Unit 5 Good manners 翻译:第五单元 良好礼仪
You're old enough to learn about manners now, Hobo. 翻译:霍波,你现在大了,应该要学习礼仪了。
Eh? What do you mean? 翻译:嗯?你是什么意思?
First, always share your things with others. 翻译:首先,要常常同别人分享你的东西。
Second, ... 翻译:其次,……
Hey! That's my cake! 翻译:嘿!那是我的蛋糕!
Second, don't cut in on others. 翻译:其次,不要打断别人的话。
Always wait politely. 翻译:要礼貌的等着。
You should learn about manners too. 翻译:你也应该学学礼仪。
You're never too old to learn. 翻译:活到老,学到老。
Welcome to the unit 翻译:欢迎来到本单元
Doing the right things 翻译:做正确的事情
B Amy and her cousin Shirley are discussing what' they should and should not do in the library. 翻译:B 埃米和她的表妹雪莉在讨论她们在图书馆应该做什么,不应该做什么。
Work in pairs and discuss what we should and should not do in a public place. 翻译:结对练习,讨论一下我们在公共场合应该做什么不应该做什么。
Use the conversation below as a model. 翻译:使用下面的对话作为范例。
Can we chat in the library? 翻译:我们在图书馆能聊天吗?
I'm afraid not. We should keep quiet. 翻译:不能。我们应该保持安静。
Anything else? 翻译:还有别的吗?
Don't drop litter everywhere. 翻译:不能随地扔垃圾。
Always keep the library clean. 翻译:时刻让图书馆保持干净。
I see. Can we eat in the library? 翻译:我知道了。我们在图书馆能吃东西吗?
No, we can't eat there. 翻译:不行,我们不能在那儿吃东西。
Can we write in the books? 翻译:我们可以在书上写字吗?
No, we shouldn't write in the books, and we should put them back after reading. 翻译:不行,我们不能在书上写字,我们看完书之后,应该把书放回原处。
Reading 翻译:阅读
A When in Rome 翻译:A 在罗马时
Daniel is hosting the school radio show this week. 翻译:丹尼尔在主持本周的校园广播秀。
He is interviewing Jenny,a Grade 9 student, who has recently visited the UK. 翻译:他在采访一位九年级的同学珍妮,珍妮刚从英国参观回来。
Hi, everyone. Today we've invited Jenny to talk about manners in the UK. 翻译:嗨,大家好。今天我们邀请珍妮来说说英国的礼仪。
What's the proper way to greet people there, Jenny? 翻译:珍妮,在英国,适当的打招呼的方式是什么?
Well, British people say hello or nice to meet you and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. 翻译:呃,英国人第一次见到你时,他们说“你好”或“见到你很高兴”,并握手。
Do they greet people with a kiss? 翻译:他们用亲吻这种方式打招呼吗?
No. British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss. 翻译:不会。英国人只和亲戚或亲密的朋友用亲吻打招呼。
How do people start a conversation? 翻译:人们是如何开始交谈的?
They talk about the weather, holidays, music, books or something else. 翻译:他们谈论天气、假期、音乐、书籍或其他一些事情。
But please avoid subjects like age, weight or money. 翻译:但是请避免像年龄、体重或金钱类的话题。
Do people there behave politely in public? 翻译:人们在公共场合表现得礼貌吗?
Yes, they do. They always queue. 翻译:是的,他们很礼貌。他们总是排队等候。
They think it's rude to push in before others. 翻译:他们认为在别人面前插队是粗鲁无礼的。
Also, if they bump into someome in the street, they'll say sorry. 翻译:同样的,如果他们在大街上撞着别人,他们会说“对不起”。
Anything else? 翻译:还有别的吗?
If you're in their way, they won't touch you or push past you. 翻译:如果你挡着别人了,他们不会碰你或从你身边挤过去。
They'll say excuse me and be polite enough to wait till you move. 翻译:他们会说“打扰了”,然后非常礼貌的等着你移动。
British people are very polite at home as well, aren't they? 翻译:英国人在家里也很礼貌,是吗?
Yes. 翻译:是的。
They say please and thank you all the time! 翻译:他们每时每刻都在说“请”和“谢谢”!
Any other tips for us if we're going to the UK? 翻译:如果我们要去英国,还有别的什么提示吗?
Let me see. 翻译:我想想。
Oh, keep your voice down in public. 翻译:哦,在公共场合要小声说话。
British people don't like to shout or laugh loudly. 翻译:英国人不喜欢大喊或大笑。
OK. Thanks, Jenny. 翻译:好的。谢谢你,珍妮。
Now we've learnt more about manners in the UK. 翻译:现在我们更多的了解了英国的礼仪。
I'm sure they're helpful to us. 翻译:我确信这些对我们很有用。
I hope so. 翻译:我希望如此。
Just as the saying goes, When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 翻译:就像习语说的:“入乡随俗。”
Integrated skills 翻译:综合技能
A Public signs 翻译:A 公共标识
A1 Amy is talking with her cousin Shirley about signs used in public places. 翻译:A1 埃米在和表妹雪莉谈论在公共场合使用的标识。
Listen to the first part of their conversation and help Shirley complete her notes. 翻译:听她们对话的第一部分,帮助雪莉完成她的笔记。
... 翻译:(听力练习)
A2 Listen to the second part of the conversation. 翻译:A2 听对话的第二部分。
Help Shirley write the missing information in the table below. 翻译:帮助雪莉在下面的表格中填入缺失的信息。
... 翻译:(听力练习)
B Speak up: Please don't take photos. 翻译:B 大声说:请别照相
Mr Zhao, Amy's father, is visiting an art museum with Amy and Shirley. 翻译:埃米的爸爸赵先生正在同埃米及雪莉一起参观艺术博物馆。
They are talking softly in the museum. 翻译:他们在博物馆里轻声交谈。
Work in groups and warn your group members not to do something. 翻译:小组练习,警告你的组员不用做某些事。
Use the conversation below as a model. 翻译:使用下面的对话作为范例。
Look at this famous painting by Picasso. 翻译:看看这幅毕加索的名画。
Wow! It's excellent! 翻译:哇!太棒了!
Let me take a photo of it. 翻译:我们给它照张相吧。
Please don't take photos, Amy. 翻译:埃米,请不要拍照。
Why not? 翻译:为什么不呢?
Sorry, I didn't notice that sign just now. 翻译:对不起,我刚刚没有注意到这个标识。
Come and see, Amy! 翻译:埃米,到这儿来!
I've seen this painting before. 翻译:我以前看见过这幅画。
OK. I'm coming, but we shouldn't shout in the museum, Shirley. 翻译:好的。我来了,但是雪莉,我们不应该在博物馆叫喊。
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