Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating. — John Ruskin 翻译:阳光宜人,雨露滋润,清风提神,飘雪振奋。 ——约翰·拉斯金
By the end of this unit, you will be able to: 翻译:在本单元结束时,你将能:
introduce weather conditions in different places; 翻译:介绍不同地方的天气状况;
discuss how weather affects people's everyday life and activities; 翻译:讨论天气如何影响人们的日常生活和活动;
describe your favourite weather and share your feelings about it; 翻译:描述你最喜欢的天气并分享你的感受;
talk about your understanding of the relationship between weather and humans, animals and plants. 翻译:谈谈你对天气与人类、动物和植物之间关系的理解。
Topic Talk 翻译:话题讨论
Think and Say Study the weather information in the table. What's the weather like in each city? What's the weather like in your city/town? 翻译:思考与表达 研究表格中的天气信息。每个城市的天气如何?你所在城市/城镇的天气如何?
sunny 翻译:晴朗的
snowy 翻译:下雪的,雪多的
windy 翻译:多云的
cloudy 翻译:多云的
rainy 翻译:阴雨的,多雨的
City 翻译:城市
Temperature 翻译:温度,气温
Weather 翻译:天气
Harbin 翻译:哈尔滨
-11℃ 翻译:零下11摄氏度
Qingdao 翻译:青岛
7℃ 翻译:7摄氏度
Chengdu 翻译:成都
10℃ 翻译:10摄氏度
Hangzhou 翻译:杭州
13℃ 翻译:13摄氏度
Sanya 翻译:三亚
26℃ 翻译:26摄氏度
It's a snowy day in Harbin. It's -11 degrees Celsius. It's cold. 翻译:哈尔滨下雪了。气温在零下11摄氏度。天气很冷。
Notes 翻译:注释
26℃ = 26 degrees Celsius 翻译:26℃等于26摄氏度
-11℃ = minus 11 degrees Celsius 翻译:—11℃ 等于零下11摄氏度
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Listen and Practise What is the weather like in each city? Listen to a report about today's international weather and complete the table. 翻译:听力与练习 各个城市的天气如何?听一篇有关今日国际天气的报道,并完成表格。
Place 翻译:地点
Weather 翻译:天气
Temperature 翻译:温度,气温
Athens 翻译:雅典
warm, sunny 翻译:温暖的,晴朗的
20℃ 翻译:20摄氏度
Paris 翻译:巴黎
rainy, cold 翻译:多雨的,寒冷的
5℃ 翻译:5摄氏度
London 翻译:伦敦
windy and cool 翻译:凉爽多风
no higher than 10 ℃ 翻译:不高于10摄氏度
Yakutsk 翻译:雅库茨克
freezing cold 翻译:非常寒冷
-25℃ 翻译:零下25摄氏度
Vienna 翻译:维也纳
cool, cloudy 翻译:凉爽,多云的
15℃ 翻译:15摄氏度
Relate and Share Choose a city you want to visit and talk with a partner about its weather today. 翻译:描述与分享 选择一个你想参观的城市,并与同伴讨论该城市今天的天气状况。
What's the weather like in... today? 翻译:今天……的天气如何?
It's... The temperature is... 翻译:今天……气温在……
Sing and Enjoy Listen to the song and sing along. What is it like on rainy, snowy and sunny days? What should you do or wear on these days? 翻译:歌曲与欣赏 听歌曲并跟唱。雨天、雪天和晴天是什么样的?在这些天气里你应该做什么或穿什么?
Weather 翻译:天气
The weather behaves in different ways It can change from day to day Rain and snow and sunshine too What's the weather like with you On rainy days we all get wet Take your umbrella — don't forget Wear a coat to keep you dry Or if you can, just stay inside On snowy days the world is white It really is a lovely sight Put on warm clothes, then off you go Have fun playing in the snow On sunny days, the weather's hot So wear the coolest clothes you've got Play outside and enjoy the sun Sunny days are lots of fun 翻译:天气的变化多种多样 每天都变幻莫测 时而绵绵细雨,时而皑皑白雪,时而阳光明媚 你那边的天气如何 下雨天,街头巷尾皆是湿漉漉的景象 别忘了随身携带一把雨伞 穿上雨衣,保持身体的干爽 或者干脆就待在家里 下雪天,世界银装素裹 真是一幅美丽的景象 穿上暖和的冬衣,勇敢地走出家门 在雪地里尽情玩耍 晴朗天,烈日炎炎 换上轻薄透气的夏装 到户外享受阳光 晴朗的日子总是充满了无限的乐趣
Lesson 1 Whatever the Weather 翻译:第一课 无论天气如何
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
What can people do on snowy, rainy, cloudy, sunny or windy days? Talk with a partner. 翻译:在下雪天、下雨天、阴天、晴天或刮风天,人们可以做些什么?与同伴讨论。
Weather 翻译:天气
windy 翻译:多风的
sunny 翻译:晴朗的
snowy 翻译:下雪的,雪多的
rainy 翻译:阴雨的,多雨的
cloudy 翻译:多云的
Activity 翻译:活动
build a snowman 翻译:堆雪人
swim in the pool 翻译:在泳池游泳
play in the snow 翻译:在雪地里玩耍
fly a kite 翻译:放风筝
have a picnic 翻译:野餐
go to an indoor sports centre 翻译:去室内运动中心
On windy days, people can fly a kite. 翻译:刮风天,人们可以放风筝。
On sunny days, people can have a picnic. 翻译:晴天,人们可以野餐。
Read and Understand 翻译:阅读与理解
What countries are the cities Ottawa, London, Sydney and Buenos Aires in? Scan the text and find out. 翻译:渥太华、伦敦、悉尼和布宜诺斯艾利斯分别位于哪个国家?浏览文章,并找出答案。
Skill Builder 翻译:技巧积累
Making connections across subjects 翻译:建立跨学科的联系
To understand a text, it is helpful to use the knowledge of other subjects (e.g. geography, history) and the background knowledge to help you. 翻译:要理解一篇文章,利用其他学科(如地理、历史)的知识和背景知识是很有帮助的。
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
It's 1st January and it's winter in Beijing. Let's see what the weather is like today around the world! 翻译:今天是1月1日,北京已经入冬了。让我们来看看今天世界各地的天气如何!
