Workbook 翻译:练习册
Unit 1 Technology and the Future 翻译:第一单元 科技与未来
Lesson 1 翻译:第一课
Reading/Writing 翻译:阅读/写作
Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. 翻译:看图。写出正确的单词。
robot 翻译:机器人
computer 翻译:电脑
card 翻译:卡片
touch screen 翻译:触摸屏
keyboard 翻译:键盘
smartphone 翻译:智能手机
Choose the correct words. 翻译:选出正确的单词。
The students know what they will need to study for the test. 翻译:学生们知道他们要为准备考试而学习些什么。
My teacher believes that the school will get more computers next year. 翻译:我的老师认为学校明年将会获得更多的电脑。
Parents wonder if they'll be able to contact teachers online. 翻译:父母想知道他们是否能够在线联系老师。
The computer teacher knows what we'll do with the new software programme. 翻译:计算机老师知道我们将会用这个新的软件程序做些什么。
Some people think that robots will be used more in the future. 翻译:一些人认为机器人未来将会被使用得更多。
I don't know if I would like to do all my schoolwork on a computer at home. 翻译:我不知道我是否想在家里的电脑上做自己所有的功课。
Complete the article in TV Times with the words in the box. 翻译:用方框中的单词完成这篇电视时代中的文章。
inventions 翻译:发明
Traditional 翻译:传统的
need 翻译:需要
online 翻译:在线地
television 翻译:电视
able 翻译:能够
future 翻译:未来,将来
progress 翻译:进步,进展
allow 翻译:允许
electronic 翻译:电子的
TONIGHT'S TV 翻译:今晚的电视
Watch Meet Mr Robot on your television tonight. This show introduces some new technology that could change our schools in the future. 翻译:今晚在你的电视上观看《认识机器人先生》这个节目吧。该节目介绍了一些将来能够改变我们学校的新科技。
Traditional classrooms don't have any computers or screens. On Meet Mr Robot, we'll look at some amazing inventions that we'll see soon. 翻译:传统的教室没有任何电脑和屏幕。在《认识机器人先生》这个节目中,我们将会观察到一些我们不久就会看到的惊人发明。
As well as carrying lots of books in their schoolbags, we know that many of today's students carry small electronic dictionaries. Many schools also have computers that allow students to go online if they need to find information on the Internet. 翻译:我们知道如今很多学生的书包里除了背着大量的书之外,还背着小小的电子词典。如果学生需要在网上查找信息的话,很多学校还拥有允许他们上网的电脑。
One of the scientists on the show believes that students will arrive at school with a new type of e-book in the future. That will be all they need to read texts, take notes, write reports and do tests. 翻译:该节目中的一位科学家认为未来学生们将会带一种新型的电子书来学校。他们需要做的一切就是读课文,记笔记,写报告以及考试。
And how about Mr Robot? The show will also allow us to see what robots will be able to do and how they will help students progress in their studies. 翻译:那机器人先生呢?该节目还将允许我们见证机器人将能够做些什么,以及它们将会如何帮助学生在学业上取得进步。
Meet Mr Robot will make you wonder what our schools will look like in the future! 翻译:《认识机器人先生》这个节目将会让你想知道我们学校未来将会是什么样子的哦!
