5W1H questions to brainstorm ideas for writing. For example: 翻译:你可以使用5W1H问句来集体讨论写作思路。例如:
Topic: My journey to London 翻译:标题:我的伦敦之旅
5W1H 翻译:5W1H
When 翻译:什么时候
Who 翻译:谁
Where 翻译:在哪里
What 翻译:什么
How 翻译:怎样
Why 翻译:为什么
Examples 翻译:例子
When did I go to London? 翻译:我是什么时候去伦敦的?
Who went with me? 翻译:是谁和我一起去的?
Where did I go? 翻译:我去了哪里?
What were the special things I saw druing my journey? 翻译:我在旅途中看到了什么特殊事物?
How did I feel during the journey? 翻译:我在旅途中感觉怎么样?
Why did I feel this way? 翻译:我为什么会有这样的感觉?
Tell your partner what other ways of brainstorming ideas you have tried before. 翻译:告诉你的搭档你以前在哪些其他方面尝试过头脑风暴法。
Editing 翻译:编辑
You can use this checklist to check your writing. 翻译:你可以使用这份检查单来检查你的写作。
Checklist 翻译:检查单
Are my ideas / paragraphs well connected? 翻译:我的思路 / 段落衔接得好吗?
Is there one main idea in each paragraph? 翻译:在每个段落中都有一个中心思想吗?
Did I spell the words correctly? 翻译:我的单词拼写对了吗?
Did I use the correct tenses? 翻译:我的时态用对了吗?
Did I use the appropriate verbs / adjectives / adverbs? 翻译:我用的是恰当的动词 / 形容词 / 副词吗?
Did I use the correct punctuation? 翻译:我的标点符号用对了吗?
Unit Diary 翻译:单元日志
How well can you do these? 翻译:你能把这些完成得多好?
Language and Skills 翻译:语言和技能
Culture 翻译:文化
Study Skills 翻译:学习技能
I can understand the texts about the Silk Road and an expedition to the South Pole. 翻译:我能理解有关丝绸之路和南极探险的课文。
I know how to use the articles a, an and the. 翻译:我知道如何使用a、an和the这些冠词。
I know the special features of poems. 翻译:我知道诗歌的特征。
I can identify the topic sentences of a text. 翻译:我能确定课文的主题句。
I can write about a journey I have been on. 翻译:我能记述我进行过的一次旅行。
I can understand the text about 'Journey to the West'. 翻译:我能理解有关《西游记》的课文。
I know how to brainstorm ideas for writing and use a checklist to check my writing. 翻译:我知道如何集体讨论写作思路以及如何使用检查单来检查我的写作。
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