Ottawa (Canada) 翻译:渥太华(加拿大)
It's snowy here in Ottawa and the temperature is around -15℃. It's freezing cold, but people aren't staying at home! Some kids are building snowmen. Others are playing in the snow. It's fun! 翻译:渥太华大雪纷飞,气温在-15℃左右。虽然天寒地冻,但人们并没有宅在家里!有些孩子在堆雪人,其他的则在雪地里玩耍。真是有趣极了!
London (The UK) 翻译:伦敦(英国)
It's wet and rainy here in London. The temperature is 8℃. Are people walking in the rain? Not really! There are only a few people outside now and they're all holding umbrellas. Most people are staying at home. 翻译:伦敦潮湿多雨。气温在8℃。人们在雨中漫步吗?没有!现在外面只有寥寥数人,而且他们都撑着伞。大多数人都待在家里。
Sydney (Australia) 翻译:悉尼(澳大利亚)
It's hot and sunny in Sydney. The temperature is 28℃. People aren't spending the day inside — they are at the beach! They are enjoying themselves. It's a lovely day. 翻译:悉尼阳光明媚,天气炎热。气温在28℃。人们并没有整天待在室内——他们都在海滩上!他们玩得不亦乐乎。今天天气真好。
Buenos Aires (Argentina) 翻译:布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)
It's cloudy and windy here in Buenos Aires. The temperature is 30℃. It's hot. What are people doing now? Some are walking in the park. A few are having picnics and children are playing games. 翻译:布宜诺斯艾利斯多云有风。气温在30℃,天气炎热。人们现在在做什么呢?有些人在公园里散步。一些人在野餐,孩子们在玩游戏。
What's the weather like in each city? What are people doing there? Read the text again and complete the table. 翻译:各个城市的天气如何?人们在那里做什么?再读一遍文章,并完成表格。
Date: 1st January 翻译:日期:1月1日
City 翻译:城市
Weather 翻译:天气
Activities 翻译:活动
Ottawa 翻译:渥太华
London 翻译:伦敦
Sydney 翻译:悉尼
Buenos Aires 翻译:布宜诺斯艾利斯
Imagine you are in one of the cities. Send your friend a voice message about what the weather is like and what you are doing now. 翻译:想象你就在其中一个城市。给你的朋友发送一条留言,告诉他天气如何,以及你现在在做什么。
Hi...! I'm on holiday in... It is... and the temperature is... I am... with... We're having a great time! See you soon! 翻译:嗨……!我在……度假。天气……气温在……我现在和……在……我们玩得很开心!再见!
Read and Explore 翻译:阅读与探索
Analyse and Appreciate What information is included in the text about each city? Complete the chart. 翻译:分析与欣赏 文章中包含了哪些有关各个城市的信息?完成图表。
the name of the city 翻译:城市的名称
Think and Share Why do the cities in the text have very different weather on the same day? 翻译:思考与分享 为什么文中的城市在同一天会出现截然不同的天气状况?
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Complete Carl's diary with the words and expressions in the box. 翻译:词汇运用 用方框中的单词和短语完成卡尔的日记。
walk in the rain 翻译:在雨中行走
build a snowman 翻译:堆雪人
have a picnic 翻译:野餐
wet 翻译:有雨的,下雨的;潮的,湿的
windy 翻译:多风的
swim in the pool 翻译:在泳池游泳
Today is a beautiful sunny day. I get up very early. It's 30℃ outside! Some of my friends want to swim in the pool, but I think we can have a picnic in the nearby park. We can make sandwiches, take some snacks, and bring a few bananas. I love sunny days, but rainy days are okay with me. It's fun to walk in the rain! My parents, though, don't like it. They usually go to an indoor sports centre on a wet day. Sometimes it's windy here, and kids like to fly kites. We almost never get snow here, but I really want to play in it and build a snowman. That sounds so exciting! 翻译:今天阳光明媚。我起得很早。外面的气温是30℃!我的一些朋友想去游泳池游泳,但我觉得我们可以去附近的公园野餐。我们可以做三明治,带一些零食,再带些香蕉。我喜欢晴天,但雨天也没关系。在雨中漫步很有趣!不过,我的父母不喜欢下雨天。他们通常会在雨天去室内运动中心。这里有时会刮风,孩子们喜欢放风筝。我们这里几乎从没下过雪,但我真的很想在雪地里玩耍,堆个雪人。那听起来真刺激!
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Grammar Discovery 翻译:语法探索
Present continuous (现在进行时) 翻译:
Study the sentences carefully. What do the sentences mean? What are the verbs of the sentences? Then, complete the Your Discovery box. 翻译:仔细阅读这些句子。这些句子是什么意思?句子中的动词是什么?然后,完成“你的发现”方框里的内容。
Some kids are building snowmen. 翻译:一些孩子正在堆雪人。
They are enjoying themselves. 翻译:他们玩得不亦乐乎。
People aren't staying at home! 翻译:人们并没有宅在家里!
Are people walking in the rain? 翻译:人们在雨中漫步吗?
What are people doing now? 翻译:人们现在在做什么呢?
