Grammar 翻译:语法
情态动词(Modal Verbs) 翻译:
在八年级上册, 我们已经对情态动词may, might, will, would的用法进行了归纳。can, could, need, should, must也是常见的情态动词, 现就其用法归纳总结如下: 翻译:
1. can/could能, 可能, 可以(can多用于指现在或将来, could多用于指过去) 翻译:
1) 表示能力, 相当于be able to。 例如: I can make noodles myself. Sorry, I can't follow you. Please say that again. Can people prevent certain accidents? The girl could speak English when she was a child. The street was icy - the car couldn't stop in time. How could the man pull a train with his teeth! 翻译:
2) 表示可能。例如: Smoking can cause diseases of the lungs. Some of the disadvantages can become real problems if we don't take care. This could be a class project! can/could用在否定句和疑问句中多表示猜测。例如: The boy can't be so careless. There is someone outside. Who can it be? It couldn't be true. Could it be Brian? Where could Danny be at that time? 翻译:
3) 表示允许。例如: Can I speak to Jenny? Can you send me a photo of yourself? You can go. could代替can. 语气显得更加委婉。例如: Could you open the door for me, please? Could you speak more loudly? Could I help you? 翻译:
2. should 应当, 应该 翻译:
1) 表示劝告、建议。例如: We should go to the hospital right now. As a student, you should never smoke. You shouldn't be so careless. 翻译:
2) 表示征求同意或征询意见, 用于主语为第一人称的疑问句。例如: Should I open the window? When should we have the meeting? What should I do to be a polite guest? 翻译:
3. need必要, 需要(作情态动词时只用于否定句和疑问句) 1) 用在否定句中。例如: Danny, you needn't get up so early. We needn't worry about him. 2) 用在疑问句中, 肯定回答一般用must, 否定回答一殷用need not。例如: 一Need we cat foods from each food group? 一Yes, you must. 一Need the guests leave the place right away? 一No, they needn't. 翻译:
注意: need在肯定句中通常用作实义动词, 有人称和数的变化。例如: He needs to take an X-ray. 翻译:
4. must必须, 应该 1) 表示必须。例如: In a poem, every word must have power and meaning. We must do everything carefully. 2) 在否定句中表示不许。例如: Cars mustn't be parked here. You mustn't lend the book to others. 3) 表示推测, 用在肯定句中, 意为“一定”, “准是”。例如: You must be tired after the long walk. He thought it must be the king's musicians passing by. 翻译:
注意: 回答带有must的一般疑问句时, 否定回答常用need not, 而不用must not。例如: 一Must the students be back by four o'clock? 一Yes, they must. (No, they needn't. ) 翻译:
状语从句(Adverbial Clause) 翻译:
到目前为止, 我们学习了because, when, before, afier, as, if, although等连词引导的状语从句。现在归纳总结如下: 翻译:
原因状语从句 翻译:
连词 翻译:
示例 翻译:
because (因为, 由于) 翻译:
People call them Kiwis because they make the sound: keee-weee. The kitchen is dangerous because there are many glass abjects. 翻译:人们管它们叫几维鸟, 因为它们会发出叽唯的声音。 厨房很危险, 因为有很多玻璃制品。
时间状语从句 翻译:
连词 翻译:
示例 翻译:
when(当……时候) 翻译:
When she was nineteen months old, Helen fell ill. 翻译:海伦在19个月大的时候病倒了。
before(在……以前) 翻译:
Every night, he reads for half an hour before he goes to sleep. 翻译:每晚, 他都会在睡前看半个小时书。
after(在……以后) 翻译:
After Einstein finished school, he went on to study physics in Switzerland. 翻译:爱因斯坦毕业后, 去瑞士深造物理了。
as(一边……一边; 当……时候; 随着) 翻译:
I thought about it as I walked to school and later as I walked home. Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball. As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and lcarned to read. 翻译:我在上学和回家的路上一边走一边思索着。 简在儿子奔跑踢球的时候欢呼着。 随着海伦长大, 她取得了很大的进步, 学会了阅读。
while(和……同时) 翻译:
I listened to music while she worked. 翻译:她在工作的时候我在听音乐。
其他状语从句 翻译:
连词 翻译:
从句类型 翻译:
示例 翻译:
if(如果) 翻译:
条件状语从句 翻译:
If you are outside, get to an open area as fast as you can. 翻译:如果你在室外, 尽快跑到一个空旷的场地。
(al) though(虽然) 翻译:
让步状语从句 翻译:
Although I have lived in Canada for a long time, I still don't feel Canadian. 翻译:虽然我在加拿大生活了很久, 但仍然感觉自己不是加拿大人。
so that(以便) 翻译:
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