Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. — Trisha McCagh 翻译:动物是我们与美丽自然之间的桥梁。 ——特丽莎·麦卡格
By the end of this unit, you will be able to: 翻译:在本单元结束时,你将能:
describe some amazing animals, e.g. their appearance, groups and habits; 翻译:描述一些神奇的动物,如它们的外形、种群和习性;
introduce how animals help humans; 翻译:介绍动物如何帮助人类;
share a loving story between humans and animals, and give advice on how to protect animals; 翻译:分享人类与动物之间温馨感人的故事,并就如何保护动物提出建议;
analyse and discuss the human-animal relationship. 翻译:分析和讨论人与动物之间的关系。
Topic Talk 翻译:话题讨论
Think and Say Do you know the following animals? Put these animals into different groups. What kind of animals are they? Tell a partner. 翻译:思考与表达 你认识以下动物吗?把这些动物分成不同的组。它们是哪种动物?告诉你的同伴。
eagle 翻译:雕
bee 翻译:蜜蜂
butterfly 翻译:蝴蝶
pigeon 翻译:鸽
parrot 翻译:鹦鹉
owl 翻译:猫头鹰
ant 翻译:蚂蚁
cow 翻译:奶牛
fox 翻译:狐,狐狸
lizard 翻译:蜥蜴
tortoise 翻译:陆龟,龟
wolf 翻译:狼
giraffe 翻译:长颈鹿
snake 翻译:蛇
crocodile 翻译:鳄鱼
fly 翻译:苍蝇
REPTILES (爬行动物) 翻译:
crocodile 翻译:鳄鱼
BIRDS 翻译:鸟类
MAMMALS (哺乳动物) 翻译:
INSECTS 翻译:昆虫类
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Listen and Practise What are Peter's and Emma's favourite animals? Listen and complete the dialogue. Then, role-play it. 翻译:听力与练习 彼得和埃玛最喜欢的动物是什么?听录音并完成对话。然后,进行角色扮演。
What's your favourite animal, Peter? 翻译:彼得,你最喜欢的动物是什么?
I like elephant. They are big and strong. 翻译:我喜欢大象,它们又大又强壮。
What else do you know about them? 翻译:关于它们你还知道些什么?
They are very clever. What's your favourite animal? 翻译:它们非常聪明。你最喜欢的动物是什么?
My favourite animal is the butterfly. 翻译:我最喜欢的动物是蝴蝶。
Really? Why do you like it? 翻译:真的吗?你为什么喜欢它?
Butterflies are beautiful. They also help flowers to grow. 翻译:蝴蝶非常美丽。它们还帮助花卉生长。
Relate and Share Think of your pet or your favourite animal. Why do you like it? Ask and answer in pairs. 翻译:描述与分享 想想你的宠物或你最喜欢的动物。为什么喜欢它?两人一组,提出问题并回答。
What's your favourite animal? 翻译:你最喜欢的动物是什么?
I like dogs. I have a pet dog. She is clever and fun to play with. 翻译:我喜欢狗。我有一只宠物狗。她很聪明,和她一起玩很有趣。
Sing and Enjoy Listen to the song about animals and sing along. Circle the adjectives that describe animals. What animals can you use these adjectives to describe? 翻译:歌曲与欣赏 听有关动物的歌曲并跟唱。圈出描述动物的形容词。你可以用这些形容词来描述什么动物?
Amazing Creatures 翻译:神奇的生物
The world is full of animals Some are big and tall Some are strong and dangerous Some are cute and small All creatures are amazing Just like me and you Help protect the animals This is their world too Animals are wonderful They're beautiful to see Help them live a happy life Help them to be free 翻译:世界上有许多动物 有的高大壮硕 有的强壮危险 有的娇小可爱 一切生物皆神奇 正如你我一般 帮助保护这些动物吧 这也是它们的世界 动物真奇妙 它们美丽动人 帮助它们过上幸福生活 让它们自由自在
Lesson 1 Amazing Creatures 翻译:第一课 神奇的生物
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Do you know these amazing animals? Read the facts and guess which animal each fact refers to. 翻译:你认识这些神奇的动物吗?阅读这些事实,猜猜每个事实指的是哪种动物。
chameleon 翻译:变色龙
seahorse 翻译:海马
crocodile 翻译:鳄鱼
Facts: 翻译:事实:
The male ones give birth to babies. 翻译:雄性会生幼崽。
They usually don't sleep during the day. 翻译:它们白天通常不睡觉。
They grow new teeth many times during their life. 翻译:它们一生中会多次长出新牙。
Read and Understand 翻译:阅读与理解
Read the text on Page 115. Were your answers in Activity 1 correct? 翻译:阅读第115页的文章。活动1中你的答案正确吗?
What makes these animals amazing? Read again and complete the notes. 翻译:是什么让这些动物如此神奇?再读一遍文章并完成笔记。
Chameleons 翻译:变色龙
change colours 翻译:变色
Crocodiles 翻译:鳄鱼
Seahorses 翻译:海马
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Our planet is home to about 30 million different kinds of animals. They are special and amazing! 翻译:我们的星球上生活着大约3千万种不同的动物。它们既特别又很神奇!
Chameleons are famous because they can change colours. They can also move their eyes in two different directions at the same time. This helps them to see all directions. A chameleon grows, but its skin doesn't. When the skin is too small, it comes off. The dead skin becomes their food. Chameleons usually don't sleep during the day. If you see a chameleon with one or both eyes closed in the daytime, it may be sick. 翻译:变色龙之所以出名,是因为它们可以变色。它们的眼睛还能同时朝不同的方向转动,帮助它们全方位观察周围环境。变色龙会长大,但它的皮肤不会随之生长。当旧皮肤变得过于紧绷时,就会自然脱落。脱下来的死皮就会成为它们的食物。变色龙白天通常不睡觉。如果你看到变色龙在白天闭着一只或两只眼睛,它可能是生病了。
Crocodiles run fast and sometimes jump to catch their food. When they see the food, they open their mouths wide and eat it. The food goes straight down to their stomach! Crocodiles don't clean their teeth, but they grow new ones many times during their life. And they can't move their tongues! 翻译:鳄鱼跑得很快,有时候还会跳起来捕捉食物。当它们看到食物时,就会张开大嘴一口吞下,食物直接进入它们的胃里!鳄鱼从不清洁牙齿,但它们一生中会多次长出新牙。而且,它们的舌头无法移动!