Unit 1 Technology and the Future 翻译:第一单元 科技与未来
Lesson 1 翻译:第一课
Listening 翻译:听力
What are the children describing? Listen and number (1-5). Then write the name of the items. 翻译:孩子们正在描述些什么?听录音并标序号(1-5)。然后写出这些商品的名称。
Listen and circle the correct answer. 翻译:听录音,圈出正确的答案。
Dan is talking to his mum about the summer camp. Listen and read the statements. Write T(True) or F(False). 翻译:丹正在跟他的妈妈谈论夏令营的事。听录音,朗读这些陈述。并写上T(正确)或F(错误)。
Mum believes that Dan is playing computer games. 翻译:妈妈认为丹正在玩电脑游戏。
Dan doesn't know what they'll teach at the science camp. 翻译:丹不知道他们在科学营中将会教些什么。
Mum wonders if the robot will move. 翻译:妈妈想知道那个机器人是否会动。
Dan knows that he'll study science at that university in the future. 翻译:丹知道将来他在那所大学将会学习科学。
Dan thinks that lots of people will apply for the camp. 翻译:丹认为许多人都会申请加入这个营。
Mum wonders if Dan will be able to go to the football camp, too. 翻译:妈妈想知道丹将来是否也能去足球训练营。
Translation 翻译:翻译
Translate the sentences into English. 翻译:将这些句子翻译成英文。
Some schools are already using these new products. 翻译:有些学校已经在使用这些新产品。
Teachers believe we will use less paper in the future. 翻译:老师们认为将来我们会减少用纸。
No one knows how the future might change. 翻译:没有人知道未来可能出现的变化。
I don't believe that classrooms will be in open areas. 翻译:我不相信教室会设在露天场地。
Some scientists think robots will be able to help students solve problems in the future. 翻译:有的科学家认为,将来机器人可以帮学生解决问题。
The boy______a robot will be able to clean his room in the future. 翻译:这个男孩______一个机器人将来可以打扫他的房间。
Jessie______her grandpa will be able to use the software. 翻译:杰西______她的爷爷将能够使用这个软件。
Dad______he'll be able to use the phone. 翻译:爸爸______他会使用这种手机。
Jane______her parents will get her an MP3 player. 翻译:简______她的父母会给她买一台MP3播放器。
The teacher______books the students will need to buy. 翻译:老师______学生将需要购买的书。
Unit 1 Technology and the Future 翻译:第一单元 科技与未来
Lesson 2 翻译:第二课
Reading/Writing 翻译:阅读/写作
Choose the words to complete the sentences. 翻译:选出单词,将这些句子补充完整。
comfortable 翻译:舒服的,舒适的
connect 翻译:连接
emails 翻译:电子邮件
elderly 翻译:年纪较大的,上了年纪的
Internet 翻译:互联网
shopping 翻译:购物
Social media 翻译:社交媒体
website 翻译:网站
Social media has become so popular! We don't talk to our friends face to face any more! 翻译:社交媒体已经变得这么受欢迎了!我们不再跟自己的朋友面对面地交谈了!
You can find a lot of useful information on this website. 翻译:在这个网站上你可以找到许多有用的信息。
Oh! I forgot to check my emails. 翻译:哦!我忘了查看我的电子邮件了。
Not many elderly people do their shopping online. 翻译:没有多少老年人会在网上购物。
My parents are comfortable online. They do many things on the Internet. 翻译:我父母在网上很舒心。他们会在网上做很多事情。
I finally bought a new computer. Now I can connect to the Internet. 翻译:我终于买新电脑了。现在我可以联网了。
Choose the correct words. 翻译:选出正确的单词。
I think most people will shop for clothes online. 翻译:我认为大多数人都会在网上买衣服。
I don't agree. I want to touch the clothes before I buy them. 翻译:我不同意。在买衣服之前,我想先摸摸它们。
It's great to read the news on the computer. 翻译:在电脑上看新闻真是太好了。
I agree. It's much better than picking up a newpaper every day. 翻译:我同意。它比每天拿着份报纸要好得多。
I think most people want to watch films on the computer. 翻译:我认为大多数人都想在电脑上看电影。
I don't agree. A lot of people love to watch films at the cinema. 翻译:我不同意。有许多人都喜欢在电影院看电影。
I believe most people send emails. 翻译:我认为大部分人都会发电子邮件。
I think so, too. Even my grandparents have email accounts. 翻译:我也这么认为。我的爷爷奶奶甚至都有电子邮件账户。
A reporter from School News talked to Jan and Bob about the use of the Internet. Complete the Interview. 翻译:一位学校新闻记者跟简和鲍勃谈论了一下互联网的用途。将这份采访补充完整。
online 翻译:在线地
agree 翻译:同意
but 翻译:但是
example 翻译:例子
emails 翻译:电子邮件
Internet 翻译:互联网
think 翻译:认为
job 翻译:工作
disagree 翻译:不同意
Social media 翻译:社交媒体
SN=School News 翻译:SN相当于学校新闻
Some people think that people use the Internet too much. What do you think, Jan? 翻译:一些人认为人们使用互联网使用得太多了。简,你觉得呢?
I agree! Some teenagers are always playing games online. They need to turn off their computers! 翻译:我同意!有些青少年一直在网上玩游戏。他们需要关掉电脑!
Bob, do you agree with Jan? 翻译:鲍勃,你同意简的看法吗?
