人教新目标版2025春七下英语Reading Plus课文音频

版本: 人教新目标版
年级: 2025春七下
英语朗读宝人教新目标版2025春七下课文Reading Plus单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力初中生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。
英语朗读宝人教新目标版2025春七下课文Reading Plus单元提供重点句子点读跟读音频MP3、句子中文翻译朗读,听力磨耳朵等功能,内容同步2025最新教材英语电子课本,助力初中生轻松掌握课文语法,吃透本单元课文。

Reading Plus课文翻译及听力音频

  • The Amazing Octopus 翻译:神奇的章鱼

  • Among the many amazing animals in the world, few are as strange and unusual as the octopus. 翻译:在世界上众多神奇的动物中,很少有像章鱼这样奇怪和不寻常的。

  • There are around 300 different kinds of octopuses, and they come in all sizes! 翻译:大约有300种不同的章鱼,它们有各种大小!

  • The smallest is only around 2.5 centimetres long, but some octopuses can grow up to more than five metres long. 翻译:最小的只有大约2.5厘米长,但有些章鱼可以长到超过五米长。

  • There was even an octopus over nine metres long! 翻译:甚至有一只章鱼超过九米长!

  • The octopus's body is very interesting. 翻译:章鱼的身体非常有趣。

  • All octopuses have eight arms. 翻译:所有章鱼都有八只手臂。

  • Their brain is not just in their head, but also in their arms! 翻译:它们的大脑不仅在头部,还在它们的手臂里!

  • This helps them to think about and do more than one thing at once. 翻译:这帮助它们同时思考和做不止一件事情。

  • Octopuses can also fit into small places because they do not have any bones! 翻译:章鱼也可以适应狭小的空间,因为它们没有骨头!

  • And did you know that octopuses have three hearts? 翻译:你知道章鱼有三颗心脏吗?

  • These hearts work with different parts of the body. 翻译:这些心脏与身体的不同部分协同工作。

  • Octopuses can also do many amazing things. 翻译:章鱼也能做许多惊人的事情。

  • They can change how they look. 翻译:它们可以改变外观。

  • They can change their colour and shape to look like plants or other sea animals. 翻译:它们可以改变颜色和形状,看起来像植物或其他海洋动物。

  • Octopuses can also make ink. 翻译:章鱼也能制造墨水。

  • They keep it inside very small bags in their body. 翻译:它们将墨水储存在身体内非常小的袋子里。

  • When they produce ink, the ink makes it hard for other animals to see them. 翻译:当它们产生墨水时,墨水会让其他动物很难看到它们。

  • This helps octopuses to get away fast. 翻译:这有助于章鱼快速逃脱。

  • What's more, when an octopus loses an arm, it can grow it back! 翻译:更重要的是,当章鱼失去一只手臂时,它能重新长出来!

  • Studying amazing animals like the octopus is important, because we can learn a lot from them. 翻译:研究像章鱼这样的神奇动物很重要,因为我们可以从它们身上学到很多。

  • But they also show us how wonderful nature is and why it is important to protect it! 翻译:但它们也向我们展示了大自然的奇妙以及保护它的重要性!

  • Rules around Us 翻译:我们周围的规则

  • No flash photography. 翻译:禁止使用闪光灯拍照。

  • Do not bring food or drink near exhibits. 翻译:不要将食物或饮料带到展品附近。

  • Do not touch exhibits. 翻译:不要触摸展品。

  • No smoking. 翻译:禁止吸烟。

  • Turn off or silence your phones. 翻译:关闭或静音你的手机。

  • Do not push others to get to the front of the crowd. 翻译:不要推搡他人以挤到人群前面。

  • Watch your step around exhibits. 翻译:在展品周围注意脚下。

  • Do not shout or make loud noises. 翻译:不要大声喊叫或制造噪音。

  • Do not feed the animals. 翻译:不要喂动物。

  • Do not litter. 翻译:不要乱扔垃圾。

  • Do not disturb the animals. 翻译:不要打扰动物。

  • Do not climb over or put your hands or an arms through fences 翻译:不要爬过或把手或手臂伸过围栏

