Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine. — Hippocrates 翻译:聪明的人应该把健康看作是人类最大的幸事。让食物成为你的药物。 ——希波克拉底
By the end of this unit, you will be able to: 翻译:在本单元结束时,你将能:
share your eating habits and favourite dish; 翻译:分享你的饮食习惯和最喜欢的菜;
summarise the values of different food for health and judge if you eat healthily; 翻译:总结不同食物的健康价值,并判断自己的饮食是否健康;
give advice on what to eat to keep healthy; 翻译:就吃什么保持健康提出建议;
discuss how you can have a balanced and healthy diet. 翻译:讨论如何保持均衡健康的饮食。
Topic Talk 翻译:话题讨论
Think and Say What do you eat for breakfast? Talk with a partner. Use the ideas in the table to help you. 翻译:思考与表达 你早餐吃什么?与你的同伴聊一聊。使用表格中的内容帮助你。
Fruit 翻译:水果
apples, pears, grapes, bananas, watermelons, lemons, strawberries 翻译:苹果、梨、葡萄、香蕉、西瓜、柠檬、草莓
Vegetables 翻译:蔬菜
carrots, cabbages, potatoes, tomatoes, pepper, cucumbers, onions 翻译:胡萝卜、卷心菜、土豆、西红柿、甜椒、黄瓜、洋葱
Meat 翻译:肉
chicken, beef, pork, fish, mutton 翻译:鸡肉、牛肉、猪肉、鱼肉、羊肉
Drinks 翻译:饮料
water, milk, orange/apple juice, tea 翻译:水、牛奶、橙子/苹果汁、茶
Others 翻译:其他
noodles, bread, butter, rice, porridge, pie, cake, eggs, chips, biscuits, corn, tofu, dumplings, cookies 翻译:面条、面包、黄油、米饭、粥、派、蛋糕、鸡蛋、炸薯条、饼干、玉米、豆腐、饺子、曲奇饼
What do you usually have for breakfast? 翻译:你早餐通常吃什么?
I usually have porridge, an egg and vegetables. 翻译:我通常喝粥、吃一个鸡蛋和蔬菜。
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Listen and Practise What do Kate and Lily usually eat for breakfast? Listen and complete the dialogue. Then, role-play it. 翻译:听力与练习 凯特和莉莉早餐通常吃什么?听录音并补全对话。然后,进行角色扮演。
What kind of food do you like to eat? 翻译:你喜欢吃哪类食物?
I like fruit and vegetables. 翻译:我喜欢水果和蔬菜。
What do you usually have for breakfast? 翻译:你早餐通常吃什么?
I usually have porridge. I sometimes have noodles with vegetables and eggs. What about you? 翻译:我通常喝粥,有时候会吃蔬菜鸡蛋面。你呢?
I usually eat bread with butter, and I also drink some milk. I sometimes eat some fruit too. 翻译:我通常吃黄油面包,也喝些牛奶,有时还吃点水果。
Relate and Share What is your favourite food? What do you usually have for lunch or dinner? Tell a partner. 翻译:描述与分享 你最喜欢吃什么食物?你午餐或晚餐通常吃什么?告诉你的同伴。
Sing and Enjoy Listen to the song and sing along. What is the song about? 翻译:歌曲与欣赏 听歌曲并跟唱。这首歌是关于什么的?
I Love Food 翻译:我爱美食
In the kitchen, that's the spot That's where things get really hot I love cooking, I love food It always puts me in the mood Slice it, beat it, chop it Peel it, grate it, mix it Boil it, fry it, steam it You can take your pick In the kitchen, that's the space Ingredients all around the place Eggs, potatoes, cheese and meat All the things I love to eat In the kitchen, that's my style Cause cooking always makes me smile Preparing salads, baking pies I love food, and that's no lie 翻译:厨房里,那是我的领地 那里一切都热气腾腾 我爱烹饪,我爱美食 它总能让我心情愉悦 切一切,磨一磨,剁一剁 削一削,擦一擦,拌一拌 煮一煮,炸一炸,蒸一蒸 任君挑选 厨房里,那是我的天地 食材随处可见 鸡蛋、土豆、奶酪和肉 全是我爱吃的东西 厨房里,那是我的风格 因为烹饪总让我笑容绽放 准备沙拉,烘烤馅饼 我爱美食,绝非虚言
Lesson 1 Lunchtime 翻译:第一课 午餐时间
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Look at pictures A and B. Which lunch is a packed lunch? Which is a school dinner? What are in them? 翻译:看图片A和B,哪一份是自备午餐?哪一份是学校午餐?它们里面分别有什么?