Seahorses can change colours too. Male seahorses are the only male creatures on the planet that can have babies! The female gives her eggs to the male, and he carries them for a month. Then, there are nearly TWO THOUSAND TINY BABIES!! Every morning, the male and female seahorses dance together. The dance usually lasts for several minutes. 翻译:海马也会变色。雄性海马是地球上唯一会生幼崽的雄性生物!雌海马将卵交给雄海马,然后雄海马怀胎一个月。接下来,就会有将近两千只小海马诞生!!每天早上,雄海马和雌海马会一起跳舞,舞蹈通常会持续几分钟。
Introduce these amazing animals to a partner. He/She guesses which animal it is. 翻译:向同伴介绍这些神奇的动物。让他/她猜猜这是哪种动物。
Read and Explore 翻译:阅读与探索
Analyse and Appreciate 翻译:分析与欣赏
Read the text again and answer the questions. 翻译:再读一遍短文,然后回答问题。
What is the writer's purpose of writing the text? 翻译:作者写这篇文章的目的是什么?
To make people laugh. 翻译:为了让人们发笑。
To give people information. 翻译:为了给人们提供信息。
To make people take action. 翻译:为了让人们采取行动。
What tense does the writer use in the text? Why? 翻译:作者在文中使用了哪种时态?为什么?
Skill Builder 翻译:技巧积累
Understanding the writer's purpose 翻译:了解作者的写作目的
Understanding the writer's writing purpose is important. They often aim to tell facts, to share views, to let you believe what you read, or to tell funny things to make you laugh. To understand the writer's writing purpose, you should pay attention to the words they use, the information they provide, and the feelings they show in the text. 翻译:了解作者的写作目的很重要。他们通常旨在陈述事实、分享观点、让你相信所读的内容,或是讲述有趣的事情让你发笑。为了了解作者的写作目的,你应该注意他们使用的词语、提供的信息以及在文本中表达的情感。
Think and Share How does the writer feel about these animals? Give reasons. Do you feel the same? Why or why not? Discuss with a partner. 翻译:思考与分享 作者对这些动物有什么看法?请说明理由。你有同样的感受吗?为什么?与同伴讨论一下。
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use What amazing things do you know about animals? Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 翻译:词汇运用 你知道关于动物的哪些神奇的事情?请选择正确的单词来完成句子。
People vs Animals 翻译:人类与动物
People have two sets of teeth during their life, but elephants can clean/grow six new sets of teeth! 翻译:人类一生中只有两副牙齿,而大象则能长出六副新牙齿!
The fastest man on Earth can walk/run at 43.99 km/h. Cheetahs can reach up to 114 km/h! 翻译:地球上跑得最快的人,时速可达43.99公里。猎豹的时速可达114公里!
Lots of animals have their own moves. Some can listen/dance to music like us, like some parrots and elephants! But people can keep the best beat. 翻译:很多动物都有自己的动作。有些动物能像我们一样听音乐,比如鹦鹉和大象!但人类最能跟上节奏。
We can change our clothes, but some animals can see/change colours! 翻译:我们可以换衣服,但有些动物可以改变颜色!
Christopher Spell has got the world record for high standing jump — 1.7 metres! However, the grey kangaroo can jump/fly 3 metres into the air. 翻译:克里斯托弗·斯佩尔创造了立定跳高世界纪录——1.7米!然而,灰袋鼠能够跳跃高达3米。
The dung beetle (蜣螂) is an insect. It weighs about 99 g, but it can move/give 1,141 times its own weight. Can a person beat it? Yes! Kevin Fast can move 1,388 times his weight. Amazing! 翻译:蜣螂是一种昆虫,体重约为99克,但它能移动相当于自身体重1141倍的物体。人类能胜过它吗?能!凯文·法斯特能够移动相当于自身体重1388倍的物体。太惊人了!
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Grammar Discovery 翻译:语法探索
Simple sentences and compound sentences (简单句和并列复合句) 翻译:
Compare the pairs of sentences. How are they different? What is the function of the underlined words? Then, complete the Your Discovery box. 翻译:比较这些成对的句子,它们有什么不同?划线词的作用是什么?然后,完成“你的发现”方框里的内容。
A chameleon grows. Its skin doesn't. 翻译:变色龙会长大。它的皮肤不会随之生长。
A chameleon grows, but its skin doesn't. 翻译:变色龙会长大,但它的皮肤不会随之生长。
The female gives her eggs to the male. He carries them for a month. 翻译:雌海马将卵交给雄海马。雄海马怀胎一个月。
The female gives her eggs to the male, and he carries them for a month. 翻译:雌海马将卵交给雄海马,然后雄海马怀胎一个月。
You must look carefully. You will miss the chameleon among the leaves. 翻译:你必须仔细观察。你会错过树叶间的变色龙。
You must look carefully, or you will miss the chameleon among the leaves. 翻译:你必须仔细观察,否则就会错过树叶间的变色龙。
Your Discovery 翻译:你的发现
Common structures for simple sentences are: ______. 翻译:简单句的常见结构如下:______。
We can use conjunctions like ______ to make compound sentences. They help to make our expressions ______. 翻译:用诸如______这样的连词来造句,有助于使表达______。
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 153; Grammar in Use, Page 154. 翻译:语法总结,153页;语法运用,154页
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Your class will hold an English Forum this week on 'Amazing Facts About Animals'. Find information about another amazing animal and share it with the class, using at least one compound sentence. 翻译:口语 本周你们班将举办英语论坛,主题是“有关动物的神奇事实”。查找有关另一种神奇动物的信息并与全班分享,至少使用一个并列复合句。
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
Do you agree that animals are amazing creatures? Why? 翻译:你同意动物是神奇的生物吗?为什么?