Your Discovery 翻译:你的发现
We can use the present continuous to talk about ______. 翻译:我们可以使用现在进行时谈论______。
We can form the present continuous in the following ways: 翻译:现在进行时的构成方式如下:
Affirmative: 翻译:肯定句:
Negative: 翻译:否定句:
Interrogative: 翻译:疑问句:
We can use the following time expressions with the present continuous: ______. 翻译:现在进行时可以搭配以下时间状语一起使用:______。
We make the v-ing form in the following ways: ______. 翻译:动词的-ing形式可以按照以下方式构成:______。
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 145; Grammar in Use, Page 145. 翻译:语法总结,145页;语法运用,145页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Imagine students from different grades are having class tours. Role-play as a school radio journalist. Interview the students about weather conditions and their activities. 翻译:口语 想象一下,不同年级的学生正在进行班级旅行。请扮演一名学校广播记者,去采访一下这些学生,了解天气状况和他们的活动情况。
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
What kind of weather do you like? Why? 翻译:你喜欢什么样的天气?为什么?
I like ______ because ______. 翻译:我喜欢______,因为______。
Lesson 2 Weather Around the World 翻译:第二课 世界各地的天气
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Do you often check the weather forecast in your area? What about the weather around the world? What information can you find in a weather forecast? 翻译:你经常查看自己所在地区的天气预报吗?世界各地的天气如何?你可以从天气预报中找到哪些信息?
Listen and Explore 翻译:听力与探究
Listen to a world weather forecast. Which cities does it include? Tick (✓). 翻译:听一段世界天气预报。它包括哪些城市?请打勾。
Sanya 翻译:三亚
Sydney 翻译:悉尼
London 翻译:伦敦
Paris 翻译:巴黎
Boston 翻译:波士顿
New York 翻译:纽约
Cairo 翻译:开罗
Moscow 翻译:莫斯科
What is the weather like in each city? Listen and complete the 'City' 'Weather' and 'Temperature' columns in the table. 翻译:各个城市的天气如何?听录音并完成表格中的“城市”“天气 ”和“气温”这三列。
Skill Builder 翻译:技巧积累
Using abbreviations and symbols (符号) to take notes 翻译:用缩略词和符号做笔记
and = & 翻译:and等于&
drop = ↓ 翻译:drop等于↓
degree Celsius = ℃ 翻译:degree Celsius等于℃
Moscow = Mos. 翻译:Moscow等于Mos.
City 翻译:城市
Weather 翻译:天气
Temperature 翻译:气温
Clothes to wear 翻译:穿的衣服
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Listen again and complete the 'Clothes to wear' column in the table on Page 52. Why do we need a weather forecast in daily life? 翻译:再听一遍录音,完成第52页表格中的“穿的衣服”一栏。我们在日常生活中为什么需要天气预报呢?
Ask and answer questions in pairs. Use your notes in Activities 3 and 4 to help you. 翻译:两人一组,提出问题并回答。请你借助活动3和活动4中的笔记来帮助你。
What will the weather be like in Cairo today? 翻译:开罗今天的天气如何?
It will be wet and rainy. 翻译:天气将潮湿多雨。
What will the temperature be? 翻译:气温会是多少度?
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Complete the description of the weather in the UK with the correct words and expressions. 翻译:词汇运用 用正确的单词和短语完成对英国天气的描述。
There are all kinds of weather in the UK during one year. In the north, it is usually very cold in winter. So when you go outside, remember to wear a sweater before you put on your coat. It's also a good idea to wear gloves to keep your hands warm and a scarf around your neck. But summers are getting warmer in the UK. In the south, temperatures can sometimes be over 35℃ ! You definitely won't need a coat on these days! Light clothes are the best things to wear. For example, a T-shirt on top with a pair of jeans or a skirt. But remember, it can rain any time in the UK—winter or summer. So, wear trainer or other comfortable shoes so that you don't slip (滑倒) on the wet roads. And always take an umbrella with you, even if it doesn't seem to rain! 翻译:英国一年中有各种各样的天气。在北方,冬天通常非常寒冷。因此,当你外出时,记得先穿上毛衣再套上外套。戴手套保暖、围上围巾也是个不错的主意。不过,英国的夏天正变得越来越热。在南部,气温有时会超过35℃!在这样的日子里,你肯定不需要穿外套!最好穿轻便的衣服。例如,上身穿一件T恤,搭配一条牛仔裤或裙子。但请记住,在英国,无论冬夏,随时都可能下雨。因此,请穿运动鞋或其他舒适的鞋子,以免在湿滑的路面上滑倒。即使没有下雨,也一定要随身携带一把雨伞!
Grammar Will/won't 翻译:语法 情态动词Will/won't
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 146; Grammar in Use, Page 147. 翻译:语法总结,146页;语法运用,147页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Suppose your pen pal Lucy is coming to your city this weekend. She is asking you about the weather and the clothes to wear. Check the weather forecast and leave a voice message for her. 翻译:口语 假设你的笔友露西本周末要来你所在的城市。她问你天气状况和穿什么衣服。请查看天气预报并给她留言。
Hi, Lucy. The weather will... 翻译:嗨,露西。天气会……
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
In what way can a weather forecast help us? 翻译:天气预报可以在哪些方面帮助我们?
I think a weather forecast can help us ______. 翻译:我认为天气预报可以帮助我们______。
Lesson 3 Weather Matters 翻译:第三课 天气很重要
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
How does the weather affect people's lives? Does it only affect humans? What other things does it affect? In what ways? 翻译:天气如何影响人们的生活?它只影响人类吗?它还会影响什么?以什么方式影响?