Which lunch do you prefer to have? Why? Discuss with a partner. Use the ideas in the box to help you. 翻译:你更喜欢吃哪一份午餐?为什么?与同伴讨论一下。请你借助方框中的想法来帮助你。
I prefer to have... because... 翻译:我更喜欢吃……因为……
bread and cheese 翻译:面包和奶酪
rice or noodles 翻译:米饭或面条
sweets 翻译:糖果
fruit 翻译:水果
pie 翻译:派,馅饼
salad 翻译:蔬菜沙拉
chocolate 翻译:巧克力
potatoes 翻译:土豆
pancakes 翻译:三明治
tomatoes 翻译:西红柿
milk 翻译:牛奶
corn 翻译:谷物,谷粒;玉米
chicken or fish 翻译:鸡肉或鱼肉
pancakes 翻译:烙饼,薄饼
vegetables 翻译:蔬菜
Read and Understand 翻译:阅读与理解
What lunch choices do students have at British schools? Read and find out. 翻译:英国学校的学生有哪些午餐选择?阅读短文,并找出答案。
My name's Sam and I'm 13 years old. I live in London. At British schools, there are two lunch choices: a packed lunch and a school dinner. 翻译:我叫萨姆,今年13岁。我住在伦敦。在英国的学校,午餐有两种选择:自备的午餐和学校午餐。
I take a packed lunch to school. A lot of parents make their children packed lunches, but I make my own. I usually have sandwiches and some fruit. Are packed lunches healthy? Well, my lunch is very healthy, but some of my friends bring sweets and chips in theirs. 翻译:我自己自备午餐去学校。许多父母给他们的孩子做午餐,但我自己做。我通常吃三明治和一些水果。自备午餐健康吗?当然,我的午餐非常健康,但我的一些朋友会在他们的午餐里放糖果和炸薯条。
Students can also buy a hot meal from school. We call this a 'school dinner' and it costs about £2 a day. They usually serve chicken or fish with rice or potatoes. There are vegetables and fruit in every meal. School dinners are very healthy! 翻译:学生们还可以从学校购买熟食。我们称之为“学校午餐”,每天大约花费2英镑。他们通常提供鸡肉或鱼肉配米饭或土豆。每餐都有蔬菜和水果。学校午餐非常健康!
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
What kinds of food can you find in a packed lunch and a school dinner at British schools? Read the text again and complete the table. 翻译:在英国学校的自备午餐和学校午餐中,你能找到哪些种类的食物?再读一遍短文,完成表格。
Lunch choices 翻译:午餐选择
Kinds of food 翻译:食物种类
A packed lunch 翻译:自备午餐
A school dinner 翻译:学校午餐
Imagine you are a student at a British school. Tell a partner what is in your lunch. Your partner guesses whether it is a packed lunch or a school dinner. 翻译:假设你是英国学校的学生。告诉同伴你的午餐是什么。让同伴猜猜是自备午餐还是学校午餐。
For lunch, I have got... 翻译:午餐,我吃了……
It's a... 翻译:是……
Read and Explore 翻译:阅读与探索
Analyse and Appreciate What does each paragraph talk about? Read the text again and find out. 翻译:分析与欣赏 每段讲了什么?再读一遍短文,找出答案。
Skill Builder 翻译:技巧积累
Identifying the main idea for each paragraph 翻译:确认每段的主旨
Read the first or the last sentence carefully. Often, the first or the last sentence of a paragraph introduces the main idea. Also, look for any repeated words or phrases. They often signal the main idea of the paragraph. 翻译:阅读第一句或最后一句。通常,段落的第一句或最后一句会介绍主旨。同时,寻找任何重复的单词或短语。它们通常表明段落的主要思想。
food in a school dinner 翻译:学校午餐的食物
food in a packed lunch 翻译:自备午餐的食物
how much a school dinner costs 翻译:学校午餐的价格
who makes a packed lunch 翻译:谁做的自备午餐
who the writer is 翻译:作者是谁
what the topic is 翻译:主题是什么
how healthy the lunch is 翻译:午餐有多健康
Para. 1 翻译:第一段
Para. 2 翻译:第二段
Para. 3 翻译:第三段
Think and Share Answer the questions below. 翻译:思考与分享 回答下列问题。
Do students at British schools have healthy lunch choices? Why? 翻译:英国学校的学生是否有健康的午餐选择?为什么?
What lunch choices do you and your classmates have? How is it similar to or different from lunch at British schools? 翻译:你和你的同学有哪些午餐选择?与英国学校的午餐有何异同?
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Complete the notes for a school dinner and Tom's packed lunch with the correct words of food. 翻译:词汇运用 用正确的食物词汇补全学校午餐和汤姆自备午餐的笔记。
A school dinner 翻译:学校午餐
chicken and potatoes 翻译:鸡肉和土豆
fish and rice 翻译:鱼肉和米饭
Tom's packed lunch 翻译:汤姆的自备午餐
a sandwich with cheese and tomato 翻译:奶酪番茄三明治
some fruit 翻译:一些水果
OR some chips 翻译:或一些薯片
NOTE: Don't take any sweets to school! 翻译:注意:不要带任何糖果到学校!
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Grammar Discovery 翻译:语法探索
Sentence structure (句子结构) 翻译:
Study the example sentence carefully. Underline the subject (主语), predicate verb (谓语动词) and object (宾语) of the sentences (1—4). Then, complete the Your Discovery box. 翻译:仔细阅读下列例句。划出句子(1-4)主语、谓语动词和宾语。然后,完成“你的发现”方框里的内容。
Example 翻译:示例
Emma 翻译:埃玛
eats 翻译:吃
lunch at school. 翻译:午餐在学校
Subject 翻译:主语
predicate verb 翻译:谓语动词
object 翻译:宾语
Emma runs. 翻译:埃玛跑步。
I live in London. 翻译:我住在伦敦。
I make my own lunch. 翻译:我自己做午餐。
Students buy a hot meal from school. 翻译:学生们从学校购买熟食。
Your Discovery 翻译:你的发现
Common simple sentence structures are ______. 翻译:常见的简单句结构是______。
We can use ______ as subjects. 翻译:使用______作为主语。
We can use ______ as objects. 翻译:使用______作为宾语。
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 142; Grammar in Use, Page 142. 翻译:语法总结,142页;语法运用,142页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Design a Sunday lunch menu for your family. Present it to the class. Explain your food choices and what you think of your menu. 翻译:口语 为你的家庭设计一份周日午餐菜单。向全班展示一下。解释你的食物选择以及你对这份菜单的看法。
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
What are important for making lunch choices? 翻译:午餐选择的重要依据是什么?