Yes/No, because ______. 翻译:同意/不同意,因为______。
Lesson 2 Animal Facts 翻译:第二课 动物趣闻
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Look at the two animals below. What words and phrases can we use to introduce each animal? Put the words and phrases in the right space. 翻译:请看以下两种动物。我们可以用哪些单词和短语来介绍各种动物?将单词和短语填入适当的位置。
live on land 翻译:生活在陆地上
live in water 翻译:生活在水中
lay eggs 翻译:产卵
have babies 翻译:生孩子
live in groups 翻译:群居
swim fast 翻译:游得快
have wings 翻译:有翅膀
friendly 翻译:友好的
cute 翻译:可爱的
Listen and Explore 翻译:听力与探究
Listen to two students talking about penguins and dolphins. What interesting facts can you find about each animal? Complete the notes. 翻译:听两个学生讨论企鹅和海豚。你能找到关于各种动物的哪些有趣事实?完成笔记。
Penguins 翻译:企鹅
have wings, but can't fly 翻译:有翅膀,但不会飞
live in groups 翻译:群居
stay together to keep warm 翻译:待在一起取暖
Dolphins 翻译:海豚
are clever and remember things well 翻译:聪明,记性很好
swim very fast 翻译:游得很快
are friendly to people 翻译:对人类很友好
like people and even save people's lives 翻译:喜欢人类,甚至会救人类一命
live in groups 翻译:群居
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Listen again. Why do penguins stay together? Why do we say that dolphins are friendly to people? 翻译:再听一遍录音。为什么企鹅会待在一起?为什么说海豚对人类友好?
Work in pairs. Introduce penguins or dolphins to a partner. 翻译:两人一组,向同伴介绍企鹅或海豚。
What aspects of penguins and dolphins are they talking about? Why do they talk about these aspects? Discuss with a partner. 翻译:他们谈到了企鹅和海豚的哪些方面?他们为什么谈论这些方面?与同伴讨论一下。
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Complete the texts for the picture book about penguins and dolphins with the information in Activity 2. 翻译:词汇运用 根据活动2中的信息,完成有关企鹅和海豚的图画书的文本内容。
Look at the cute penguins! Penguins have wings, but they can't fly. They live in groups. They stay together to keep warm. They also have strong families and the parents look after their babies together. 翻译:看看这些可爱的企鹅!企鹅有翅膀,但它们不会飞。它们群居,待在一起取暖。它们还拥有强大的家庭,父母一起照顾自己的宝宝。
Dolphins are lovely and clever animals. They can remember things well. They live in groups. Dolphins are friendly to people. They like people and sometimes even save people's lives. People also like them. 翻译:海豚是聪明可爱的动物,记性很好,通常过着群居的生活。海豚对人类很友好。它们喜欢人类,有时甚至会救人类一命。人类也喜欢它们。
Grammar Compound sentences 翻译:语法 并列复合句
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 153; Grammar in Use, Page 154. 翻译:语法总结,153页;语法运用,154页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Introduce the living habits of another animal at the Animal Club. Use the questions below to help you. 翻译:口语 在动物俱乐部介绍另一种动物的生活习性。请你借助下列问题来帮助你。
How does it live? 翻译:它是如何生活的?
What can it do? 翻译:它会做什么?
Why do you think this animal is special/interesting? 翻译:为什么你认为这种动物很特别/很有趣?
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
Why is it important to study animals' living habits? 翻译:为什么研究动物的生活习性很重要?
It is important to study animals' living habits because ______. 翻译:研究动物的生活习性非常重要,因为______。
Lesson 3 An Animal Story 翻译:第三课 动物故事
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Why do people keep pets? Can we keep baby lions as pets? Why or why not? Use the ideas in the box to help you. 翻译:人们为什么要养宠物?我们可以把小狮子当宠物养吗?为什么?请你借助方框中的想法来帮助你。
Pets 翻译:宠物
are fun 翻译:有趣
bring people happiness 翻译:给人类带来欢乐
keep people company 翻译:陪伴人类
are like family members or friends 翻译:像家人或朋友
People 翻译:人类
talk to pets 翻译:与宠物交谈
want something to look after/care for 翻译:希望得到照顾/关心
like playing or going outside for walks with pets 翻译:喜欢和宠物一起玩耍或外出散步
Many people keep pets because they keep people company. People don't keep baby lions as pets because they are wild animals. 翻译:很多人饲养宠物是因为它们可以陪伴人。人们不会把小狮子当宠物养,因为它们是野生动物。
What can you see in the photo on this page? What do you expect to read in the story on Page 121? Write your questions in the mind map. 翻译:在本页的照片中你能看到什么?你希望在第121页的故事中读到什么?在思维导图中写下你的问题。
An animal story 翻译:动物故事
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Read and Understand 翻译:阅读与理解
Read the story. Are your guesses correct? What happened in the story? Complete the storyline below. Share your storyline in pairs. 翻译:阅读故事。你的猜测正确吗?故事中发生了什么?请完成下面的故事情节。两人一组,分享你们的故事情节。
In 1969, John Rendall and his friend Anthony Bourke saw a cute baby lion in a shop in London. They bought him, took him home and called him Christian. John and Anthony looked after Christian very well. They always spoke to Christian kindly. They played with him and took him for walks. They drove him around the city in their car and even took him to the beach. Some people thought they were mad. 翻译:1969年,约翰·伦德尔和他的朋友安东尼·伯克在伦敦的一家商店里看到了一只可爱的小狮子。于是,他们把他买了下来,带回了家,并给他取名为克里斯蒂安。约翰和安东尼对克里斯蒂安照顾得无微不至,总是温柔地与他交谈,陪他玩耍,带他外出散步。他们还开车带着克里斯蒂安在城市里兜风,甚至带他去了海边。有些人认为他们疯了。
Christian lived with John and Anthony happily for about a year. He was never angry and he was not dangerous. However, he grew quickly. Soon, Christian was too big to live in their house, so John and Anthony decided to take him to Africa. At first, it was not easy for Christian, but slowly, he learnt and did well. 翻译:克里斯蒂安与约翰和安东尼愉快地生活了一年左右。他一直很温顺,从未表现出攻击性。不过,他长得很快。不久,克里斯蒂安太大了,不能再住在他们的房子里了,于是约翰和安东尼决定带他去非洲。起初,克里斯蒂安生活得并不顺利,但慢慢地,他学会了适应并在那里过得很好。
After a year, John and Anthony went back to see Christian. It took a long time, but they finally found Christian with a few other lions. Christian walked towards them slowly. Then, suddenly, he recognised them! He ran over and jumped up on them. He didn't hurt them. He hugged them warmly. They couldn't believe it! 翻译:一年后,约翰和安东尼回去看望克里斯蒂安。经过很长一段时间的寻找,他们终于在一群狮子中找到了克里斯蒂安。克里斯蒂安缓缓地向他们走去。突然,他认出了他们!克里斯蒂安跑了过去,跳到他们身上。他不仅没有伤害他们,反而热情地拥抱了他们。他们简直不敢相信这一切!