The weather affects farming and our ways of travelling. 翻译:天气影响农业和我们的出行方式。
Read and Understand 翻译:阅读与理解
What is the text about? Read the first paragraph and complete the diagram. Then, talk about it with a partner. 翻译:文章讲了什么内容?阅读第一段话并完成图表。然后,与同伴讨论一下。
Weather 翻译:天气
Humans 翻译:人类
Animals 翻译:动物
Plants 翻译:植物
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Weather affects not only humans, but also animals and plants. On bright and sunny days, people often feel good. But on dark and cloudy days, people often feel sad. Birds do not sing much on windy days and some insects may behave differently before it rains. Many plants even die at low temperatures. 翻译:天气不仅会影响人类,还会影响动物和植物。在阳光明媚的日子里,人们往往会感到心情舒畅。但在乌云密布的日子里,人们往往会感到悲伤。在刮风的日子里,鸟儿不怎么歌唱,一些昆虫在下雨前也会表现出不同的行为。许多植物甚至在低温下会死亡。
Weather affects our lives in many other ways. In thick fog, people have to close the highway to avoid accidents. During big storms, travellers have to change their travel plans and schools sometimes have to close to keep students safe. Weather also affects farming greatly. Too much rain or too little rain is not good for farming. Besides everyday life, weather can affect big events like the Olympic Games. A sudden change in the weather can stop an outdoor event. 翻译:天气在许多其他方面影响着我们的生活。在浓雾中,人们不得不关闭高速公路,以免发生事故。在大风暴期间,出行者不得不改变出行计划,学校有时不得不停课以保证学生的安全。天气对农业也有很大影响。雨水过多或过少都不利于耕作。除了日常生活,天气也会影响奥运会等大型活动。天气的突然变化可能会使户外赛事无法进行。
We can't change the weather, but we can prepare for it. Now, scientists are able to make better weather forecasts. And it's easy to find out about the weather on the internet. 翻译:我们无法改变天气,但我们可以做好应对准备。现在,科学家们能够做出更好的天气预报。在互联网上了解天气状况也很容易。
In what ways does weather affect people's lives? Read the rest of the text and complete the notes. Then, use your notes to talk with a partner. 翻译:天气在哪些方面影响人们的生活?阅读文章的其余部分并完成笔记。然后,用你的笔记与同伴进行交流。
Weather matters 翻译:天气很重要
In thick fog, people have to close the highway to avoid accidents. 翻译:在浓雾中,人们不得不关闭高速公路,以免发生事故。
During big storms, travellers have to change their travel plans and schools sometimes have to close to keep students safe. 翻译:在大风暴期间,出行者不得不改变出行计划,学校有时不得不停课以保证学生的安全。
Too much rain or too little rain is not good for farming. 翻译:雨水过多或过少都不利于耕作。
A sudden change in the weather can stop an outdoor event. 翻译:天气的突然变化可能会使户外赛事无法进行。
Read and Explore 翻译:阅读与探索
Analyse and Appreciate Read the text again. Where can you possibly find this text? Give your reasons. 翻译:分析与欣赏 再读一遍文章。你能在哪里找到这篇文章?请说明理由。
In a science magazine. 翻译:在科学杂志上。
In a diary. 翻译:在日记上。
In a history textbook. 翻译:在历史教科书上。
Skill Builder 翻译:技巧积累
Identifying different types of texts 翻译:识别不同类型的文章
Pay attention to different writing purposes, the topic and language styles before you decide on where a text may come from. For example, a science magazine uses formal language and numbers to be objective, while a diary uses informal language and is more personal. 翻译:在确定文章的来源之前,要注意不同的写作目的、主题和语言风格。例如,科学杂志使用正式的语言和数字来保持客观性,而日记则使用非正式的语言,并且更具个人色彩。
Think and Share Answer the following questions. 翻译:思考与分享 回答下列问题。
What is the meaning of the title 'Weather Matters'? In what way does weather matter? 翻译:标题“Weather Matters”的含义是什么?天气在哪些方面很重要?
'We can't change the weather, but we can prepare for it.' How can we prepare for different kinds of weather? 翻译:“我们无法改变天气,但我们可以为其做好准备。”我们如何为不同的天气做好准备?
Focus on Language 翻译:聚焦语言
Vocabulary in Use Complete the text about bad weather with the expressions in the box. 翻译:词汇运用 用方框中的短语完成有关恶劣天气的短文。
stop outdoor events 翻译:停止户外活动
close the highway 翻译:关闭高速公路
feel good 翻译:感到心情舒畅
change their travel plans 翻译:改变出行计划
What is bad weather? It can include rainy days, stormy days, snowy days and foggy days. Bad weather makes our lives difficult. For example, if a big storm is coming, people have to change their travel plans and schools sometimes have to close. We also have to close the highway in thick fog to avoid accidents. If the weather changes suddenly, people have to stop outdoor events. Too much or too little rain can cause plants to die. Also, weather may affect people's feelings. A bright, sunny day can make people feel good, but a cold and rainy day can make people feel sad. 翻译:什么是恶劣天气?它包括雨天、暴风雨天、雪天和雾天。恶劣天气会使我们的生活变得困难。例如,如果一场大风暴即将来临,人们不得不改变出行计划,学校有时不得不停课。在浓雾中,我们还不得不关闭高速公路,以免发生事故。如果天气突变,人们不得不停止户外活动。雨水过多或过少都会导致植物死亡。此外,天气还会影响人们的情绪。阳光明媚的日子会让人感到心情舒畅,而阴冷的雨天则会让人感到悲伤。
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Grammar Discovery Have to 翻译:语法探索 Have to的用法
Study the sentences carefully. What does have to mean? How will the sentences mean differently without have to? Then, complete the Your Discovery box. 翻译:仔细阅读这些句子。have to是什么意思?如果没有have to,句子的意思会有什么不同?然后,完成“你的发现”方框里的内容。
In thick fog, people have to close the highway to avoid accidents. 翻译:在浓雾中,人们不得不关闭高速公路,以免发生事故。
During big storms, travellers have to change their travel plans. 翻译:在大风暴期间,出行者不得不改变出行计划。
Schools sometimes have to close to keep children safe. 翻译:为了保证孩子们的安全,学校有时不得不停课。
Your Discovery 翻译:你的发现
We can use have to to express ______. 翻译:have to用于表达______。
After have to, we can use ______. 翻译:have to后面接______。
form, meaning, use 翻译:形式、意思、用法
Grammar Summary, Page 147; Grammar in Use, Page 147. 翻译:语法总结,147页;语法运用,147页。
Express Yourself 翻译:自我表达
Speaking Can you give an example to show how weather affects people's lives? What can we do to deal with bad weather? Share your ideas. 翻译:口语 你能举例说明天气如何影响人们的生活吗?我们可以如何应对恶劣天气?分享一下你的想法。
YOUR IDEA 翻译:你的想法
What's your opinion about the influence of weather? 翻译:你如何看待天气的影响?
