Paper cutting—an art full of life 翻译:剪纸——充满生活的艺术
Zhao Yue's hands move quickly. She is working on a picture of bamboo. 翻译:赵月的手移动得很快。她正在制作一幅竹子的剪纸。
'I love paper cutting,' she says. 'You don't need much to start working—just a pair of scissors or a knife and some paper. Anyone can try it,' she adds. 翻译:“我喜欢剪纸,”她说。“开始工作不需要太多——只要一把剪刀或刀和一些纸。任何人都可以尝试,”她补充道。
After years of practice, Zhao Yue is now a great master of paper cutting. Her works on the walls in her home are beautiful. 翻译:经过多年的练习,赵月现在是一位伟大的剪纸大师。她家里墙上的作品很漂亮。
They are in the shape of flowers, birds, fish and landscapes. 翻译:它们的形状是花、鸟、鱼和风景。
'Paper cuts are not just beautiful. We use them to express our wishes. At the Spring Festival, we put them up on windows and doors for good luck,'says Zhao Yue. 翻译:“剪纸不仅仅是美丽的。我们用它们来表达我们的愿望。在春节,我们把它们贴在门窗上以求好运,”赵月说。
'And at weddings, we put up 'double happiness' in the new couple's home for good wishes.' 翻译:“在婚礼上,我们在新人家中挂上‘双喜’以求好运。”
Zhao Yue makes the last cut. She hands me the bamboo picture, smiling, 'This is called zhubaoping'an. It means 'I wish you a safe and healthy life'.' 翻译:赵月完成了最后一剪。她微笑着递给我竹子的剪纸,“这叫做‘竹报平安’。意思是‘祝你平安健康’。”
The bamboo seems to be alive and the leaves look like they are dancing. I feel the warmth and life of this traditional folk art. 翻译:竹子似乎活了,叶子看起来像在跳舞。我感受到了这种传统民间艺术的温暖和生机。
Where are you going, Millie? 翻译:你要去哪里,米莉?
I'm going to the supermarket. 翻译:我要去超市。
What are you going to buy? 翻译:你打算买什么?
My scissors are broken. I'm going to buy a new pair. 翻译:我的剪刀坏了。我打算买一把新的。
I need some pens. Can I go with you? 翻译:我需要一些笔。我可以和你一起去吗?
Of course. 翻译:米莉:当然可以。
Huishan clay art 翻译:惠山泥人艺术
Huishan clay figures from Wuxi are made from a kind of black clay. They have strong local colour. 翻译:惠山泥人来自无锡,是由一种黑泥制成。它们具有强烈的本土色彩。
There are two types of Huishan clay figures. Look at those on your left. They are made in moulds, in the shape of cute kids and animals. 翻译:惠山泥人有两种类型。看看你左边的那些。它们是在模具中制成的,形状是可爱的孩子和动物。
They have simple shapes and bright colours, and express wishes for good luck and a happy life. 翻译:它们形状简单,颜色鲜艳,表达着对好运和幸福生活的祝愿。
The figures on your right are made by hand. They usually show popular scenes from traditional operas. 翻译:你右边的泥人是手工制作的。它们通常展示传统戏曲中的流行场景。
Now you can have a close look at them and enjoy their beauty! 翻译:现在你可以近距离观察它们,欣赏它们的美!
How much do you know about Chinese folk art, students? 翻译:同学们,你们对中国民间艺术了解多少?
Chinese folk art comes from working people. It shows things about ordinary people's lives, and it's usually made from everyday materials. 翻译:中国民间艺术来自劳动人民。它展示了普通人的生活,通常是由日常材料制成的。
I think it's creative to make wonderful pieces of art. Sometimes the craftspeople make their art without designing beforehand. That's amazing! 翻译:我认为创作出精彩的艺术作品是很有创意的。有时工匠们在没有预先设计的情况下制作艺术品。这太神奇了!
I respect the spirit of the craftspeople. A good work of art usually takes a long time to make. It must take a lot of hard work and practice. 翻译:我尊重工匠们的精神。一件好的艺术品通常需要很长时间才能完成。它必须经过大量的辛勤工作和练习。
Huizhou inkstick 翻译:徽州墨条
The Huizhou inkstick is among the best of its kind. 翻译:徽州墨条是同类中最好的之一。
It gets its name from the old Huizhou area, largely in today's Anhui Province. 翻译:它的名字来源于古代徽州地区,主要在今天的安徽省。
The Huizhou inkstick has a history of over 1,000 years and was very popular with ancient Chinese writers and painters. 翻译:徽州墨条有1000多年的历史,深受中国古代文人墨客的喜爱。
The Huizhou inkstick uses pine wood as its main material. 翻译:徽州墨条以松木为主要原料。
It is very difficult to make. 翻译:制作非常困难。
Usually the making of such an inkstick takes over a year. 翻译:通常制作这样的墨条需要超过一年的时间。
The Huizhou inkstick is beautiful, and some people say the inkstick itself is a work of art. 翻译:徽州墨条很漂亮,有人说墨条本身就是一件艺术品。
The Huizhou inkstick is famous for its great quality and design. 翻译:徽州墨条以其卓越的质量和设计而闻名。
As a fine example of traditional Chinese folk art, the Huizhou inkstick is an important part of Chinese culture. 翻译:作为中国传统民间艺术的杰出代表,徽州墨条是中国文化的重要组成部分。
最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-09 07:27:28