  • Follow instructions when you take part in activities. 翻译:参加活动时请遵守指示。

  • Arrive early or on time. 翻译:准时到达。

  • Wear formal clothes. 翻译:穿着正式服装。

  • Take your seats quickly and do not block the aisles. 翻译:快速就座,不要阻塞通道。

  • No filming or photography. 翻译:禁止拍摄或摄影。

  • Turn off your phones. 翻译:关闭手机。

  • Do not talk during the performance. 翻译:演出期间不要交谈。

  • Clap only at the end of the performance. 翻译:只在演出结束时鼓掌。

  • Do not run in the pool area. 翻译:不要在泳池区域奔跑。

  • Do not dive or jump in the pool. 翻译:不要在泳池中潜水或跳跃。

  • Children and swimming learners must always be with a good swimmer. 翻译:儿童和游泳初学者必须始终有熟练的游泳者陪同。

  • Do not bring food or drink to the pool area. 翻译:不要将食物或饮料带到泳池区域。

  • Wear swimming suits in the pool. 翻译:在泳池中穿泳装。

  • Only change clothes in the correct areas. 翻译:只能在正确的区域更换衣服。

  • No pets allowed. 翻译:禁止携带宠物。

  • Shower before entering the pool. 翻译:进入泳池前淋浴。

  • Healthy Body, Healthy Mind 翻译:健康的身体,健康的心灵

  • We all know exercise is important, yet we don't always want to do it! 翻译:我们都知道锻炼很重要,但我们并不总是想要去做!

  • Often we are too busy or feel lazy. 翻译:我们常常太忙或感到懒惰。

  • We should try our best to exercise every day. 翻译:我们应该尽力每天锻炼。

  • Exercise is good for our body. 翻译:锻炼对我们的身体有益。

  • When we exercise, our body changes. 翻译:当我们锻炼时,我们的身体会发生变化。

  • Exercise develops our muscles and makes us stronger. 翻译:锻炼发展我们的肌肉,使我们更强壮。

  • When we exercise, we get energy. 翻译:当我们锻炼时,我们获得能量。

  • This keeps our weight down. 翻译:这有助于我们保持体重。

  • Being overweight puts stress on our body. 翻译:超重会给我们的身体带来压力。

  • It can also cause pain in our back and knees, and even cause more serious problems such as heart disease later in life. 翻译:它还可能导致我们的背部和膝盖疼痛,甚至在以后的生活中导致更严重的问题,如心脏病。

  • Exercise is also great for our brain. 翻译:锻炼对我们的大脑也有好处。

  • During exercise, our heart beats faster and we breathe harder. 翻译:在锻炼期间,我们的心跳加快,呼吸更用力。

  • Our brain gets more oxygen because of this, and that helps our memory improve. 翻译:我们的大脑因此获得更多氧气,这有助于我们的记忆改善。

  • Scientists also tell us the body makes more of certain chemicals after exercise. 翻译:科学家还告诉我们,身体在锻炼后会产生更多的某些化学物质。

  • This helps us to learn and think well. 翻译:这有助于我们学习和思考。

  • So, when you have trouble with your homework, do some exercise, then try again! 翻译:所以,当你做作业遇到困难时,做一些锻炼,然后再试一次!

  • Exercise also helps us to feel happier. 翻译:锻炼还能帮助我们感到更快乐。

  • When we exercise, our brain makes special chemicals. 翻译:当我们锻炼时,我们的大脑会产生特殊的化学物质。

  • These chemicals can relax our body and calm our mind. 翻译:这些化学物质可以放松我们的身体,平静我们的心灵。

  • Feeling fit can also make us feel better and more confident about ourselves. 翻译:感到健康也能让我们自我感觉更好,更自信。

  • When we play a sport with others, we can even make new friends. 翻译:当我们与他人一起运动时,我们甚至可以结交新朋友。

  • Remember: Health is wealth. The more you exercise, the healthier you become. Try to make exercise a part of your life. 翻译:记住:健康就是财富。你锻炼得越多,你就会变得越健康。试着让锻炼成为你生活的一部分。