I think ______. 翻译:我认为______。
Writing Workshop A Blog Post About Your Favourite Weather 翻译:写作训练营 关于你最喜欢的天气的博客文章
Get Ready for Writing 翻译:写作准备
You are invited to write a blog post for a teens' weather forum. What's your favourite weather? Why? 翻译:你受邀为青少年天气论坛撰写一篇博客文章。你最喜欢的天气是什么?为什么?
Read for writing 翻译:读写结合
Focus on Content Read Song Yang's blog post about her favourite weather. Answer the questions. 翻译:聚焦内容 阅读宋洋的博客文章,了解她最喜欢的天气。回答问题。
What weather does Song Yang like? 翻译:宋洋喜欢什么天气?
Why does Song Yang like the weather? 翻译:宋洋为什么喜欢这样的天气?
Song Yang's Blog 翻译:宋洋的博客文章
About Me 翻译:关于我
My Photo 翻译:我的照片
Friends 翻译:朋友
Forum 翻译:论坛
My Favourite Weather 翻译:我最喜欢的天气
People usually enjoy sunshine. But rainy days make me happy! It is really nice to have a rainy day in the hot summer. I like walking in the rain and listening to nature. I also like the fresh smell of rain. The sound of the raindrops on my umbrella makes me feel calm and peaceful. It also helps me relax at night. I really enjoy rainy days! Do you? 翻译:人们通常喜欢阳光。但下雨天让我感到快乐!在炎热的夏天,能有一个下雨天,真的很不错。我喜欢在雨中漫步,聆听大自然的声音。我还喜欢雨中那股清新的味道。雨滴落在雨伞上的声音让我感到宁静平和。下雨天也有助于我在晚上放松。我真的很喜欢下雨天!你呢?
Focus on Structure What and how does Song Yang write about her favourite weather? Then, work out your own outline. 翻译:聚焦结构 关于宋洋最喜欢的天气,她写了什么,以及她是怎么写的?然后,列出你自己的提纲。
Song Yang's favourite weather 翻译:宋洋最喜欢的天气
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Focus on Language Read the blog post again. Underline some useful expressions for describing someone's favourite weather. Write 2—3 sentences about your favourite weather. Use the Sentence Builder to help you. 翻译:聚焦语言 再读一遍博客文章,划出描述某人最喜欢的天气的常用表达。写2-3个句子描述你最喜欢的天气。请你借助“句子积累”框中的内容来帮助你。
Sentence Builder 翻译:句子积累
To write about one's favourite weather, you can: 翻译:要写自己最喜欢的天气,你可以:
state the weather you like 翻译:说明自己喜欢的天气
It is really nice to have a rainy day in the hot summer. 翻译:在炎热的夏天,能有一个下雨天,真的很不错。
I really enjoy rainy days! 翻译:我真的很喜欢下雨天!
explain the reasons 翻译:解释原因
Rainy days make me (feel) happy! 翻译:下雨天让我(感到)快乐!
I like walking in the rain and listening to nature. 翻译:我喜欢在雨中漫步,聆听大自然的声音。
I also like the fresh smell of rain. 翻译:我还喜欢雨中那股清新的味道。
It also helps me relax. 翻译:下雨天也有助于我在晚上放松。
Compose Your Writing 翻译:撰写文章
Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft. 翻译:初稿 运用作文大纲和写作提示的内容撰写初稿。
Editing and Revising Use the Peer Editing Sheet as a guide to edit your own blog post, and then edit with a partner. After that, revise your blog post and share it with the class. 翻译:编写与修改 以《同伴评价表》为撰写标准,编写你自己的博客文章,然后与同伴一起编写。之后,修改你的的博客文章,并与全班同学分享。
Peer Editing Sheet, Page 133. 翻译:同伴评价表,133页。
Writing Help 翻译:写作帮助
When writing a blog post about your favourite weather, you should: 翻译:在撰写关于自己最喜欢的天气的博客文章时,应该:
state the weather you like; 翻译:说明自己喜欢的天气;
include 2—3 reasons; 翻译:包含两到三个理由;
explain the reasons with details, for example, your personal experience. 翻译:详细解释其原因,例如自己的个人经历。
Speaking Workshop What's the Weather Like? 翻译:口语训练营 天气如何?
Activate and Share 翻译:活动与分享
Where will you go on your summer holiday? What will the weather be like there in July? What will you do there? 翻译:你暑假要去哪里?那里七月份的天气如何?你会在那里做些什么?