John and Anthony visited Christian again another year later. Christian had a family and babies, but he still jumped excitedly around them. He was too big and knocked them down easily. John and Anthony were sad to leave him, but they were also happy to see Christian living freely in Africa. 翻译:又过了一年,约翰和安东尼再次去看望了克里斯蒂安。此时,克里斯蒂安已经有了自己的家庭和孩子,但他见到他们时,依然激动地围着他们跳来跳去。他体形庞大,轻而易举地就能把他们撞倒。约翰和安东尼虽然不舍得离开他,但他们也很高兴看到克里斯蒂安能够在非洲自由自在地生活。
John & Anthony 翻译:约翰和安东尼
1969 翻译:1969年
Christian 翻译:克里斯蒂安
Read the story again and answer the questions. 翻译:再读一遍故事,并回答问题。
Why did John and Anthony take Christian to Africa? 翻译:约翰和安东尼为什么要带克里斯蒂安去非洲?
Why did John and Anthony go to Africa to see Christian? 翻译:约翰和安东尼为什么要去非洲看克里斯蒂安?
Do you think Christian remembered John and Anthony? How do you know? 翻译:你认为克里斯蒂安还记得约翰和安东尼吗?你是怎么知道的?
Why did John and Anthony feel both sad and happy to leave Christian in Africa? 翻译:为什么约翰和安东尼在离开非洲时既感到难过又感到高兴?
Work in groups. Tell the story in parts and give your opinions. 翻译:小组合作,分段讲述这个故事并给出自己的意见。
Read and Explore 翻译:阅读与探索
Analyse and Appreciate Use the following elements to analyse the story. Then, complete the table. 翻译:分析与欣赏 请利用以下要素分析这个故事。然后,完成表格。
Setting (when and where) 翻译:背景(何时何地)
Main characters (who) 翻译:主要人物(谁)
Plot 翻译:情节
Ending 翻译:结尾
Skill Builder 翻译:技巧积累
Recognising story structure 翻译:识别故事结构
Pay attention to the key elements of a story — setting, characters, plot and ending. A storyline or a story map can help you understand the story better. 翻译:注意故事的关键要素——背景、人物、情节和结尾。故事情节或情节图可以帮助你更好地理解故事。
Think and Share What do you think of the relationship between the two people and Christian? 翻译:思考与分享 你觉得这两个人和克里斯蒂安之间的关系如何?
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Anthony is telling his story to a newspaper reporter. Complete the story with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. 翻译:词汇运用 安东尼正在向报社记者讲述他的故事。用方框中单词和短语的正确形式完成这个故事。
recognise 翻译:认识,认出,辨别出
excited 翻译:兴奋的
look after 翻译:对……负责,照料,照顾
jump up 翻译:跳起来
easy 翻译:容易的,轻松的
live with 翻译:和……一起生活
knock 翻译:撞击;敲,击
free 翻译:自由的
drive 翻译:驾驶,开车
decide 翻译:决定,选定
I moved to London from Australia with my friend John Rendall in the 1960s. One day, we saw a baby lion in a shop and we decided to buy it and take it home. We called the lion Christian and we looked after him very well. We took him for walks and drived him around the city in our car. Christian lived with us happily, but he grew quickly! After a year, Christian was too big for the city and, anyway, he didn't belong here. So, we took him to Africa so that he could live freely. It wasn't easy for him at first because everything was new, but he learnt and did well. In 1971, John and I went back to visit Christian. He was excited to see us! He still recognised us when we visited again a year later, but he was so big that he knocked us down easily when he jumped up to hug us! 翻译:20世纪60年代,我和我的朋友约翰·伦德尔从澳大利亚搬到了伦敦。有一天,我们在一家商店里看到了一只小狮子,于是决定把他买下来并带回家。我们给这只小狮子取名为克里斯蒂安,并且把他照顾得很好。我们带他散步,开着车带他在城市里兜风。克里斯蒂安和我们生活得很愉快,不过,他长得很快!一年后,克里斯蒂安长得太大了,不适合再留在城里,而且他也不属于这里。于是,我们把他带到了非洲,让他自由自在地生活。起初,他生活得并不顺利,因为一切都是新的,但他慢慢地适应了并在那里过得很好。1971年,约翰和我回去看望了克里斯蒂安。他见到我们很激动!一年后,当我们再次去看望他时,他还能认出我们,但它太大了,以至于它跳起来拥抱我们时,我们很容易被它撞倒!
