Unit 2 Neighbours 翻译:第二单元 邻居
Comic strip 翻译:连环漫画
Hi, Hobo. Where are you going? 翻译:嗨,霍波。你要去哪里?
I’m going to visit our new neighbours. 翻译:我要去拜访我们的新邻居。
Wow! New neighbours! 翻译:哇!新邻居!
I’ll meet them too! 翻译:我也要去见见他们。
I’m afraid they won't welcome visitors like you. 翻译:恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的客人。
Welcome to the unit 翻译:欢迎学习本单元
People and places 翻译:人与地点
B Amy is asking Simon about his neighbourhood. 翻译:B 埃米正在询问西蒙的邻里社区。
Work in pairs and talk about your neighbourhood. 翻译:两人一组练习,并谈论你们的邻里社区。
Use the conversation below as a model. 翻译:以下面的对话为例。
Where do you live, Simon? 翻译:西蒙,你住在哪里?
I live in a flat in City Garden in Ninth Street. 翻译:我住在第九大街城市花园的一套公寓里。
How many buildings are there in your neighbourhood? 翻译:你们邻里社区有多少栋大楼?
There are about 20 buildings. 翻译:大约有20栋大楼。
Most of them have 14 floors. 翻译:大多数大楼有14层。
What do you have around your neighbourhood? 翻译:你们邻里社区周围都有什么设施?
We have supermarkets, restaurants, a school and a hospital. 翻译:我们有超市,餐馆,学校和医院。
Do you like living there? 翻译:你喜欢住在那里吗?
Yes. It’s good to live in a neighbourhood like that. 翻译:喜欢。住在像那样的邻里社区很不错。
Reading 翻译:阅读
A Good neighbours 翻译:A 友好的邻居
Amy wants to learn more about Simon's neighbours. 翻译:埃米想多了解西蒙的邻居。
Read their conversation. 翻译:读一读他们的对话。
Hi, Simon. What are your neighbours like? 翻译:嗨,西蒙。你的邻居是什么样的人?
They’re kind and helpful. 翻译:他们很友好,乐于助人。
Some of them are volunteers. 翻译:有些人是志愿者。
They often meet at the community centre and share their different skills. 翻译:他们经常在社区中心集中,并和大家分享各自的一技之长。
They help us with all kinds of problems. 翻译:他们帮助我们解决各种各样的问题。
When do they meet? 翻译:他们什么时候集中?
Usually they have a “helping hands” meeting at the weekend. 翻译:通常他们在周末开一个“援助之手”会议。
Are they going to have a meeting this weekend? 翻译:他们这周末要开会吗?
Yes. There’s something wrong with my computer. 翻译:是的。我的电脑出故障了。
I’m going to ask a computer engineer to check it. 翻译:我打算找个电脑工程师检查一下。
My cousin Annie’s bicycle is broken, so she’s going to ask someone to fix it. 翻译:我表妹安妮的自行车坏了,所以她打算请人来修理一下。
Can you find anyone to help you with your homework? 翻译:你能找人帮你做家庭作业吗?
Yes. Some college students are ready to help. 翻译:能。一些大学生准备帮忙。
That’s really nice. 翻译:真不错。
Do the volunteers help the old people too? 翻译:志愿者也帮助老人吗?
Yes. Some of them often visit the old people and do some shopping for them. 翻译:是的。他们中的一些人经常会去探望老人,并为他们采购些物品。
This weekend, they’ll help the old people clean their flats. 翻译:这周末,他们要帮助老人打扫公寓。
That’s great! 翻译:太棒了!
You’re lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that, Simon. 翻译:西蒙,你真幸运住在像那样的邻里社区。
Integrated skills 翻译:综合技能
A Different jobs 翻译:A 不同的工作
A2 Wendy, Millie’s penfriend, is talking about her family members'jobs. 翻译:A2 米莉的笔友温迪正在谈论她家庭成员的工作。
Listen to her and complete the table below. 翻译:听一听她所说的话,并完成以下表格。
....( 翻译:听力练习)
A3 Millie is making notes about Wendy's family. 翻译:A3 米莉正在做一些有关温迪一家的记录。
Listen to Wendy again and help Millie complete her notes below. 翻译:再听一遍温迪所说的话,并帮助米莉完成以下记录。
.... 翻译:(听力练习)
B Speak up: What are you going to be in the future? 翻译:B 大声讲:你将来要当什么?
Hi, Daniel. What are you going to be in the future? 翻译:嗨,丹尼尔。你将来要当什么?
I like computers. I’m going to be a computer engineer. 翻译:我喜欢电脑。我要当电脑工程师。
That’s interesting. I’m sure you’ll be good at it. 翻译:真有趣。我相信你会做得很好。
I love school. I’m going to be a teacher. 翻译:我喜欢学校。我要当老师。
I'm good at drawing. I’m going to be an artist. 翻译:我擅长画画。我要当艺术家。
That sounds like a good idea. 翻译:听起来是个好主意。
And you, Amy? 翻译:埃米,你呢?
I’m going to be a doctor. I want to help sick people. 翻译:我要当个医生。我想帮助生病的人。
How about you, Simon? What are you going to be? 翻译:西蒙,你呢?你要当什么?
I’m going to be a football player. 翻译:我要当足球运动员。
Study skills 翻译:学习技巧
Linking sounds 翻译:连音
A Listen carefully. See how you can link the following words together. 翻译:A 仔细听录音。看看你如何能连读以下这些单词。
Then practice saying them. 翻译:然后练习说一说这些单词。
.....( 翻译:听力练习)
B Listen carefully to these words.Then practise saying them. 翻译:B 仔细听这些单词。然后练习说一说这些单词。
.... 翻译:(听力练习)
C Listen carefully to these words. Then practise saying them. 翻译:C 仔细听这些单词。然后练习说一说这些单词。
.... 翻译:(听力练习)
D Listen carefully to these words. Then practise saying them. 翻译:D 仔细听这些单词。然后练习说一说这些单词。
..... 翻译:(听力练习)
Task 翻译:任务
Helping each other 翻译:相互帮助
A Simon is looking at the noticeboard of the community centre. 翻译:A 西蒙正在看社区中心的布告栏。
Read the notices. 翻译:读一读这些布告。
Notices 翻译:布告
Dear all, 翻译:大家好:
We are going to have a “helping hand” meeting at the community centre on the afternoon of 5 March. 翻译:我们打算三月五号下午在社区中心开一个“援助之手”会议。
Do you have any problem? 翻译:你有困难吗?
Please look at the information below. 翻译:请看以下信息。
It may help you! 翻译:可能会帮助到你!
City Garden Community Centre 翻译:城市花园社区中心
Are you not feeling well these days? 翻译:你最近感觉不舒服吗?
Do not worry. 翻译:不要着急。
There are good doctors and nurses here. 翻译:这里有好医生和好护士。
They will make you feel better! 翻译:他们会让你身体好转!
Health Centre 翻译:健康中心
Is your washing machine not working? 翻译:你的洗衣机不运行了吗?
Is there anything wrong with your fridge? 翻译:你的电冰箱出故障了吗?
Our engineers are here to help with your problems? 翻译:我们的工程师会来帮助解决你的问题!
Fix-it Club 翻译:维修俱乐部
Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home? 翻译:你在为参加聚会该穿什么或者怎样设计你的家而烦恼吗?
We have some artists to help. 翻译:我们有一些艺术家来帮助你。
All our group members know a lot about styles and colours. 翻译:我们所有的小组成员对风格和颜色了解很多。
They will be happy to give you some ideas! 翻译:他们会很高兴给你提供一些思路!
Art & Design Group 翻译:艺术设计组
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