UNIT 7 翻译:第七单元
Section A 翻译:A部分
What's the matter? 翻译:怎么了?
Language Goals:Talk about health problems and accidents;Give advice 翻译:语言目标:谈论健康问题和事故;提建议
Wha's the matter? 翻译:怎么了?
I have a cold. 翻译:我感冒了。
What's the matter? 翻译:怎么了?
I have a stomachache. 翻译:我胃痛。
I have a sore back. 翻译:我背痛。
Look at the picture.Write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body. 翻译:看图片。在各身体部位旁写上对应的字母[a-m]。
arm 翻译:手臂
back 翻译:背
ear 翻译:耳朵
eye 翻译:眼睛
foot 翻译:脚;足
hand 翻译:手
head 翻译:头
leg 翻译:腿
mouth 翻译:嘴巴
neck 翻译:颈;脖子
nose 翻译:鼻子
stomach 翻译:胃;腹部
tooth 翻译:牙齿
Listen and look at the picture.Then number the names [1-5]. 翻译:听录音并看图片。然后标出对应的姓名[1-5]。
Nancy 翻译:南希
Sarah 翻译:萨拉
David 翻译:大卫
Ben 翻译:本
Judy 翻译:朱迪
Look at the picture.What are the students' problems?Make conversations. 翻译:看图片。这些学生的问题是什么?编写对话。
What's the matter with Judy? 翻译:朱迪怎么了?
She talked too much yesterday and didn't drink enough water.She has a very sore throat now. 翻译:她昨天说了太多话,却没有喝足够多的水。她的喉咙今天非常痛。
UNIT 7 翻译:第七单元
Listen and number the pictures[1-5] in the order you hear them. 翻译:听录音并按顺序标出你所听到的图片[1-5]。
Listen again.Match the problems with the advice. 翻译:再听一遍录音。将问题和建议连起来。
fever 翻译:发烧
stomachache 翻译:胃痛;腹痛
cough and sore throat 翻译:咳嗽并喉咙痛
toothache 翻译:牙痛
cut myself 翻译:切到自己了
lie down and rest 翻译:躺下休息
drink some hot tea with honey 翻译:喝一些热蜂蜜茶
see a dentist and get an X-ray 翻译:看牙医并拍X光片
take your temperature 翻译:量体温
put some medicine on it 翻译:在上面涂点药
Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. 翻译:用2a以及2b中的信息来编写对话。
What's the matter? 翻译:怎么了?
My head feels very hot. 翻译:我的头非常烫。
Maybe you have a fever… 翻译:你可能发烧了……
Role-play the conversation. 翻译:分角色扮演这段对话。
Lisa,are you OK? 翻译:利萨,你还好吗?
I have a headache and I can't move my neck.What should I do?Should I take my temperature? 翻译:我头痛,而且我的脖子也动不了了。我该怎么办?我要量体温吗?
No,it doesn't sound like you have a fever.What did you do on the weekend? 翻译:不用,你不像是发烧了。你周末做了些什么?
I played computer games all weekend. 翻译:我整个周末都在玩儿电脑游戏。
That's probably why.You need to take breaks away from the computer. 翻译:那可能就是原因了。你需要远离电脑,休息一下。
Yeah,I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. 翻译:哦,我想我同一个坐姿坐太久了,都没有动过。
I think you should lie down and rest.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow,then go to a doctor. 翻译:我认为你应该躺着休息一下。如果你的头和脖子明天还痛的话,那就要去看医生了。
OK.Thanks,Mandy. 翻译:好的。谢谢,曼迪。
UNIT 7 What's the matter? 翻译:第七单元 怎么了?
Grammar Focus 翻译:语法聚焦
What's the matter? 翻译:怎么了?
I have a stomachache. 翻译:我胃痛。
You shouldn't eat so much next time. 翻译:你下次不要吃太多了。
What's the matter with Ben? 翻译:本怎么了?
He hurt himself.He has a sore back. 翻译:他伤到自己了。他的背很痛。
He should lie down and rest. 翻译:他应该躺下来休息。
Do you have a fever? 翻译:你发烧了吗?
Yes,I do/No,I don't./I don't know. 翻译:是的。/没有。/我不知道。
Does he have a toothache? 翻译:他牙痛吗?
Yes,he does. 翻译:是的。
He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. 翻译:他应该去看牙医并拍X光片。
What should she do? 翻译:她应该怎么做?
She should take her temperature. 翻译:她应该量体温。
Should I put some medicine on it? 翻译:我要在上面擦点药吗?
Yes,you should./No,you shouldn't. 翻译:是的。/不用。
Filll in the blanks and practice the conversations. 翻译:填空并练习对话。
I hurt myself when I played basketball yesterday.What should I do? 翻译:我昨天打篮球的时候把自己弄伤了。我该怎么做?