  • Food Myths 翻译:食物神话

  • 'Only fruit and vegetables are healthy foods.' 翻译:“只有水果和蔬菜是健康食品。”

  • The human body needs to eat many different types of food to stay healthy. 翻译:人体需要吃许多不同类型的食物来保持健康。

  • The Chinese Food Guide Pagoda shows us what food we should eat. 翻译:中国食物指南金字塔告诉我们应该吃什么食物。

  • While fruit and vegetables are healthy choices, it is just as important to eat foods from other food groups. 翻译:虽然水果和蔬菜是健康的选择,但同样重要的是吃其他食物组的食物。

  • Milk, for example, contains many nutrients and is good for our bones. 翻译:例如,牛奶含有许多营养物质,对我们的骨骼有益。

  • We should include milk or dairy products among the things we eat. 翻译:我们应该在饮食中包括牛奶或乳制品。

  • 'Eating fat makes you fat.' 翻译:“吃脂肪会让你变胖。”

  • Eating fat is important for keeping us healthy. 翻译:吃脂肪对保持我们的健康很重要。

  • It gives us energy and helps our body to take in nutrients. 翻译:它给我们提供能量,帮助我们的身体吸收营养。

  • Not all fat makes us gain weight. 翻译:并不是所有的脂肪都会让我们增重。

  • Some fat can even encourage our body to lose weight. 翻译:有些脂肪甚至可以鼓励我们的身体减肥。

  • It is necessary to include some, but not too much fat in our food to help our body work well. 翻译:有必要在食物中包含一些脂肪,但不要太多,以帮助我们的身体正常工作。

  • 'It's OK to eat only what I like while I'm young.' 翻译:“在我年轻的时候,只吃我喜欢的东西是可以的。”

  • When we are young, it might feel like we can just eat whatever we want! 翻译:当我们年轻时,可能会觉得我们可以想吃就吃!

  • For example, sweets and fried foods taste delicious. 翻译:例如,甜食和油炸食品味道很好。

  • But we cannot eat those foods alone. 翻译:但我们不能只吃这些食物。

  • Eating balanced meals is very important when we are young. 翻译:在我们年轻时,吃均衡的饮食非常重要。

  • It helps our body and brain to grow well. 翻译:它有助于我们的身体和大脑健康成长。

  • Visiting New Places 翻译:参观新地方

  • I'm from Switzerland, and this is actually my first time seeing the sea! 翻译:我来自瑞士,这实际上是我第一次看到大海!

  • It's great. The sun is shining and it's really hot, but there are still lots of people here. 翻译:太棒了。阳光明媚,天气真的很热,但这里仍然有很多人。

  • Some people are swimming and playing in the water, and others are sunbathing or playing games on the beach. 翻译:有些人在水里游泳和玩耍,其他人在晒太阳或在沙滩上玩游戏。

  • My uncle is teaching me how to surf. 翻译:我叔叔正在教我冲浪。

  • It's tricky, but I think I'm making good progress. 翻译:这有点难,但我觉得我进步不错。

  • It feels great to ride the waves!' 翻译:冲浪的感觉太棒了!”

  • 'Hey, I'm Sandra from Lisbon. 翻译:“嘿,我是来自里斯本的桑德拉。

  • Welcome back to my channel! 翻译:欢迎回到我的频道!

  • Today I'm visiting a friend in Paris. 翻译:今天我在巴黎拜访一个朋友。

  • It's a wonderful city! 翻译:这是一个美妙的城市!

  • There are many tourists here. 翻译:这里有很多游客。

  • They're visiting the museums and galleries. 翻译:他们正在参观博物馆和画廊。

  • Some tourists are taking a boat along the River Seine too! 翻译:一些游客也在塞纳河上乘船!

  • My friends and I are going to the Eiffel Tower now! 翻译:我和我的朋友们现在要去埃菲尔铁塔!

  • I'm taking lots of photos to send to my family.' 翻译:我拍了很多照片要寄给我的家人。”


最新学习记录 更新时间:2025-03-09 08:41:09