I will go to Changbai Mountain on holiday. The weather there will be sunny and cool. I will climb the mountain and enjoy the sunrise from the top. 翻译:假期我要去长白山。那里的天气晴朗凉爽。我会爬上山顶欣赏日出。
Listen and Learn 翻译:听力与学习
Listen and read the dialogue. What's the weather like in each city? Underline the key information. Then, role-play the dialogue. 翻译:听录音并读对话。各个城市的天气如何?请你在对话中的关键信息下划线。然后,分角色扮演对话。
Hi, Alex. It's Xiao Gang. How are you doing? 翻译:嗨,亚历克斯。我是肖刚。你好吗?
Oh, hi! I'm fine. Are you having fun? 翻译:哦,嗨!我很好。你玩得开心吗?
Oh, yes. Xining is great. 翻译:哦,是的。西宁很不错。
What's the weather like? Is it hot there? 翻译:天气如何?那边热吗?
Well, it's cool now in the morning, but it will be sunny and hot at noon. Are you still in Changsha? What's the weather like? 翻译:嗯,现在早上还很凉爽,但中午就会变得晴朗炎热。你还在长沙吗?天气如何?
Yes, I'm still in Changsha. It's rainy here. What are you doing now? 翻译:是的,我还在长沙。这里在下雨。你现在在做什么呢?
I'm going to Qinghai Lake. 翻译:我要去青海湖。
Lucky you! I'm going to the museum. I don't want to stay outside on a rainy day. 翻译:祝你好运!我要去博物馆,下雨天我可不想待在外面。
Enjoy yourself! 翻译:祝你玩得开心!
Read the dialogue again. How do the speakers talk about the weather? Listen and complete the Talk Builder. Then, repeat. 翻译:再读一遍对话。说话人是如何谈论天气的?听录音并补全“对话积累”中的内容。然后,复述一遍。
Talk Builder 翻译:对话积累
Talking about the weather 翻译:谈论天气
Asking about the weather 翻译:询问天气
What's the weather like? 翻译:天气如何?
Is it hot there?/Is it sunny there?/Is it warm there?/Is it cold there? 翻译:那边热吗?/那边晴朗吗?/那边暖和吗?/那边寒冷吗?
Responding 翻译:回答
It will be hot and sunny at noon. 翻译:中午就会变得晴朗炎热。
It's rainy here. 翻译:这里在下雨。
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Speaking 翻译:口语
Imagine you are on holiday. Call your foreign friend. Act out a dialogue similar to the one in Activity 2. 翻译:想象你正在度假。请给你的外国朋友打电话,表演一段类似活动2中的对话。
Pronunciation: /f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /θ/, /ð/ 翻译:发音:/f/、/v/、/s/、/z/、/θ/、/ð/
Listen and repeat. 翻译:听录音并跟读。
/f/ 翻译:
farming /ˈfɑːmɪŋ/ 翻译:务农,农场经营
photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ 翻译:照片
/v/ 翻译:
visit /ˈvɪzɪt/ 翻译:参观,游览;拜访
give /gɪv/ 翻译:给;给予
/s/ 翻译:
sunny /ˈsʌni/ 翻译:晴朗的
kiss /kɪs/ 翻译:亲吻,接吻
/z/ 翻译:
zoo /zu:/ 翻译:动物园
always /ˈɔ:lweɪz/ 翻译:总是;一直
/θ/ 翻译:
thing /θɪŋ/ 翻译:东西
healthy /ˈhelθi/ 翻译:健康的,健壮的
/ð/ 翻译:
then /ðen/ 翻译:然后
mother /ˈmʌðə/ 翻译:母亲
Read and circle the word with a different phonetic sound. 翻译:读一读,圈出发音不同的单词。
month 翻译:月,月份
thin 翻译:薄的,细的;瘦的
think 翻译:思考
weather 翻译:天气
path 翻译:路径
them 翻译:他们
there 翻译:在那里
with 翻译:和……在一起;具有;用
reason 翻译:理由
small 翻译:小的
swim 翻译:游泳
miss 翻译:错过,想念
size 翻译:尺寸
lose 翻译:被打败,输掉
list 翻译:列表,清单
use 翻译:使用
even 翻译:甚至,连,即使
live 翻译:生存,活着
view 翻译:观点,看法
left 翻译:向左
different 翻译:不同的
north 翻译:北部,北部地区
alphabet 翻译:字母表
elephant 翻译:大象
Read the following poem and sentence aloud. How do you pronounce the underlined letter(s)? 翻译:朗读下面的诗和句子。划线字母如何发音?
The rain is raining all around, It falls on field and tree. It rains on the umbrellas here, And on the ships at sea. — Robert Louis Stevenson 翻译:天下雨,处处雨, 落在绿树上,撒在田野里。 它在行人伞上跳, 也落在海上的航船里。 ——罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森
We'll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not! 翻译:我们都要经受住天气的考验 无论什么天气, 无论喜欢与否!
Look at the phonetic symbols below. How do you spell the words? Write them down and read the words out loud. 翻译:看看下列音标,如何拼写这些单词?请你写出这些单词并大声读出来。
/fɒg/ 翻译:
/θɪŋk/ 翻译:
/stɔ:m/ 翻译:
/ˈtrævəl/ 翻译:
/ˈbrʌðə/ 翻译:
/kləʊz/ 翻译:
Reading Club 1 翻译:阅读俱乐部 1
Join Us for Your Holiday! 翻译:加入我们,共度完美假期!
We have great tours for every season! 翻译:我们为每个季节都准备了精彩的旅游线路!