I think ______. 翻译:我认为______。
Lesson 2 What Would You Like to Have? 翻译:第二课 你想要吃什么?
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Do you ever eat lunch or dinner at a café? Here is a menu. What would you like to order? Tell a partner. 翻译:你在小餐馆吃过午餐或晚餐吗?这里有一份菜单。你想点什么?告诉你的同伴。
Sandwich ¥ XX 翻译:三明治 ¥ XX
Hamburger ¥ XX 翻译:汉堡包 ¥ XX
Chips ¥ XX 翻译:炸薯条 ¥ XX
Pizza ¥ XX 翻译:披萨 ¥ XX
Hot dog ¥ XX 翻译:热狗 ¥ XX
Salad ¥ XX 翻译:蔬菜沙拉 ¥ XX
Cake ¥ XX 翻译:蛋糕 ¥ XX
Ice cream ¥ XX 翻译:冰激凌 ¥ XX
Juice ¥ XX 翻译:果汁 ¥ XX
Cola ¥ XX 翻译:可乐饮料 ¥ XX
Milk ¥ XX 翻译:牛奶 ¥ XX
Coffee ¥ XX 翻译:咖啡 ¥ XX
Menu 翻译:菜单
I'd like to order a salad and a glass of juice. 翻译:我要一份蔬菜沙拉和一杯果汁。
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Listen and Explore 翻译:听力与探究
What do they order? Listen and match. One option is extra. 翻译:他们点了什么?听录音并连线。其中一个选项是多余项。
Mum 翻译:妈妈
Sam 翻译:萨姆
Dad 翻译:爸爸
a sandwich and a glass of milk 翻译:一个三明治和一杯牛奶
two hot dogs, two pieces of chocolate cake, an ice cream and a cup of coffee 翻译:两个热狗、两块巧克力蛋糕、一份冰激凌和一杯咖啡
two hot dogs 翻译:两个热狗
a green salad 翻译:一份绿色的蔬菜沙拉
Listen again. Is their food healthy? Whose order is unhealthy? Why? 翻译:再听一遍录音。他们的食物健康吗?谁点的不健康?为什么?
In groups, role-play a family ordering at a café. 翻译:以小组为单位,角色扮演一家人在小餐馆点餐的情景。
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Complete the text about ordering food with the words and expressions in the box. 翻译:词汇运用 用方框中单词和短语的正确形式补全有关点餐的短文。
chocolate 翻译:巧克力
orange juice 翻译:橙子汁
ice cream 翻译:冰激凌
hot dog 翻译:热狗
hamburger 翻译:汉堡包
cola 翻译:可乐饮料
café 翻译:咖啡馆,小餐馆
On Saturdays, I often go out with my friends. We usually have lunch at a café. My friends often order some unhealthy food. For example, Kelly likes to order a beef hamburger with chips and Karen likes to order a hot dog. And I prefer healthy food for my main course. I usually have a green salad. We all have orange juice to drink. We don't like coffee or cola. We usually have a chocolate cake in winter and an ice cream in summer. 翻译:在星期六,我经常和朋友们出去玩。我们通常在小餐馆吃午饭。我的朋友们经常会点一些不健康的食物。例如,凯莉喜欢点牛肉汉堡配薯条,而卡伦喜欢点热狗。而我更喜欢健康的主菜。我通常会点一份绿色的蔬菜沙拉。我们都喝橙汁。我们都不喜欢咖啡或可乐。我们通常冬天吃巧克力蛋糕,夏天吃冰淇淋。
Grammar 翻译:语法
Countable and uncountable nouns (可数名词和不可数名词) 翻译:
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 143; Grammar in Use, Page 143. 翻译:语法总结,143页;语法运用,143页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Imagine you and your friend are at a café and you are discussing what to order for lunch. In pairs, act out the dialogue. Make some comments on each other's orders. 翻译:口语 想象你和你的朋友在一家小餐馆,你们正在讨论午餐点什么。两人一组,表演这段对话。对彼此的点餐发表一些评论。
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
What food is good for our health? What is not? Why? 翻译:哪些食物对我们的健康有益?哪些有害?为什么?
I think ______. 翻译:我认为______。
What would you like to order? 翻译:你想要点什么?
I'd like... 翻译:我想要……
Lesson 3 Eat Well! 翻译:第三课 好好吃饭!
