Unit 8 Detective stories 翻译:第八单元 侦探故事
Why are you dressed like that, Eddie? 翻译:埃迪,你为什么穿成这样?
I'm a detective. 翻译:我是侦探。
What's a detective? 翻译:什么是侦探?
A Detective is someone who looks for clues to something important. 翻译:侦探就是寻找某个重大事件线索的人。
Wow! How cool! What happened? A murder? 翻译:哇!太酷了!发生什么事了?谋杀案吗?
No. This is much more serious. 翻译:没有。这也太严重了。
My food has gone missing. 翻译:我只是在找我丢失的食物。
Welcome to the unit 翻译:欢迎学习本单元
Who is the murderer? 翻译:谁是凶手?
B Daniel and Sandy are talking about the murder in Sun Town. 翻译:B 丹尼尔和桑迪在谈论在阳光小镇发生的谋杀案。
Work in pairs and discuss who you think is most likely to be the murderer. 翻译:两人为一组,讨论谁最有可能是凶手。
Use the conversation below as a model. 翻译:可以参考下面的范例。
They all say that they're not guilty. 翻译:他们都说自己是无辜的。
Who do you think is not telling the truth? 翻译:你认为谁说了谎话?
I guess Jimmy White is lying. 翻译:我认为吉米·怀特在说谎。
He might be the murderer because he lives in Sun Town. 翻译:因为他就住在阳光小镇,所以他很有可能是凶手。
I don't think so. Jimmy is helpful, and he was in another place when the murder happened. 翻译:我不这么认为。吉米很乐于助人,而且案发的时候他并不在现场。
Perhaps Frank Johnson killed the young man. 翻译:可能弗兰卡·约翰逊杀了那个男人。
Who's Frank Johnson? 翻译:谁是弗兰克·约翰逊?
He's an office worker of medium height. 翻译:他是一名上班族,中等身高。
He looks untidy and nervous. 翻译:他看上去很邋遢,而且神情紧张。
Reading 翻译:阅读
A Murder in West Town 翻译:A 西镇的谋杀案
Last night, there was a murder in West Town. 翻译:昨晚,西镇发生了一起谋杀案。
The Class 1, Grade 9 students are reading about it in the newspaper. 翻译:九年级1班的同学们正在报纸上阅读这一谋杀案的新闻。
Here is the article. 翻译:文章如下。
25-year-old Computer Engineer Murdered 翻译:25岁的电脑工程师被害
Early today, the body of a 25-year-old man was found in West Town. 翻译:今天早晨,一位25岁男子的尸体在西镇被发现。
The police have confirmed that the victim was a computer engineer. 翻译:警察已经确定遇难者是一名电脑工程师。
He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7 p.m. yesterday. 翻译:昨晚7点,他在东镇下班回家,这是人们最后一次看到他。
He said he was going to visit his parents. 翻译:他说要去看望他的父母。
The police believe that the murder took place between 9 p.m. last night and 1 a.m. this morning. 翻译:警察认为案发时间是昨晚的9点至今天的凌晨1点。
They are still working at the scene of the crime to find out 翻译:他们仍然在案发现场搜集证据,
whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to West Town, 翻译:以确认遇害者是否在别处被害然后移尸西镇,
or killed at the place where he was found. 翻译:或者该案发现场就是第一现场。
We're asking anyone who saw anything unusual near Corn Street last night to contact us, said Detective Lu, West Town's chief detective. 翻译:“我们迫切希望昨晚在科恩街附近看到任何可疑现象的人与我们联系,”卢侦探说。他是西镇的首席侦探。
The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. 翻译:“遇害者由于受到刀伤,失血过多而死亡。
We're now checking the scene for more clues which will help solve the case. 翻译:我们正在现场搜集更多的证据,以帮助我们尽早破案。”
最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-07 09:53:16