You should see a docctor and get an X-ray. 翻译:你应该去看医生并拍X光片。
What's the matter? 翻译:怎么了?
My sister and I have sore throats.Should we go to school? 翻译:我和我妹妹喉痛都很痛。我们要去上学吗?
No,you shouldn't. 翻译:不,你们不用去了。
Does Mike have a fever? 翻译:迈克发烧了吗?
No,he doesn't.He has a stomachache. 翻译:他没发烧。他胃痛。
He should drink some hot tea. 翻译:他应该喝一些热茶。
Circle the best advice for these health problems.Then add your own advice. 翻译:给这些健康问题圈出最佳的建议。然后加上你自己的建议。
Jenny cut herself. 翻译:珍妮切到自己了。
She should put some medicine on the cut. 翻译:她应该在切口上涂一点药。
My advice: 翻译:我的建议:
Kate has a toothache. 翻译:凯特牙痛。
She should see a dentist. 翻译:她应该去看牙医。
My advice: 翻译:我的建议:
Mary and Sue have colds. 翻译:玛丽和苏感冒了。
They shouldn't sleep. 翻译:他们不应该休息。
My advice: 翻译:我的建议:
Bob has a sore back. 翻译:鲍勃的背受伤了。
He should lie down and rest. 翻译:他应该躺下来休息。
My advice: 翻译:我的建议:
One student mimes a problem.The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice. 翻译:一个学生用动作模仿某种问题。你们小组里另外的学生猜出该问题并提供建议。
Name 翻译:姓名
Problem 翻译:问题
Advice 翻译:建议
Liu Peng 翻译:刘鹏
fall down 翻译:跌倒;倒塌
go home and rest 翻译:回家休息
What's the matter?Did you hurt yourself playing soccer? 翻译:怎么了?你踢足球的时候伤到你自己了吗?
No,I didn't. 翻译:我没有。
Did you fall down? 翻译:你摔倒了吗?
Yes,I did. 翻译:我摔倒了。
You should go home and get some rest. 翻译:你应该回家休息一下。
UNIT 7 翻译:第七单元
Section B 翻译:B部分
When these accidents happen,what should you do?Put the actions in order. 翻译:这些事故发生的时候,你应该怎么做?按顺序排列这些动作。
Put a bandage on it. 翻译:在上面缠一些绷带。
Run it under water. 翻译:在水龙头下冲洗。
Put some medicine on it. 翻译:在上面涂一点药。
Go to the hospital. 翻译:去医院。
Get an X-ray. 翻译:拍X光片。
Rest for a few days. 翻译:休息几天。
Clean your face. 翻译:把你的脸洗干净。
Put your head back. 翻译:把你的头后仰。
Put on a clean T-shirt. 翻译:穿一件干净的体恤衫。
Listen to the school nurse.Check(✓) the problems you hear. 翻译:听一听校护士所说的话。勾出你所听到的问题。
Problems 翻译:问题
Treatments 翻译:治疗
Problems 翻译:问题
Treatments 翻译:治疗
Someone felt sick. 翻译:有人感觉不舒服。
b,c 翻译:
Someone cut his knee. 翻译:有人割破了膝盖。
Someone had a fever. 翻译:有人发烧了。
Someone had a nosebleed. 翻译:有人流鼻血了。
Someone hurt his back. 翻译:有人把背弄伤了。
Someone got hit on the head. 翻译:有人撞到头了。
Listen again.Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above. 翻译:再听一遍。在上表中你所勾出的问题旁边写出对应治疗的字母。
put a bandage on it 翻译:在上面缠一些绷带
took his temperature 翻译:量他的体温
told him to rest 翻译:叫他休息
put some medicine on it 翻译:在上面涂一些药
took him to the hospital to get an X-ray 翻译:带他去医院拍X光片
told her to put her head back 翻译:叫她把头往后仰
Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher.Use the information in 1b and 1c. 翻译:运用1b和1c当中的信息,分角色扮演护士和老师之间的对话。
Who came to your office today? 翻译:今天谁到你的办公室去了?
First,a boy came in.He hurt himself in P.E. class. 翻译:刚开始,有一个男孩儿进来了。他在体育课上伤到了自己。
What happened? 翻译:发生什么事情了?
UNIT 7 What's the matter? 翻译:第七单元 怎么了?
Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports.Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen. 翻译:我们做运动的时候有时候会出现意外或者问题。在可能发生的意外或者问题旁边写上相应运动的字母。
A=soccer 翻译:A=足球
B=mountain climbing 翻译:B=爬山
C=swimming 翻译:C=游泳
fall down 翻译:跌倒
have problems breathing 翻译:有呼吸问题
get hit by a ball 翻译:被球击中
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