I know butterflies taste with their feet. 翻译:西蒙:我知道蝴蝶用脚品尝东西。
That's interesting! Do you know that some snails can sleep for up to three years? 翻译:米莉:那很有趣!你知道有些蜗牛可以睡长达三年吗?
Really? That's amazing! What else do you know? 翻译:西蒙:真的吗?那太神奇了!你还知道什么?
I know an ant can lift a thing 50 times its own weight. 翻译:米莉:我知道蚂蚁能举起比自己体重重50倍的东西。
Wow! I'd like to be that strong. Then I can carry over 2,500 kilograms! 翻译:西蒙:哇!我也想那么强壮。那样我就能举起超过2500公斤的东西了!
Ha! I'll have to call you 'Strong Simon' then. 翻译:米莉:哈!那我得叫你“强壮的西蒙”了。
What facts about animals do you know, Simon? 翻译:米莉:西蒙,你知道哪些关于动物的事实?
My dog 翻译:我的狗
My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 翻译:我的狗是最聪明的动物。
He doesn't just run after a ball. 翻译:他不只是追着球跑。
He can do wonderful tricks, 翻译:他能表演精彩的把戏,
And loves to collect sticks. 翻译:还喜欢收集棍子。
He never bites, 翻译:他从不咬人,
And doesn't like fights. 翻译:也不喜欢打架。
He can sit and he can stay, 翻译:他会坐,也会留下,
He loves to eat and he loves to play. 翻译:他喜欢吃,也喜欢玩。
My dog is my very best friend, 翻译:我的狗是我最好的朋友,
And I'll look after him till the end. 翻译:我会照顾他直到最后。
My cat 翻译:我的猫
My cat has soft fur, 翻译:我的猫有柔软的毛,
And loves to purr. 翻译:喜欢咕噜咕噜叫。
She can jump really high, 翻译:她能跳得非常高,
Way up into the sky. 翻译:跳到天空中。
She has a pair of blue eyes, 翻译:她有一双蓝色的眼睛,
And likes to run after butterflies. 翻译:喜欢追蝴蝶。
Sometimes she climbs a tall tree, 翻译:有时她爬到高树上,
But never forgets to come back to me. 翻译:但从不忘记回到我身边。
When I'm lonely, she's always there. 翻译:当我孤独时,她总是在我身边。
She can't speak, but does care. 翻译:她不会说话,但关心我。
When I need a friend or feel sad, 翻译:当我需要朋友或感到悲伤时,
She is always by my side. 翻译:她总是在我身边。
Animals and design 翻译:动物与设计
Humans have a lot to thank animals for. For example, we get design ideas from animals to help us make new things. 翻译:人类有很多要感谢动物的地方。例如,我们从动物身上获得设计灵感来帮助我们制造新东西。
Radar allows ships to 'see' things around them and travel safely. The idea comes from bats. Bats make sounds, and then listen for the echo. This echo tells the bats about things around them. 翻译:雷达允许船只“看到”它们周围的东西并安全航行。这个想法来自蝙蝠。蝙蝠发出声音,然后听回声。这个回声告诉蝙蝠它们周围的事物。
Then there are planes. Scientists looked at birds and studied how they fly. Then they had the idea of planes. Planes have a pair of big wings, just like birds. 翻译:然后是飞机。科学家观察鸟类并研究它们如何飞行。然后他们有了飞机的主意。飞机有一对大翅膀,就像鸟类一样。
Do you think it's good for us to be friends with animals? 翻译:你认为我们和动物做朋友好吗?
Yes. Lots of animals are very friendly. They cheer us up when we feel sad. 翻译:是的。很多动物非常友好。当我们感到悲伤时,它们能让我们高兴起来。
I agree. And I think people can also learn from animals.For example, ants are hard working, and they often work as a team. 翻译:我同意。我认为人们也可以向动物学习。例如,蚂蚁工作努力,它们经常团队合作。
True. Also, some animals can be very useful, like dogs.They're smart and can even help people save lives. 翻译:确实。而且,有些动物非常有用,比如狗。它们聪明,甚至能帮助人们挽救生命。
That's correct. Animals and humans have a special relationship,and we should respect and care for all living things. 翻译:这是正确的。动物和人类有特殊的关系,我们应该尊重并关爱所有生物。
Teddy: my amazing animal friend 翻译:泰迪:我了不起的动物朋友
I have a pet guinea pig named Teddy. 翻译:我有一只名叫泰迪的宠物豚鼠。
He is white and brown and has short fur. 翻译:它是白色和棕色的,毛发很短。
With a big head, short legs and a small round body, he looks quite cute. 翻译:它有一个大头,短腿和小圆身体,看起来相当可爱。
Teddy eats grass and vegetables every day. 翻译:泰迪每天吃草和蔬菜。
He enjoys running around the house and playing with his toys. 翻译:它喜欢在家里跑来跑去,玩它的玩具。
Teddy is quiet and friendly. 翻译:泰迪很安静,也很友好。
He seldom makes loud noises and he is always happy to see me. 翻译:它很少发出大声的噪音,看到我总是很高兴。
When I come home from school, he runs after me, and that makes me feel happy. 翻译:当我从学校回家时,它会追着我跑,这让我感到快乐。
If I am down, Teddy will stay next to me and help me relax. 翻译:如果我情绪低落,泰迪会待在我身边,帮助我放松。
He always makes me feel better. 翻译:它总是让我感觉更好。
We have so much fun together. 翻译:我们在一起玩得很开心。
I think he is the best pet in the world. 翻译:我认为它是世界上最好的宠物。
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