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
What food can we eat every day? What food can we eat sometimes? Put the words in the box in the right group. 翻译:我们每天可以吃什么食物?我们偶尔可以吃什么食物?请将方框中的单词正确归类。
fruit 翻译:水果
chocolate 翻译:巧克力
vegetables 翻译:蔬菜
beans 翻译:豆子
fish 翻译:鱼肉
sweets 翻译:糖果
meat 翻译:肉
eggs 翻译:鸡蛋
bread 翻译:面包
rice 翻译:米饭
chips 翻译:炸薯条
potatoes 翻译:土豆
noodles 翻译:面条
cake 翻译:蛋糕
milk 翻译:牛奶
butter 翻译:黄油,奶油
cheese 翻译:干酪,奶酪
yogurt 翻译:酸奶
biscuits 翻译:饼干
Everyday food 翻译:健康食物
Sometimes food 翻译:不健康食物
What kinds of food do you think you will find in an Eatwell Guide for teenagers? Talk with a partner. 翻译:你认为青少年健康饮食指南中会包含哪些食物?与同伴讨论。
Read and Understand 翻译:阅读与理解
Read the texts on Page 33. How many food groups are there? What are they? Complete the left column in the table. 翻译:阅读第33页的内容。有多少种食物类别?它们分别是什么?完成表格的左列。
Different food groups 翻译:不同的食物种类
Why they are good 翻译:为何有益
In what ways are these food groups good for us? Read again and complete the right column in the table in Activity 3. 翻译:这些食物种类在哪些方面对我们有益?再读一遍并补全活动3中表格右栏的内容。
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Do you want to eat healthily, but don't know how? Check out the Eatwell Guide for some ideas! 翻译:你想吃得健康,但不知道如何做?看看《饮食指南》,你就能找到答案!
Eatwell Guide 翻译:饮食指南
Salt & oil 翻译:食盐和食用油
Salt and oil are good for cooking food. They make food delicious. But remember: too much of them will be bad for our body. 翻译:盐和油是烹饪食物的好帮手。它们能让食物变得美味。但要记住:吃太多油盐对身体有害。
Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese & beans 翻译:牛奶、酸奶、黄油、奶酪和豆类
These kinds of food make our body and teeth strong, so we can eat them every day. It's not good to eat too much, however, because they have got lots of fat. Beans are very good because they haven't got a lot of fat. 翻译:这些食物能让我们的身体和牙齿更强壮,因此我们可以每天吃。但吃太多也不好,因为它们含有大量脂肪。豆类非常好,因为它们的脂肪含量不高。
Fish, meat & eggs 翻译:鱼、肉和鸡蛋
These kinds of food give us what we need to help us grow big and strong. 翻译:这些食物能提供我们所需的营养,帮助我们茁壮成长。
Fruit & vegetables 翻译:水果和蔬菜
We can eat lots of fruit and vegetables. They are very good for us because they help our body stay fit and healthy. 翻译:我们可以多吃水果和蔬菜。它们对我们非常有益,因为它们能帮助我们保持身体健康。
Bread, rice, noodles & potatoes 翻译:面包、米饭、面条和土豆
It is very important to eat these kinds of food because they give us the energy we need to get through the day. 翻译:吃这些食物非常重要,因为它们为我们提供一天所需的能量。
In pairs, ask and answer questions about healthy food. 翻译:两人一组,就健康食物的相关问题进行问答。
Which food group helps our bodies stay fit and healthy? 翻译:哪类食物有助于我们保持身体健康?
Fruit and vegetables. 翻译:水果和蔬菜。
Which food group...? 翻译:哪一类食物……?
Read and Explore 翻译:阅读与探索
Analyse and Appreciate Read the text again and answer the questions. 翻译:分析与欣赏 再读一遍文章,并回答问题。
What does the writer say at the beginning? Does this encourage you to read the text? Why? 翻译:作者在开头说了什么?这是否鼓励你继续阅读这篇文章?为什么?
Do you like to read this type of text? Why? 翻译:你喜欢阅读这类文章吗?为什么?
Think and Share Do you find texts about healthy eating useful? Why or why not? 翻译:思考与分享 你觉得有关健康饮食的文章有用吗?为什么?
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Complete the text about everyday food and sometimes food with the words and expressions from the texts on Page 33. 翻译:词汇运用 用第33页文章中的单词和短语完成有关健康食物和不健康食物的短文。
It is important to eat healthily. An easy way is to learn about everyday food and sometimes food. 翻译:健康饮食非常重要。一个简单的方法就是了解健康食物和不健康食物。
Everyday food includes fruit and vegetables. They help our body stay fit and healthy. We also need bread, rice, noodles and potatoes. They give us energy. Fish, meat and eggs help us grow big and strong. Milk, yogurt, butter and cheese make our body strong too, but they have a lot of fats. We can eat a little of these every day. 翻译:健康食物包括水果和蔬菜,它们有助于我们的身体保持健康状态。我们还需要面包、米饭、面条和土豆,这些食物为我们提供能量。鱼、肉和鸡蛋则有助于我们长得又高又壮。牛奶、酸奶、黄油和奶酪也能让我们身体强壮,但它们含有大量脂肪。我们可以每天吃一点这些食物。
However, we can't eat sometimes food every day. It includes food with lots of sugar, such as chocolate, cake and biscuits; or food with lots of salts and oil or unhealthy fat, like chips. 翻译:但我们不能每天吃不健康食物。这包括含大量糖分的食物,如巧克力、蛋糕和饼干;或含大量食盐和食用油或不健康脂肪的食物,如薯片。
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Grammar Discovery It is (not) + adj. + to do 翻译:语法探索 It is (not) + 形容词 + to do
Study the sentences carefully. What does the sentences mean? Do they show the speaker's/writer's opinions or facts? Then, complete the Your Discovery box. 翻译:仔细阅读下列句子。这些句子是什么意思?它们表达的是说话者/作者的观点还是事实?然后,完成“你的发现”方框里的内容。
It is very important to eat these kinds of food. 翻译:吃这类食物非常重要。
It's helpful to eat some vegetables every day. 翻译:每天吃一些蔬菜很有帮助。
It is not good to eat too much fat. 翻译:脂肪吃得太多也不好。
Your Discovery 翻译:你的发现
It is (not) + adj. + (for sb) + to do is often used to express ______. 翻译:It is (not) + 形容词 + (for sb) + to do常用于表达______。
The real subject of the sentence is ______. 翻译:句子真正的主语是______。
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 144; Grammar in Use, Page 144. 翻译:语法总结,144页;语法运用,144页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Writing Make a poster with 3—4 tips about eating healthily. 翻译:写作 制作一张海报,上面有3-4条关于健康饮食的小贴士。
Healthy eating 翻译:健康饮食
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
What are your food choices and why? 翻译:你的食物选择是什么?为什么?