Spring 翻译:春天
Wuyuan, Jiangxi 翻译:江西婺源
Spring is the best time to visit Wuyuan in Jiangxi. The yellow flowers all over the hills make the villages look like a fairy-tale world. You'll have lots of time to walk across the beautiful countryside. 翻译:春天是游览江西婺源的最佳时节。漫山遍野的油菜花让村庄宛如童话世界。您将有大把的时间漫步在美丽的乡村。
Summer 翻译:夏天
Changbai Mountain, Jilin 翻译:吉林长白山
August is the best time to visit Changbai Mountain in Jilin. It's usually sunny. We'll take you to the Stone Forest, Changbai Mountain Caves and Heaven's Lake at the top. You'll want to take lots of photos. 翻译:八月是游览吉林长白山的最佳时节。这里的天气通常阳光明媚。我们将带您游览石林、长白山溶洞和山顶的天湖。您会想要拍很多照片。
Autumn 翻译:秋天
The Great Wall, Beijing 翻译:北京长城
You can see all the colours of autumn near the Great Wall. It's cool and dry, so it's great for hiking. On top of the Great Wall, you will see it passes over mountains, and through forests and deserts. It's very beautiful. 翻译:您可以在长城附近看到秋天的各种色彩。这里天气凉爽干燥,非常适合徒步旅行。站在长城上,您会看到它蜿蜒越过山脉,穿过森林和沙漠,这里的景色美不胜收。
Winter 翻译:冬天
Sanya, Hainan 翻译:海南三亚
Sanya on Hainan Island is great for a holiday in winter. You can get away from the cold. The three famous beaches, Yalongwan Bay, Dadonghai Beach and Wuzhizhou Island, all have great sand. You'll love swimming in the clear water. 翻译:海南岛的三亚是冬天度假的好去处。在这里,您可以远离寒冷。三个著名的海滩——亚龙湾、大东海和蜈支洲岛,都有很好的沙滩。您会喜欢在清澈的水中游泳。
Notes 翻译:注释
fairy-tale 翻译:adj. 童话的,童话式的
cave 翻译:n. 山洞,洞穴
What are the great tours for different seasons? Why? What will travellers do there? 翻译:不同的季节有哪些好的旅游线路?为什么?游客会在那里做些什么?
What is the best time to travel in your town/city? Make a travel poster. 翻译:你所在城市的最佳旅游时间是什么时候?请你制作一张旅游海报。
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Reading Club 2 翻译:阅读俱乐部 2
Keeping Track of Time in China 翻译:中国的时间观
The Chinese calendar is thousands of years old. It has 24 solar terms, and each one is important, especially for farmers. Let's look at the four main solar terms. 翻译:中国历法已有数千年的历史,包含了24个节气,每个节气都非常重要,特别是对农民而言。现在,我们来了解一下四个主要的节气。
Spring Equinox (20th or 21st March) signals the equal length of the day and night time. The weather is usually warm and sunny, and it sometimes rains. At this time of year, farmers start planting. 翻译:春分(3月20日或21日)标志着昼夜等长。天气通常温暖晴朗,偶尔会有雨水。此时,农民开始播种。
Summer Solstice (21st or 22nd June) has the longest day of a year. The weather is usually hot and sunny. Farmers water their fields. 翻译:夏至(6月21日或22日)是一年中白昼最长的一天。天气通常晴朗炎热。农民会给田地浇水。
Autumn Equinox (22nd, 23rd or 24th September) divides autumn into two equal parts. The weather gets cooler after the Autumn Equinox. Farmers are happy because the harvest time comes and their year's hard work finally pays off. 翻译:秋分(9月22日、23日或24日)将秋季平分为两半。秋分过后,天气逐渐转凉。对农民来说,这是一个令人喜悦的时刻,因为丰收的季节来临,他们一年的辛勤劳动终于有了回报。
Winter Solstice (21st, 22nd or 23rd December) has the longest night of a year. There's not much farming because the weather is cold. But the Winter Solstice is a happy time in China. People have lots of traditions to celebrate it. 翻译:冬至(12月21日、22日或23日)是一年中夜晚最长的一天。由于天气寒冷,农事活动较少。但在中国,冬至是一个欢乐的时节,人们有很多传统习俗来庆祝这一天。
The 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar show how important the natural world is. It helps people remember the history and culture, and also understand how seasons change and life goes on. 翻译:中国历法中的二十四节气彰显了自然界的重要性。这不仅有助于人们铭记历史与文化,还能加深人们对季节更迭和生命延续的理解。
Notes 翻译:注释
keep track of 翻译:了解……的动态
solar term 翻译:节气
Spring Equinox 翻译:春分
Summer Solstice 翻译:夏至
Autumn Equinox 翻译:秋分
harvest 翻译:n. 收获期,收获,收割
pay off 翻译:成功,奏效
Winter Solstice 翻译:冬至
What information can you find about the four main solar terms in the Chinese calendar? 翻译:关于中国历法中的四大节气,你能找到哪些信息?
Are the 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar important? Why? 翻译:中国历法中的二十四节气重要吗?为什么?
Project Weather Broadcast 翻译:项目 天气预报
Task 翻译:任务
Your group is going to broadcast the world weather conditions for the coming weekend at your school English TV programme. Explain how weather affects our life and what we can do in different weather conditions. 翻译:你们小组将在学校英语电视节目中播报接下来周末的全球天气状况。解释天气如何影响我们的生活,以及在不同天气状况下我们可以做些什么。
How many cities will your broadcast include? 翻译:你们的播报将包括多少个城市的天气情况?
What information do you need for your broadcast? 翻译:你们的播报需要哪些信息?
What ideas and language in this unit will you use? 翻译:你们将使用本单元中的哪些观点和语言?
Where can you get the information? 翻译:你们从哪里获取这些信息?
Planning 翻译:计划
How many steps will you take to do your broadcast? 翻译:你们将分几步来完成这次播报?
Follow the steps to prepare your broadcast. 翻译:按照步骤准备你们的播报内容。
Make sure that everyone takes a part. 翻译:确保每个人都能参与其中。
Practise your part first and then practise together. 翻译:先练习自己的部分,然后再一起练习。
Creating 翻译:创造
How will you present your broadcast to the class? 翻译:你们将如何向全班展示你们的播报?