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Grammar Discovery 翻译:语法探索
Adverbs of manner (方式副词) 翻译:
Compare the sentences. What do the underlined words mean? How do they make the sentences different? Then, complete the Your Discovery box. 翻译:比较下列句子。划线单词是什么意思?它们是如何让句子变得不同的?然后,完成“你的发现”方框里的内容。
Christian lived with John and Anthony for about a year. 翻译:克里斯蒂安与约翰和安东尼一起生活了一年左右。
Christian lived with John and Anthony happily for about a year. 翻译:克里斯蒂安与约翰和安东尼愉快地生活了一年左右。
Christian walked towards them. 翻译:克里斯蒂安向他们走去。
Christian walked towards them slowly. 翻译:克里斯蒂安缓缓地向他们走去。
He hugged them. 翻译:它拥抱了他们。
He hugged them warmly. 翻译:它热情地拥抱了他们。
... he still jumped around them. 翻译:……他依然围着他们跳来跳去。
... he still jumped excitedly around them. 翻译:……他依然激动地围着他们跳来跳去。
Your Discovery 翻译:你的发现
We can use adverbs of manner to express ______. 翻译:方式副词用于表达______。
We can use adverbs of manner in the following places: ______. 翻译:方式副词在句中的位置有:______。
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 155; Grammar in Use, Page 155. 翻译:语法总结,155页;语法运用,155页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Role-play an interview with John Rendall. Ask him about his story with Christian. 翻译:口语 模拟一次与约翰·伦德尔的采访,询问他和克里斯蒂安之间的故事。
Hello, John. Can you tell us your story with Christian? 翻译:你好,约翰。你能给我们讲讲你和克里斯蒂安之间的故事吗?
Sure. It was... 翻译:当然,它是……
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
What are the proper relationships between humans and animals? 翻译:人类与动物之间的恰当关系是什么?
I think the proper relationships should be ______. 翻译:我认为恰当关系应该是______。
Writing Workshop Introducing an Animal 翻译:写作训练营 介绍一种动物
Get Ready for Writing 翻译:写作准备
You are going to introduce a special animal for an English magazine. Discuss the following questions in pairs. 翻译:你要为一本英语杂志介绍一种特殊的动物。两人一组,讨论下列问题。
What animal do you want to introduce? 翻译:你想介绍什么动物?
What is special about it? 翻译:它有什么特别之处?
How are you going to introduce it? 翻译:你打算如何介绍它?
Read for Writing 翻译:读写结合
Focus on Content Read the introduction about blue whales. Tick (✓) the special things the writer includes in the introduction. 翻译:聚焦内容 阅读有关蓝鲸的介绍。勾选出作者在介绍中提到的特别之处。
How much they weigh 翻译:它们有多重
What they eat 翻译:它们吃什么
How long they live 翻译:它们的寿命有多长
What other special features they have 翻译:它们还有哪些其他特点
A Special Animal 翻译:一种特殊的动物
Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world. They can weigh between 100,000 and 200,000 kg and can grow up to 32 metres long! 翻译:蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。它们的体重在100到200吨之间,身长可达32米!
They need a lot of food every day. A blue whale eats 3,600 kg of food a day. They often eat the tiny animals called krill, but they don't eat big fish. Most blue whales can live for 80 to 90 years. 翻译:它们每天需要吃大量的食物,一头蓝鲸每天要吃3.6吨重的食物。它们主要以一种名为磷虾的小型动物为食,但不吃大鱼。大多数蓝鲸的寿命在80到90年之间。
They usually swim quickly, alone or in pairs, at a speed of 20 km/h, and can make really loud sounds so they can hear each other 1,600 km away! 翻译:它们通常单独或成对地快速游动,速度可达每小时20公里,并能发出非常响亮的声音,使得彼此在1600公里外也能听到!
Focus on Structure How does the writer organise his introduction? Use the information in Activity 2 to help you complete the structure. Then, work out your own outline. 翻译:聚焦结构 作者是如何组织他的介绍的?请利用活动2中的信息来帮助你完成这一结构。然后,列出你自己的提纲。
Para. 1 翻译:第一段
Para. 2 翻译:第二段
Para. 3 翻译:第三段
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Focus on Language Read the introduction again. Underline some useful expressions for describing what blue whales are like, what they can do and what they eat, etc. Write 2—3 sentences about the animal you choose in Activity 1. Use the Sentence Builder to help you. 翻译:聚焦语言 再读一遍介绍,划出描述蓝鲸的特征、行为以及食物等方面的常用表达。就活动1中选择的动物写两到三句话。请你借助“句子积累”框中的内容来帮助你。
Sentence Builder 翻译:句子积累
To write about animals, you can: 翻译:要写动物,你可以:
use adverbs to describe how they live 翻译:用副词描述它们的生活方式
Blue whales usually swim quickly, alone or in pairs, at a speed of 20 km/h. 翻译:蓝鲸通常单独或成对地快速游动,速度可达每小时20公里。
use numbers to describe an animal's weight, length, speed, or how much it eats 翻译:用数字描述动物的体量、长度、速度或食量
Blue whales weigh between 100,000 and 200,000 kg and can grow up to 32 metres long! 翻译:蓝鲸的体重在100到200吨之间,身长可达32米!
A blue whale eats 3,600 kg of food a day. 翻译:一头蓝鲸每天要吃3.6吨重的食物。
Most blue whales can live for 80 to 90 years. 翻译:大多数蓝鲸的寿命在80到90年之间。
They usually swim quickly, at a speed of 20 km/h. 翻译:它们通常游得很快,速度可达每小时20公里。
They can hear each other 1,600 km away! 翻译:他们能在1600公里外听见彼此的声音!