I often eat ______ because ______. 翻译:我经常吃______,因为______。
Writing Workshop Describing a Favourite Dish 翻译:写作训练营 描述你最喜欢的一道菜
Get Ready for Writing 翻译:写作准备
You are going to write a short text about your favourite dish. Answer the following questions. 翻译:你将写一篇关于你最喜欢的菜的短文。请回答下列问题。
What is the name of the dish? 翻译:这道菜叫什么名字?
What are in the dish? 翻译:这道菜里有什么?
Why do you like it? 翻译:你为什么喜欢它?
Read for Writing 翻译:读写结合
Focus on Content Read the text and answer the questions. 翻译:聚焦内容 阅读文章,并回答问题。
What is Tommy's favourite dish? 翻译:汤米最喜欢什么菜?
Who makes it? 翻译:谁做的?
What are in the dish? 翻译:这道菜里有什么?
Does it take long to make the dish? 翻译:制作这道菜需要很长时间吗?
Is the dish healthy? 翻译:这道菜健康吗?
My Favourite Dish 翻译:我最爱的菜
Tommy Jones 翻译:汤米·琼斯
My favourite dish is fish with vegetables. My dad often makes it and he is a great cook! He cooks the fish with a little oil and adds green vegetables. It smells amazing! He usually serves it with rice, but we sometimes have potatoes with it. It doesn't take a lot of time to make it, but it tastes nice! It's also a very healthy dish. 翻译:我最喜欢的菜是鱼配蔬菜。我爸爸经常做这道菜,而且他是个很棒的厨师!他用少许油烹煮鱼,然后加入绿色蔬菜。这道菜闻起来非常香!他通常会用米饭来配这道菜,但有时我们也会配土豆。做这道菜不需要很长时间,但味道很好!它也是一道非常健康的菜。
Focus on Structure Read the text again and put the contents in order. Then, work out your own outline. 翻译:聚焦结构 再读一遍短文,按顺序排列内容。然后,列出你自己的提纲。
Name of the dish 翻译:菜名
How it tastes 翻译:味道如何
How healthy it is 翻译:它有多健康
Who makes it? 翻译:谁做的?
The things Tommy's dad uses to make it 翻译:汤米爸爸做这道菜的材料
How easy it is to cook 翻译:烹饪的难易程度
The title 翻译:标题
How Tommy's dad serves it 翻译:汤米爸爸的烹饪方法
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Focus on Language Read the text again. Underline all the descriptions of food. Write 2—3 sentences describing your own favourite dish. Use the Sentence Builder to help you. 翻译:聚焦语言 再读一遍短文,画出描述食物的短语。写2-3个句子来描述你最喜欢的菜。请你借助“句子积累”框中的内容来帮助你。
Sentence Builder 翻译:句子积累
To describe a dish, you can: 翻译:描述一道菜,你可以:
give the name of the dish 翻译:给出菜名
My favourite dish is fish with vegetables. 翻译:我最喜欢的菜是鱼配蔬菜。
give other information about it 翻译:提供这道菜的其他信息
He cooks the dish with a little oil and adds... 翻译:他在烹饪这道菜时会放少许油,然后加入……
He usually serves it with rice. 翻译:他通常会用米饭来配这道菜。
We sometimes have potatoes with it. 翻译:有时我们也会配土豆。
use expressions of senses (smell, taste, look and feel) 翻译:使用感官表达(嗅觉、味觉、视觉和感觉)
It smells amazing! 翻译:这道菜闻起来很香!
It tastes nice! 翻译:它味道不错!
Compose Your Writing 翻译:撰写文章
Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft. 翻译:初稿 运用作文大纲和写作提示的内容撰写初稿。
Editing and Revising Use the Peer Editing Sheet as a guide to edit your own text, and then edit with a partner. After that, revise your text and share it with the class. 翻译:编写与修改 以《同伴评价表》为撰写标准,编写自己的文章,然后与同伴一起编写。之后,修改你的文章并与全班同学分享。
Peer Editing Sheet, Page 133. 翻译:同伴评价表,133页。
Writing Help 翻译:写作帮助
When describing a dish, you should: 翻译:在描述一道菜时,你应该:
give the name of the dish; 翻译:给出菜名;
give other information about it (e.g. the ingredients, what goes with it, etc.); 翻译:提供有关这道菜的其他信息(如配料、搭配等);
use expressions of senses and some adjectives to make your writing more interesting. 翻译:使用感官表达和一些形容词,使你的文章更有趣。
Speaking Workshop Can I Take Your Order? 翻译:口语训练营 您现在点菜吗?
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
What's your favourite dish? What would you like to drink with it? 翻译:你最喜欢哪道菜?想配什么饮料?