Make sure you face the audience and speak loudly, clearly, and confidently. 翻译:确保面向观众,声音洪亮、清晰且自信地发言。
Presenting 翻译:展示
Was your broadcast clear? 翻译:你们的播报是否清晰?
Did you work well as a group? Why? 翻译:你们作为团队是否配合默契?为什么?
What did you learn about the importance of weather from this broadcasting experience? 翻译:从这次播报经历中,你们对天气的重要性有何认识?
Reflecting 翻译:反思
Do you agree? 翻译:你同意吗?
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather is, always bring your own sunshine. 翻译:无论去往何方,遭遇何种天气,都要保持阳光般的心态。
Unit 3 Rain or Shine 翻译:第三单元 风雨无阻
Check Your Progress 翻译:进度检查
Complete the text about your favourite season. 翻译:完成有关你最喜欢的季节的短文。
We have different weather every day. Sometimes it is ______, and sometimes it is ______. Weather affects all of us. For example, ______. My favourite season is ______. In this season, the weather here in ______ is ______. It's a good time to ______. 翻译:我们每天都会遇到不同的天气。有时______,有时______。天气影响着我们所有人。例如,______。我最喜欢的季节是______。在这个季节,______这边的天气______。这是去______的好时节。
Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous or the future simple (will/won't). Do you like the weather in Jason's place or Bob's place? Why? 翻译:将括号中的动词变为一般现在时、现在进行时或一般将来时(will/won't)。你喜欢贾森所在地区的天气还是鲍勃所在地区的天气?为什么?
16th January 翻译:1月16日
Hi Bob, How are you? It's summer here in Australia and we're on holiday from school. It's sunny every day and it's hot! My friends and I go to the indoor sports centre. We swim in the swimming pool and play games. I always feel good in summer! How about you? What's the weather like in Canada? Will it snow next week, do you think? Write back, Jason 翻译:嗨,鲍勃: 你好吗?澳大利亚现在是夏天,我们学校放假了。每天阳光明媚,天气炎热!我和朋友们一起去室内运动中心。我们在游泳池里游泳,玩游戏。夏天总是让我感到心情舒畅!你呢?加拿大的天气如何?你觉得下周会下雪吗? 请回信, 贾森
19th January 翻译:1月19日
Hi Jason, Thanks for your email. It's freezing cold here in Canada and I am staying at home now. I think it will snow tomorrow. It's often snowy here in winter, so we know what to do! People have to close schools or roads or stop outdoor events. But I still enjoy the snow. This weekend, I will go to the park with my friends. We will build a snowman! I will send you a picture. Do you have snow in Australia in winter? Yours, Bob 翻译:嗨,贾森: 感谢你的邮件。加拿大这边的天气很冷,我现在待在家里。我觉得明天会下雪。这里的冬天经常下雪,所以我们知道要做什么!人们不得不停课,或封锁道路,亦或是停止户外活动。但我还是喜欢雪。这个周末,我会和朋友们一起去公园。我们会堆雪人!我会给你发照片的。 澳大利亚冬天下雪吗? 你的, 鲍勃
Write an email to your English-speaking friend, Julie, about your favourite season in China. Use your answer in Activity 1 for ideas. 翻译:给你说英语的朋友朱莉写一封关于你在中国最喜欢的季节的电子邮件。请根据活动1中的答案进行构思。
Unit Summary 翻译:单元总结
What have you learnt in this unit? Complete the diagram and reflect on what you have learnt. Add more if you can. Then, share with a partner. 翻译:在这个单元里,你学到了什么?请完成下面的图表,并回顾所学知识。如果可以,请补充更多内容。然后,与同伴分享一下。
Weather and activities 翻译:天气与活动
types of weather: 翻译:天气类型:
places and weather: 翻译:地点与天气:
activities and clothes: 翻译:活动与衣服:
Weather and its influence 翻译:天气及其影响
on humans: 翻译:对人类的影响:
on animals: 翻译:对动物的影响:
on plants: 翻译:对植物的影响:
makes/brings ______. 翻译:使/带来______。
Weather and feelings 翻译:天气与感受
favourite weather: 翻译:最喜欢的天气:
feelings: 翻译:感受:
More... 翻译:更多……
Study Help 翻译:学习助手
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 翻译:一月、二月、三月、四月、五月、六月、七月、八月、九月、十月、十一月、十二月
Ordinal numbers & months 翻译:序数词和月份
APRIL 翻译:四月
Sun 翻译:星期天
Mon 翻译:星期一
Tue 翻译:星期二
Wed 翻译:星期三
Thur 翻译:星期四
Fri 翻译:星期五
Sat 翻译:星期六
first 翻译:第一
second 翻译:第二
third 翻译:第三
fourth 翻译:第四
fifth 翻译:第五
sixth 翻译:第六
seventh 翻译:第七
eighth 翻译:第八
ninth 翻译:第九
tenth 翻译:第十
eleventh 翻译:第十一
twelfth 翻译:第十二
thirteenth 翻译:第十三
fourteenth 翻译:第十四
fifteenth 翻译:第十五
sixteenth 翻译:第十六
seventeenth 翻译:第十七
eighteenth 翻译:第十八
nineteenth 翻译:第十九
twentieth 翻译:第二十
twenty-first 翻译:第二十一
twenty-second 翻译:第二十二
twenty-third 翻译:第二十三
twenty-fourth 翻译:第二十四
twenty-fifth 翻译:第二十五
twenty-sixth 翻译:第二十六
twenty-seventh 翻译:第二十七
twenty-eighth 翻译:第二十八
twenty-ninth 翻译:第二十九
thirtieth 翻译:第三十
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