Compose Your Writing 翻译:撰写文章
Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft. 翻译:初稿 运用作文大纲和写作提示的内容撰写初稿。
Editing and Revising Use the Peer Editing Sheet as a guide to edit your own introduction, and then edit with a partner. After that, revise your introduction and share it with the class. 翻译:编写与修改 以《同伴评价表》为撰写标准,编写你自己的介绍,然后与同伴一起编写。之后,修改你的介绍,并与全班同学分享。
Peer Editing Sheet, Page 134. 翻译:同伴评价表,134页。
Writing Help 翻译:写作帮助
When introducing a special animal, you should: 翻译:在介绍一种特殊动物时,你应该:
state the animal's name; 翻译:说明这种动物的名称;
describe its physical features; 翻译:描述其外形特征;
tell readers about its special living habits and other special features. 翻译:告诉读者它的特殊生活习性和其他特征。
Speaking Workshop A Good Helper 翻译:口语训练营 好帮手
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Have you or your friends got a pet? What kind of animal is it? What can it do? Do you help look after it? 翻译:你或你的朋友有宠物吗?它是什么动物?它能做什么?你会帮忙照顾它吗?
Listen and Learn 翻译:听力与学习
Listen and read the dialogue. Why is Joe the best friend for Dan? Underline the key information. Then, role-play the dialogue. 翻译:听录音并读对话。为什么乔是丹最好的朋友?请你在对话中的关键信息下划线。然后,分角色扮演对话。
Hi, Jason. I visited my uncle Dan and his best friend Joe last weekend. 翻译:嗨,贾森。上周末我去拜访了我的叔叔丹和他最好的朋友乔。
How nice! 翻译:真不错!
Joe is a dog, actually. Uncle Dan can't walk and Joe helps him a lot. 翻译:乔其实是一只狗。丹叔叔不能走路,而乔帮了他很多忙。
How can Joe help? 翻译:乔能帮什么忙?
Joe can do many things. At home, he can get a book off the shelf for Dan and help with the washing too. 翻译:乔能做很多事情。在家里,他可以从书架上为丹拿一本书,还可以帮忙洗衣服。
That's great! 翻译:太棒了!
He can also help Dan cross the road and get on the train. In the supermarket, he can get the food and put it in the basket. He can even pay for the food! 翻译:他还可以帮助丹过马路和上火车。在超市里,他可以拿到食物并将它放入篮子里。他甚至可以付钱呢!
What a smart dog! Joe is really a good helper. 翻译:多么聪明的狗狗啊!乔真是个好帮手。
Read the dialogue again. How do the speakers comment and give positive responses? Listen and complete the Talk Builder. Then, repeat. 翻译:再读一遍对话。说话人是如何评论和做出积极回应的?听录音并补全“对话积累”中的内容。然后,复述一遍。
Talk Builder 翻译:对话积累
Commenting/Giving positive responses 翻译:评论/给予积极回应
How nice! 翻译:真不错!
That's great! 翻译:太棒了!
What a smart dog! 翻译:多么聪明的狗狗啊!
Joe is really a good helper. 翻译:乔真是个好帮手。
Wonderful! 翻译:太棒了!
Good for you. 翻译:真不错。
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Speaking 翻译:口语
In pairs, act out a dialogue similar to the one in Activity 2. Use your ideas in Activity 1 and the sentences from the Talk Builder to help you. 翻译:两人一组,表演一段类似活动2中的对话。请你借助活动1中的想法和“对话积累”中的内容来帮助你。
Pronunciation: /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /j/, /w/, /l/ 翻译:发音:/m/、/n/、/ŋ/、/j/、/w/、/l/
Listen and repeat. 翻译:听录音并跟读。
/m/ 翻译:
mouse /maʊs/ 翻译:老鼠
/n/ 翻译:
chameleon /kəˈmi:liən/ 翻译:变色龙
/ŋ/ 翻译:
kangaroo /ˌkæŋgəˈru:/ 翻译:袋鼠
/j/ 翻译:
yard /jɑːd/ 翻译:院子
/w/ 翻译:
whale /weɪl/ 翻译:鲸
/l/ 翻译:
ladybird /ˈleɪdibɜ:d/ 翻译:瓢虫
Read and circle the word with a different phonetic sound. 翻译:读一读,圈出发音不同的单词。
year 翻译:年份
friendly 翻译:友好的
young 翻译:年轻的
amazing 翻译:惊人的,了不起的
snake 翻译:蛇
animal 翻译:动物
find 翻译:找到,找回
king 翻译:国王
know 翻译:知道
quick 翻译:迅速的,快的
work 翻译:工作
computer 翻译:计算机
elephant 翻译:大象
butterfly 翻译:蝴蝶
beautiful 翻译:漂亮的
Read the following poem and sentence aloud. How do you pronounce the underlined letter(s)? 翻译:朗读下面的诗和句子。划线字母如何发音?
Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. —Nursery Rhyme 翻译:玛丽有只小羊羔, 它雪白一身毛。 无论玛丽到哪里, 它总是跟着跑。 ——儿歌
Do you know that people say the lion is the king of the jungle? 翻译:你知道人们常说狮子是丛林之王吗?
Look at the phonetic symbols below. How do you spell the words? Write them down and read the words out loud. 翻译:看看下列音标,如何拼写这些单词?请你写出这些单词并大声读出来。
/rɒŋ/ 翻译:
/jʌŋ/ 翻译:
/təˈwɔ:dz/ 翻译:
/bɪˈtwi:n/ 翻译:
/ˈfrendli/ 翻译:
/ˈfæməli/ 翻译:
Reading Club 1 翻译:阅读俱乐部1
Pet Power! 翻译:宠物的力量!