Listen and Learn 翻译:听力与学习
Listen and read the dialogue. What food does Diann order? Underline the key information. Then, role-play the dialogue. 翻译:听录音并读对话。黛安点了什么食物?在关键信息下划线。然后,角色扮演对话。
Can I take your order? 翻译:您现在点菜吗?
Yes, can I have noodles with vegetables and eggs? 翻译:是的,我想点蔬菜鸡蛋面。
Anything else? 翻译:还有什么需要的吗?
A fruit salad, please. 翻译:请给我一份水果沙拉。
Small or large? 翻译:小份还是大份?
Small. 翻译:小份。
Would you like something to drink with that? A cola? 翻译:要喝点什么吗?可乐?
Not cola, thank you. It isn't healthy. I'd like some orange juice. 翻译:不要可乐,谢谢。可乐不健康。我要橙汁。
Of course. So that's noodles with vegetables and eggs, a small fruit salad and a glass of orange juice? 翻译:当然可以。那就是一份蔬菜鸡蛋面条、一份小份的水果沙拉和一杯橙汁?
That's correct. 翻译:没错。
Read the dialogue again. What do a waiter/waitress and a customer usually say in a restaurant when ordering food? Listen and complete the Talk Builder. Then, repeat. 翻译:再读一遍对话。在餐厅点菜时,服务员和顾客通常会说些什么?听录音并补全“对话积累”中的内容。然后,复述一遍。
Talk Builder 翻译:对话积累
Waiter/Waitress 翻译:服务员
Customer 翻译:顾客
Can I take your order? 翻译:您现在点菜吗?
Yes, can I have...? 翻译:是的,我想点……
Would you like something to drink?/Anything else? 翻译:要喝点什么吗?/还有什么需要的吗?
No, thanks./Yes, I'd like some orange juice./Yes, a cup of tea/..., please. 翻译:不,谢谢。/是的,我要一些橙汁。/是的,一杯茶/……,谢谢。
What would you like? 翻译:你想要什么?
I'd like a hamburger/..., please. 翻译:我想要一个汉堡包/……,谢谢。
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Speaking 翻译:口语
Your family is having dinner in a restaurant. Act out a dialogue to order food, similar to the one in Activity 2. 翻译:你的家人正在一家餐馆用餐。表演一段类似活动2中的点菜对话。
Pronunciation: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/ 翻译:发音:/p/、/b/、/t/、/d/、/k/、/g/
Listen and repeat. 翻译:听录音并跟读。
/p/ 翻译:
pie /par/ 翻译:派,馅饼
help /help/ 翻译:帮助
/b/ 翻译:
beef /bi:f/ 翻译:牛肉
web /web/ 翻译:网,网络
/t/ 翻译:
tea /ti:/ 翻译:茶
sweet /swi:t/ 翻译:糖果
/d/ 翻译:
dinner /ˈdɪnə/ 翻译:晚餐
noodle /ˈnu:dl/ 翻译:面条
/k/ 翻译:
coffee /ˈkɒfi/ 翻译:咖啡
milk /mɪlk/ 翻译:牛奶
/g/ 翻译:
game /geɪm/ 翻译:游戏
big /bɪg/ 翻译:大的
Read and circle the word with a different phonetic sound. 翻译:读一读,圈出发音不同的单词。
green 翻译:绿色
gym 翻译:体育馆
grapes 翻译:葡萄
porridge 翻译:粥
partner 翻译:同伴
photo 翻译:照片
cheese 翻译:干酪,奶酪
cake 翻译:蛋糕
cola 翻译:可乐饮料
stopped 翻译:停止
stayed 翻译:停留
bread 翻译:面包
beans 翻译:豆子
butter 翻译:黄油,奶油
climb 翻译:攀登,爬
worked 翻译:工作
salad 翻译:蔬菜沙拉
talked 翻译:交谈
Read the following chant aloud. How do you pronounce the underlined letter? 翻译:朗读下面的韵文。划线字母如何发音?
I like noodles and I like beans. 翻译:我喜欢面条,也喜欢豆子。
I like potatoes with meat and greens. 翻译:我喜欢土豆配肉和蔬菜。
I like ice cream and I like chocolate cakes. 翻译:我喜欢冰淇淋,也喜欢巧克力蛋糕。
But what I like best are the dumplings my mum makes. 翻译:但我最喜欢的是妈妈包的饺子。
Look at the phonetic symbols below. How do you spell the words? Write them down and read the words out loud. 翻译:看看下列音标,如何拼写这些单词?请你写出这些单词并大声读出来。
/ˈhɒt dɒg/ 翻译:
/gri:n ˈsæləd/ 翻译:
/ˌred ˈbi:nz/ 翻译:
/ˌpækt ˈlʌntʃ/ 翻译:
/ˈaɪs kri:m/ 翻译:
Reading Club 1 翻译:阅读俱乐部1
A Dinner That's Out of This World 翻译:一顿超乎想象的晚餐
Can you imagine how hard it is to cook in space? It's impossible to cut vegetables or mix a salad, so meals are ready-made on Earth before astronauts leave. 翻译:你能想象在太空做饭有多难吗?要切菜或拌沙拉是不可能的,因此,在宇航员出发前,饭菜都是在地球预制好的。
At first, space food for astronauts is simple. Each meal is in a little packet. It is easy to carry and eat, but it doesn't taste good. But now, food scientists on Earth work to make sure that the food is healthy, and tastes good. 翻译:起初,宇航员的太空食物很简单。每顿饭都装在一个小包里,方便携带和食用,但味道并不好。但现在,地球上的食品科学家努力确保食品健康、美味。
For Chinese astronauts, there are more than 120 kinds of dishes and soft drinks. They are carefully selected, so they are balanced, taste good and can be kept for a long time. The recipe is usually a five-day cycle. They are divided into weekly breakfast, lunch and supper menus. And the menus are made based on personal flavour preferences. Most Chinese astronauts have a preference for Sichuan-style spicy food. They can also eat chocolate, canned fruit and biscuits for snacks. 翻译:对于中国宇航员来说,有120多种菜肴和软饮料可供选择。它们都是经过精心挑选的,因此营养均衡、口感良好,而且可以长期保存。食谱通常以五天为一个周期进行循环。它们被分为每周的早餐、午餐和晚餐菜单。而食谱是根据个人口味偏好制定的。中国航天员大多偏爱川味麻辣食品。他们还可以吃巧克力、水果罐头和饼干等零食。
Notes 翻译:注释
ready-made 翻译:adj. 预制的,已做好的,现成的
select 翻译:vt. & vi. 选择,挑选,选拔
balanced 翻译:adj. 保持(或显示)平衡的
recipe 翻译:n. 烹饪法,食谱
preference 翻译:n. 偏爱,爱好,喜爱
Why must astronauts eat ready-made food in space? 翻译:为什么宇航员在太空中必须吃预制的食物?
