Unit 8 Pets 翻译:第八单元 宠物
Comic strip 翻译:连环漫画
It's 12:30, Hobo. Bring me something to eat.12 翻译:点半了,Hobo。给我点吃的。
How rude you are! 翻译:你真粗鲁!
Why? 翻译:为什么?
You should say please. 翻译:你应该说“请”。
Fine. Please bring me something to eat. 翻译:好的。请给我一些吃的。
That's it. 翻译:这就对啦。
Oh well, I want a new pet! 翻译:哦,好吧,我想要一只新宠物。
Reading 翻译:阅读
A Poems about pets 翻译:A 关于宠物的诗
It is Pets Week at Sunshine Middle School. 翻译:现在是阳光中学的宠物周。
Millie took a poetry book about animals to school. 翻译:米莉把一本关于动物的诗集带到了学校。
Here are her favourite poems. 翻译:这里是她最喜欢的几首诗。
My Dog 翻译:我的狗
My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 翻译:我的狗是最聪明的动物。
He doesn't just run after a ball. 翻译:他不仅仅追球。
With eyes open wide, He hunts when I hide. 翻译:眼睛睁得很大,我藏起来的时候他到处寻找。
He does wonderful tricks, 翻译:他总是做有趣的戏法,
Builds me camps out of sticks. 翻译:他用小木棍为我搭建帐篷。
He'd never bark or bite, 翻译:他从不咆哮也不咬人,
And he doesn't like to fight. 翻译:他不喜欢打架。
My dog is my best friend, 翻译:我的狗是我最好的朋友,
And I'll look after him till the end. 翻译:我会一直照顾他。
My Goldfish 翻译:我的金鱼
My goldfish is a wonderful pet. 翻译:我的金鱼是非常好的宠物。
She doesn't need a bed. 翻译:她不需要床。
She isn't any trouble. 翻译:她也不会带来任何麻烦。
She doesn't bark, She doesn't miaow, 翻译:她不狂吠, 也不喵喵叫。
Just bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles. 翻译:就是吐泡泡,吐泡泡,吐泡泡。
My goldfish is a wonderful pet. 翻译:我的金鱼是非常好的宠物。
She doesn't need a bed. 翻译:她不需要床。
She isn't any trouble. 翻译:她也不会带来任何麻烦。
We don't have to feed her much, 翻译:她不需要喂的太多,
She doesn't need a gentle touch, 翻译:也不需要抚摸。
Just bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles. 翻译:就是吐泡泡,吐泡泡,吐泡泡。
Integrated skills 翻译:综合技能
A Goldfish 翻译:A 金鱼
A1 Peter is listening to a talk on goldfish and writing down some notes. 翻译:A1 彼得正在听一个关于金鱼的讲座,并做了一些笔记。
Listen to the talk and help him check his notes below. 翻译:听讲座,帮他检查他下面的笔记。
Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. 翻译:对的句子写T,错的句子写F。
.... 翻译:(听力练习)
A2 Peter recorded and talk. 翻译:A2 彼得记录了讲座。
Listen again and help him prepare a fact sheet about goldfish with the correct information. 翻译:再听一遍,用正确的信息帮他准备一个金鱼的情况档案。
.... 翻译:(听力练习)
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