Going into hospital is hard for everyone, but it's even more difficult for children and teenagers. They can feel sad, lonely and afraid. Luckily, at the Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, there are helpers to make them feel better. They're not doctors or nurses, however. These helpers have got four legs and fur! They're dogs from Pet Pals, and they visit the hospital on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 翻译:住院对每个人来说都是一件难事,但对儿童和青少年来说则更加困难。他们可能会感到悲伤、孤独和恐惧。幸运的是,在彩虹婴幼儿医院,有一些帮手可以让他们感觉好一些。不过,它们既非医生也非护士。这些帮手有四条腿,还长着毛!它们是来自宠物伙伴组织的狗狗,每周二和周四晚上都会来医院陪伴孩子们。
The Pet Pals 'therapy dogs' are trained to behave well. They sit in hospital rooms or lie on the beds. They make the children feel calm and relaxed. The children can forget about their problems for a while, and even smile as they talk to the dogs and play with them. 翻译:宠物伙伴组织的“治疗犬”训练有素。它们会坐在病房里或躺在病床上,让孩子们感到平静和放松。孩子们在和狗狗说话、玩耍时,可以暂时忘却自己的烦恼,甚至露出笑容。
'Dogs are so important in hospitals for so many different reasons,' says Lisa Perry from Pet Pals. 'When I walk into a patient's room with a pet therapy dog, everything changes.' 翻译:“狗狗在医院里起着非常重要的作用,原因有很多,”宠物伙伴组织的丽莎·佩里说。“当我带着宠物治疗犬走进患者的病房时,一切都变了。”
The Pet Pals dogs are popular with children and adults. Even the doctors are amazed at the power of pets! 翻译:宠物伙伴组织的狗狗们深受儿童和成人的喜爱,就连医生也对宠物的力量感到惊讶!
Notes 翻译:笔记
fur 翻译:n. (动物浓厚的)软毛
therapy 翻译:n. 治疗,疗法
What power do pet therapy dogs have? Why are Pet Pals dogs popular at the Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital? 翻译:宠物治疗犬有什么力量?为什么宠物伙伴组织的宠物治疗犬在彩虹婴幼儿医院很受欢迎?
Do you think it's a good idea to have dogs in hospitals? What are the benefits? Can you think of any problems? 翻译:你认为在医院里引入狗狗是个好主意吗?有哪些好处?你认为可能会遇到哪些问题?
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Reading Club 2 翻译:阅读俱乐部2
Animals in the Past 翻译:历史上的动物
We can't see these animals today, but they can teach us important lessons. 翻译:如今,我们看不到这些动物了,但它们可以给我们留下重要的教训。
Dodo 翻译:渡渡鸟
Dodos were large birds. They only lived on the islands of Mauritius. They had very small wings, so they couldn't fly. They couldn't run fast either because they had short legs. People first visited Mauritius in the 16th century and they found that dodos tasted good and were easy to catch. By the end of the 17th century, there were no dodos left. 翻译:渡渡鸟是一种大型鸟类,仅生活在毛里求斯的岛屿上。由于翅膀很小,它们无法飞行,又因腿短而跑不快。16世纪,人们首次到达毛里求斯,发现渡渡鸟既好吃又容易捕捉。到了17世纪末,渡渡鸟已经彻底灭绝了。
Mammoth 翻译:猛犸(象)
A woolly mammoth looked like an elephant. It was up to 4 metres tall and weighed up to 6 tons. It had a trunk like an elephant. It had big tusks too, so it could find grass under the snow. Woolly mammoths also had brown and very long hair. It helped them stay warm in the cold weather. Most woolly mammoths disappeared about 10,000 years ago. 翻译:猛犸象看起来像大象,高达4米,重达6吨。它有一根像大象一样的长鼻子,还有大獠牙,可以用来寻找被雪覆盖的草。猛犸象还有一身浓密的棕色长毛,这有助于它们在寒冷的天气里保持温暖。大约1万年前,大多数猛犸象灭绝了。
Apatosaurus 翻译:谬龙
The apatosaurus was one of the largest animals. It was up to 22 metres long and weighed up to 30 tons. It was too heavy to run fast, but it had a long tail to protect itself. It also had a very long neck and it could help them reach leaves and fruit high off the ground. The apatosaurus lived about 150 million years ago. 翻译:谬龙是最大的动物之一,长达22米,重达30吨。由于体型庞大,它无法快速奔跑,但有一条长长的尾巴用于保护自己。谬龙的脖子也很长,可以帮助它们吃到高处的树叶和果实。谬龙生活在大约1.5亿年前。
Notes 翻译:笔记
dodo 翻译:n. 渡渡鸟
Mauritius 翻译:毛里求斯
mammoth 翻译:n. 猛犸(象)
trunk 翻译:n. 象鼻;树干
tusk 翻译:n. (象和某些其他动物的)长牙
apatosaurus 翻译:n. 谬龙
What do you think was special about each animal in the article? 翻译:你认为文章中的各种动物有什么特别之处?
What are the possible reasons that these animals disappeared? What lessons can we learn? 翻译:这些动物灭绝的原因可能是什么?我们可以从中吸取哪些教训?
Project Animal Kingdom 翻译:项目 动物王国
Task 翻译:任务
In groups, use a creative way to introduce an animal that lives in China. Explain the special things of the animal and the relationship between humans and animals. Discuss and decide which form you would like to choose for your group task. 翻译:以小组为单位,采取一种富有创意的方式介绍一种生活在中国的动物。解释该动物的特别之处以及人与动物之间的关系,并讨论决定你们小组任务的具体形式。
a story 翻译:故事
a presentation 翻译:展示
a fact file 翻译:事实档案
What will you include in your work, e.g. basic information (name, place, food, appearance, abilities, etc.), photos and other important facts about the animal? 翻译:你们的作品将包含哪些内容,例如动物的基本信息(名称、地点、食物、外形、能力等)、照片和其他重要事实?
What ideas and language in this unit will you use? 翻译:你们将使用本单元中的哪些观点和语言?
How will you divide the work among members? 翻译:小组成员之间如何进行分工?
Planning 翻译:计划
How many steps will you take to do the work? 翻译:你们将采取几个步骤来完成这个作品?