What food can Chinese astronauts choose for their meals? What do you think of the food prepared for them now? 翻译:中国宇航员可以选择什么食物作为餐食?你觉得现在为他们准备的食物怎么样?
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Reading Club 2 翻译:阅读俱乐部 2
Easy-Peasy Food 翻译:简单易做的食物
It doesn't take long to make a healthy meal! 翻译:做一顿健康的饭菜并不需要很长时间!
Tomato and Egg Stir-Fry 翻译:西红柿炒鸡蛋
This quick and easy meal is from China. It's delicious! 翻译:这道快捷简单的菜来自中国,非常美味!
Ingredients 翻译:配料
2 tomatoes 翻译:2个西红柿
3 eggs 翻译:3个鸡蛋
oil 翻译:食用油
soy sauce 翻译:酱油
salt 翻译:盐,食盐
Steps to cook 翻译:烹饪步骤
Cut the tomatoes into pieces. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add a little salt. 翻译:把西红柿切成小块。把鸡蛋打入碗中,加少许食盐。
Put some oil in a pan and cook the eggs for 1—2 minutes. Then, take out the eggs. 翻译:在锅中放入一些食用油,把鸡蛋炒1-2分钟。然后,把鸡蛋盛出来。
Put some oil in the pan and cook the tomatoes for 2—3 minutes. Add a little soy sauce and mix. 翻译:在锅中倒入适量食用油,放入西红柿炒2-3分钟。加入少许酱油,翻炒均匀。
Add the eggs to the pan, add some sugar if you like, and then mix. 翻译:将鸡蛋放入锅中,根据个人喜好加入适量糖,然后翻炒均匀。
Eat on its own or with rice. 翻译:可单独食用或与米饭一起食用。
Baked Potatoes 翻译:烤土豆
Baked potatoes are popular in the UK. They're easy to make and very tasty! 翻译:烤土豆在英国很受欢迎。它们制作简单,非常美味!
Ingredients 翻译:配料
1 potato 翻译:1个土豆
oil and salt 翻译:食用油和食盐
butter 翻译:黄油,奶油
cheese 翻译:干酪,奶酪
Steps to cook 翻译:烹饪步骤
Wash the potato and put oil and salt on it. Bake it for an hour. 翻译:洗干净土豆,放上食用油和食盐。烤一个小时。
Cut the potato in half and put some butter in it. Put cheese on top. 翻译:将土豆切成两半,放些黄油。在最上面放奶酪。
Eat with a green salad. 翻译:与绿色沙拉一起食用。
Notes 翻译:注释
easy-peasy 翻译:adj. (尤为儿语)简单得很,容易极了
stir-fry 翻译:n. 炒菜 V. 翻炒,炒,煸
soy sauce 翻译:酱油
baked potato 翻译:烤土豆
What is easy-peasy food? How do people cook tomato and egg stir-fry and baked potatoes? Which meal do you want to try? 翻译:什么是简单易做的食物?西红柿炒鸡蛋和烤土豆怎么做?你想尝试做哪道菜?
Can you think of any other easy-peasy food? How do you cook it? 翻译:你还能想到其他简单易做的食物吗?如何制作?
Project My Dish! 翻译:项目 我的拿手菜!
Task 翻译:任务
In groups, use a creative way to share how to make a dish for your family. Explain why you choose to make this dish and how you make it. Decide which form you would like to choose to present your dish. 翻译:以小组为单位,采取一种富有创意的方式分享如何为家人做一道菜。解释你选择制作这道菜的原因以及你的制作方法。决定选择哪种形式来展示你的菜。
a vlog 翻译:视频博客
a poster 翻译:海报
a web page 翻译:网页
What dish do you choose to make? 翻译:你们选择做什么菜?
What food do you need to make the dish? 翻译:做这道菜需要哪些食物?
What ideas and language in this unit will you use? 翻译:你们将使用本单元中的哪些观点和语言?
How will you divide the work among members? 翻译:小组成员之间如何进行分工?
Planning 翻译:计划
How many steps will you take to make the dish? 翻译:制作这道菜需要几个步骤?