No, I disagree. I believe that most people use the Internet in good ways. For example, I use it to help me research projects for class. 翻译:不,我不同意。我认为大多数人都是将互联网用于好的方面。例如,我用它来帮助我研究班级课题。
Well, I know that it's easy to share photos and stories on social media for hours every day. I don't think that's good. 翻译:哦,我知道每天花数小时在社交媒体上分享照片与故事很容易。但我认为这样并不好。
That's true. However, I like to write emails to my grandpa. He lives in another city. And there are many other things we can do online. My brother went on the Internet and found a job! Now he's working! 翻译:没错。但是,我喜欢给我爷爷写电子邮件。他住在另一个城市里。在网上我们还有很多其他事情可以做。我哥哥上网找到了一份工作!现在他正在工作呢!
So, Jan, should we stop people from using the Internet? 翻译:那么,简,我们应该阻止人们使用互联网吗?
No, I don't think so. There are good reasons to use the Internet, but I just wish that some people wouldn't use it all the time! 翻译:不,我不这么认为。有好的理由就可以使用互联网,不过我只是希望有些人不会一直使用它!
Unit 1 Technology and the Future 翻译:第一单元 科技与未来
Lesson 2 翻译:第二课
Listening 翻译:听力
What are the people doing online? Listen and number (1-6). 翻译:这些人正在网上做什么?听录音并标序号(1-6)。
Listen and complete the responses. Choose the correct answers. 翻译:听录音,将这些回答补充完整。并选出正确的答案。
I agree. I enjoy / don't enjoy sharing stories with my friends online. 翻译:我同意。我喜欢 / 不喜欢在网上和朋友们分享故事。
I don't think so. I like / don't like to buy them at a shop. 翻译:我不这么认为。我喜欢 / 不喜欢在商店里买它们。
I think so, too. It's easy / difficult to look for jobs online. 翻译:我也这么认为。在网上找工作是很容易/困难的。
I disagree. I always / never watch films on my computer. 翻译:我不同意。我总是 / 从不在电脑上看电影。
That's right. Most people think it's easier / more difficult to look on a computer screen. 翻译:没错。大多数人都认为在电脑屏幕上看要更容易/更难。
Kate is doing a project on the use of the Internet. She interviews her grandma. Listen and tick(✔). 翻译:凯特正在做一个关于互联网的用途的课题。她在采访她的奶奶。听录音并打勾(✔)。
Name: My Grandma 翻译:姓名:我的奶奶
Agree 翻译:同意
Disagree 翻译:不同意
It's easy to find things on the Internet. 翻译:在网上查找东西是很容易的。
I like to … online. shop read the news write emails watch films buy air tickets 翻译:我喜欢在网上……。 购物 看新闻 写电子邮件 看电影 买机票
In the future, everyone will be online. 翻译:将来,每个人都会上网。
I will do more things online in the future. 翻译:将来我会在网上做更多的事情。
Translation 翻译:翻译
Translate the sentences into English. 翻译:将这些句子翻译成英文。
I believe many people do their shopping online. 翻译:我相信很多人在网上购物。
I don't think everyone wants to use the Internet. 翻译:我不认为每个人都想使用互联网。
She teaches computer science at university. 翻译:她在大学教计算机科学。
Most people go to see a doctor when they are sick. 翻译:大多数人生病时会去看医生。
I agree that online shopping is more and more popular. 翻译:我同意网上购物越来越受欢迎。
He is the president of this company. 翻译:他是这家公司的总裁。
Unit 1 Technology and the Future 翻译:第一单元 科技与未来
Lesson 3 翻译:第三课
Reading/Writing 翻译:阅读/写作
Look at the pictures and write the words. 翻译:看图,写出这些单词。
talk face to face 翻译:面对面交谈
talk on the phone 翻译:在电话中交谈
speak a foreign language 翻译:说一门外语
Bonjour! 翻译:你好!
speak a little louder 翻译:说大声一点
talk online 翻译:在网上交谈
communication in writing 翻译:以书面形式交流
Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences. 翻译:选出正确的介词,完成这些句子。
about, from, in, on, to, with 翻译:关于,来自,在……里面,在……上面,到,和……一起
Do you like to talk on the phone? 翻译:你喜欢讲电话吗?