Follow the steps to create your work. 翻译:按照步骤进行创作。
Make sure that everyone takes a part. 翻译:确保每个人都能参与其中。
Make changes as needed when putting your work together. 翻译:在整合作品时,可根据需要进行调整。
Creating 翻译:创造
How will you present your work to the class? 翻译:你们将如何向全班展示你们的作品?
Make sure you face the audience and speak loudly, clearly, and confidently. 翻译:确保面向观众,声音洪亮、清晰且自信地发言。
Presenting 翻译:展示
Is your work informative? 翻译:你们的作品内容丰富吗?
Do your classmates like your work? Why? 翻译:你们的同学喜欢你们的作品吗?为什么?
Which group's work do you like best? Why? 翻译:你们最喜欢哪个小组的作品?为什么?
What do you learn about human-animal relationship from this project? 翻译:从这个项目中,你们对人与动物的之间关系有什么了解?
Reflecting 翻译:反思
Do you agree? 翻译:你同意吗?
When we look into the eyes of an animal, we do not see an animal. We see a living being and a friend, and feel a soul (灵魂). 翻译:当我们注视动物的眼睛时,我们看到的不仅仅是动物,还是一个生命和一个朋友,并感受到一个灵魂。
Unit 6 Animals 翻译:第六单元 动物
Check Your Progress 翻译:进度检查
Complete the text with the information about your favourite animal. 翻译:将你最喜欢的动物的信息填入文中。
I know many amazing animals. For example, ______ has amazing ______. My favourite animal is the ______. It ______. I like it because ______. I want to ______ for it to show my love. 翻译:我知道很多神奇的动物。比如,______有神奇的______。我最喜欢的动物是______,它______。我之所以喜欢它,是因为______。我想要______来表达我的爱。
Read a text about an interesting animal — echidnas (针鼹). Choose proper adverbs to complete it. What do you find the most interesting about echidnas? 翻译:阅读一篇关于有趣的动物——针鼹的文章。请选择恰当的副词将其补充完整。你觉得针鼹最有趣的地方是什么?
fast 翻译:迅速地
slowly 翻译:慢地
easily 翻译:轻而易举地
well 翻译:好地
quietly 翻译:安静地
madly 翻译:疯狂地
Echidnas only live in Australia or New Guinea. They are special because they are mammals, but they lay eggs! 翻译:针鼹只生活在澳大利亚或新几内亚。它们很特别,因为它们是哺乳动物,但会产卵!
Echidnas can live for up to 50 years! Some of them can grow to 77 cm long and weigh over 10 kg. They move quite slowly, so they don't run away when they are afraid. Instead, they make their bodies into a ball — and they do it well! 翻译:针鼹的寿命可达50年!有些针鼹可以长到77厘米长,体重超过10公斤。它们行动相当缓慢,因此在感到害怕时不会逃跑。相反,它们会把身体缩成一团,而且做得很好!
Echidnas sleep fast in the day or at night. During the warm months of the year, they eat in the day and sleep at night. But if it's very hot, echidnas sleep in the day and wake up at night! You won't hear them, though, because they move very quietly. In winter, echidnas carefully dig holes under the ground and stay there. 翻译:针鼹在白天或夜晚都会快速进入睡眠。在一年中的温暖月份,它们白天觅食,晚上睡觉。但如果天气炎热,针鼹就会白天睡觉,晚上醒来!不过你听不到它们的声音,因为它们的行动非常安静。到了冬天,针鼹会小心翼翼地在地下挖洞,然后待在那里。
So, what do echidnas eat? They eat small animals and insects. They don't wait patiently for insects to pass by, however. They dig madly in the ground to find them! Echidnas can catch insects easily with their tongues — they are 15 cm long! 翻译:那么,针鼹吃什么呢?它们以小型动物和昆虫为食。不过,它们并不会耐心等待昆虫经过。相反,它们会疯狂地掘土来寻找昆虫!针鼹可以用舌头轻松捕捉到昆虫——它们的舌头长达15厘米!
Why do people keep animals in zoos? What good things does an animal get from being in a zoo? Are there any bad points? 翻译:人们为什么要在动物园里饲养动物?动物在动物园里有什么好处?有什么坏处?
Unit Summary 翻译:单元总结
What have you learnt in this unit? Complete the diagram and reflect on what you have learnt. Add more if you can. Then, share with a partner. 翻译:在这个单元里,你学到了什么?请完成下面的图表,并回顾所学知识。如果可以,请补充更多内容。然后,与同伴分享一下。
Amazing animals 翻译:神奇的动物
names: 翻译:名字:
appearance: 翻译:外形:
groups (类属): 翻译:
habits: 翻译:习性:
Animal lovers 翻译:动物爱好者
loving behaviours: 翻译:爱心行为:
human-animal relationship: 翻译:人与动物之间的关系:
ANIMALS need/are ______. 翻译:动物需要/是______。
Animal helpers 翻译:动物帮手
ways to help: 翻译:帮助的方式:
effects on humans: 翻译:对人类的影响:
More... 翻译:更多……
Study Help 翻译:学习助手
How to write a fact sheet 翻译:如何撰写概要
We can present information on a fact sheet. This makes it easy to read and remember. For example, a fact sheet about an animal usually includes its size, weight, food, behaviour, etc. 翻译:我们可以将信息整理成概要,这样便于阅读和记忆。例如,有关动物的概要通常包括以下内容:大小、体重、食物、行为等。
Blue Whales 翻译:蓝鲸
The biggest animal in the world now 翻译:目前世界上最大的动物
length/size: 32 metres long 翻译:长度/大小:32米长
weight: 100,000—200,000 kg 翻译:体量:100—200吨
food: krill (3,600 kg a day) 翻译:食物:磷虾(每天3.6吨)
life span: 80—90 years 翻译:寿命:80—90年
behaviour: usually swimming alone or in pairs 翻译:行为:通常单独或成对地游动
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