Follow your plan to make the dish. 翻译:按照你们的计划制作这道菜。
Record the whole process. 翻译:记录整个过程。
Make changes as needed when putting everyone's work together. 翻译:将每个人的作品放在一起时,根据需要进行修改。
Creating 翻译:创造
How will you present your work to the class? 翻译:你们将如何向全班展示你们的作品?
Make sure you face the audience and speak loudly, clearly, and confidently. 翻译:确保面向观众,声音洪亮、清晰且自信地发言。
Presenting 翻译:展示
Do your classmates think your dish is healthy for your family? 翻译:同学们认为你做的菜对家人的健康有益吗?
Is it a fruitful experience for you? Why? 翻译:对你来说这是一次有收获的经历吗?为什么?
How can you do better next time? 翻译:下次如何做得更好?
Which group's dish do you also want to try? Why? 翻译:你还想尝试哪个小组的菜?为什么?
Reflecting 翻译:反思
Do you agree? 翻译:你同意吗?
Good food choices in your diet are good investments (投资). 翻译:好的饮食选择是对健康的良好投资。
Unit 2 Food and Health 翻译:第二单元 食物与健康
Check Your Progress 翻译:进度检查
Complete the text with your understanding of healthy eating. 翻译:根据你的健康饮食理念,补全这篇短文。
Healthy eating should be part of our everyday life. We need to have ______ every day because they are good for ______. It's also important to eat ______ because they give us ______. So in the future, I will eat more ______ and less ______. 翻译:健康饮食应该成为我们日常生活的一部分。我们每天都需要吃______,因为它们对______有好处。吃______也很重要,因为它们能给我们带来______。因此,今后我会多吃______,少吃______。
Complete the email with a/an, some or any. What does Carrie eat for lunch at school? What about her parents? 翻译:用a/an、some或any补全电子邮件。卡丽在学校午餐吃什么?她的父母呢?
New 翻译:新邮件
Sent 翻译:已发送
Trash 翻译:垃圾箱
Hi Ma Lin, What do students often eat for lunch in China? Here in Australia, we can take a packed lunch or buy a school dinner. I take a packed lunch to school. I have a sandwich with some cheese and an apple. I don't take any chocolate or sweets. My mum works from home. She usually chooses healthy food, for example, a salad and a glass of fruit juice for lunch. My dad usually has lunch at a restaurant with friends from his office. We don't eat any unhealthy food during the week, but we usually have a special night on Friday. We watch a film and eat some ice cream! Do you eat any unhealthy food? Carrie 翻译:你好,马琳, 在中国,学生午餐通常吃什么?在澳大利亚,我们可以吃自备午餐,也可以买学校午餐。 我自备午餐去学校,吃三明治加奶酪和苹果。我不吃巧克力或糖果。 我妈妈在家工作。她通常会选择健康的食物,比如午餐吃沙拉和一杯果汁。我爸爸通常和办公室的朋友一起在餐馆吃午餐。 我们在一周内不吃任何不健康的食物,但我们通常会在周五度过一个特别的夜晚。我们看电影,吃冰淇淋! 你会吃不健康的食物吗? 卡丽
How can you eat well? Make a list of dos and don'ts with reasons for yourself. 翻译:如何才能吃得健康?为自己列出一份“健康”和“不健康”的清单,并说明理由。
Dos with reasons 翻译:健康的理由
Eat more fruit because ______. 翻译:多吃水果,因为______。
Don'ts with reasons 翻译:不健康的理由
Don't eat a lot of chips because ______. 翻译:不要吃大量薯片,因为______。
Unit Summary 翻译:单元总结
What have you learnt in this unit? Complete the diagram and reflect on what you have learnt. Add more if you can. Then, share with a partner. 翻译:在这个单元里,你学到了什么?请完成下面的图表,并回顾所学知识。如果可以,请补充更多内容。然后,与同伴分享一下。
Types of food 翻译:食物种类
food groups: 翻译:食物类别:
values for health: 翻译:健康价值:
Food choices 翻译:食物选择
everyday food: 翻译:健康食物:
sometimes food: 翻译:不健康食物:
tips for making choices: 翻译:做出选择的技巧:
mean ______. 翻译:意思是______。
My favourite dish 翻译:我最爱的菜
name: 翻译:菜名:
ingredients: 翻译:配料:
cooking steps: 翻译:烹饪步骤:
More... 翻译:更多……
Study Help 翻译:学习助手
How to read numbers 翻译:如何朗读数字
Numbers 翻译:数字
1000 翻译:
a/one thousand 翻译:一千
10000 翻译:
ten thousand 翻译:一万
1000000 翻译:
a/one million 翻译:一百万
1000000000 翻译:
a/one billion 翻译:十亿
Telephone numbers 翻译:电话号码
056 124 359 翻译:
o, five, six, one, two, four, three, five, nine 翻译:0、5、6、1、2、4、3、5、9
Prices 翻译:价格
£10.00 翻译:10英镑
ten pounds 翻译:10磅
£12.50 翻译:12.5英镑
twelve pounds (and) fifty (pence) 翻译:12英镑50便士
£25.99 翻译:25.99英镑
twenty-five pounds (and) ninety-nine (pence) 翻译:25英镑99便士
Years 翻译:年份
395 翻译:
three ninety-five 翻译:395
1642 翻译:
sixteen forty-two 翻译:1642
1905 翻译:
nineteen o five 翻译:1905
2001 翻译:
two thousand and one 翻译:2001
最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-09 09:51:49