You'll need to learn about the newest technology. 翻译:你将会需要了解最新的科技。
Many people can work from home. 翻译:很多人可以在家里工作。
You'll probably find that you have problems to solve at your job. 翻译:你很可能会发现你在工作上存在一些问题有待去解决。
More people are now living in cities. 翻译:现在更多的人住在城市里。
Do you like to work by yourself or with other people? 翻译:你喜欢单独工作还是和别人一起工作?
Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs. 翻译:用动词的正确形式完成这些课文。
A long time ago, most people worked at the same job all their lives. They often lived in small towns or on farms. 翻译:很久以前,大多数人一生都在做同一份工作。他们经常住在小镇或农场上。
Today, people often change their jobs many times. They always need to learn new things. Now, many people live in big cities. 翻译:今天,人们经常多次换工作。他们总是需要学习新事物。现在,很多人都住在大城市里。
In the future, it is possible that more people will stay at home and work with computers. But we really do not know! 翻译:将来,很可能更多的人都会待在家里用电脑工作。但是我们真的不知道!
When you were younger, what job did you want to have? What job seems the most interesting to you now? 翻译:当你年纪更小的时候,你想从事什么工作?现在,对你来说什么工作似乎是最有意思的?
If people could find the right job, some would like to live in different places. Where do you think you would like to live when you are older? 翻译:如果人们能够找到合适的工作,一些人就想住在不同的地方。你认为当你年纪大一点的时候,你想住在哪里?
Make a plan today: 'I am going to study hard at school so I can get ready for the future job market.' 翻译:今天就来制定一个计划吧:“我打算在学校努力学习,这样我就可以为未来的就业市场做好准备了。”
Unit 1 Technology and the Future 翻译:第一单元 科技与未来
Lesson 3 翻译:第三课
Listening 翻译:听力
What do these people do for their jobs? Listen and number (1-5). 翻译:这些人的工作都是做什么的?听录音并标序号(1-5)。
Listen to the questions about May's father. Number the responses (1-6). 翻译:听有关梅的父亲的这些问题。并给这些回答编号(1-6)。
He likes to learn new skills. 翻译:他喜欢学习新技能。
He studied hard and helped his parents. 翻译:他努力学习,并且还给他的父母帮忙。
He'll learn a foreign language. 翻译:他将会学习一门外语。
He lived on a farm. 翻译:他住在农场里。
He would like to get more international experience. 翻译:他想要获得更多的国际经验。
He works from home. 翻译:他在家里工作。
Listen to the interview with the manager of a toy company. Circle the correct answer. 翻译:听这则对玩具公司的经理的采访。圈出正确的答案。
Translation 翻译:翻译
Translate the sentences into English. 翻译:将这些句子翻译成英文。
Many people want to develop new job skills. 翻译:很多人想发展新的工作技能。
In the past, people didn't have many choices about their jobs. 翻译:过去,人们对自己的工作没有太多的选择。
This job requires good communication skills and the ability to deal with difficult situations. 翻译:这项工作要求良好的沟通能力和处理困难情况的能力。
On the other hand, with increasing competition in the market, we need to make decisions quickly. 翻译:另一方面,随着市场竞争的加剧,我们需要迅速做出决定。
Miss Wu ______. 翻译:吴小姐______。
likes to work by herself 翻译:喜欢独自工作
gets along well with people 翻译:与人相处融洽
isn't good at making decisions 翻译:不善于做决定
The job is hard work because she ______. 翻译:这份工作很辛苦,因为她______。
never has fun 翻译:从来没有乐趣
always needs to learn about new technology 翻译:总是需要学习新技术
invents toys 翻译:发明玩具
At university,Miss Wu ______. 翻译:在大学里,吴小姐______。
studied many different subjects 翻译:学习了许多不同的科目
always knew what she wanted 翻译:总是知道她想要什么
had many problems 翻译:有很多问题
Miss Wu thinks people always need to ______. 翻译:吴小姐认为人们总是需要______。
talk to lots of teachers 翻译:与很多老师交谈
change their work 翻译:改变他们的工作
learn new things 翻译:学习新东西
Miss Wu would like to ______. 翻译:吴小姐想______。
have more free time 翻译:有更多的空闲时间
learn more about drawing 翻译:了解有关绘图的更多信息
stop working 翻译:停止工作
最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-07 10:22:59