Unit 1 A trip to the Silk Road 翻译:第一单元 “丝绸之路”之旅
Towards the end of this unit study, you will be able to: 翻译:在本单元学习结束时,你将能够:
know about cultures along the Silk Road; 翻译:了解“丝绸之路”沿线的文化;
talk about places of interest; 翻译:谈论名胜古迹;
make a simple trip plan; 翻译:制定简单的旅行计划;
express something that will happen in the future. 翻译:表达将来会发生的事情。
The ancient Silk Road was more a route of friendship than a route of trade. 一Xi Jinping 翻译:古代“丝绸之路”是一条贸易之路,更是一条友谊之路。 ——习近平
Lesson 1 A trip to China 翻译:第1课 中国之旅
What do you know about the Silk Road? Talk with your partner. 翻译:你对“丝绸之路”了解多少?与同伴说一说。
Listen to the conversation and write true (T) or false (F). 翻译:听对话录音,然后判断正误。
Hi, Mum! Hi, Dad! Guess what! We're learning about the Silk Road in school this month. 翻译:嗨,妈妈!嗨,爸爸!你们猜怎么着?这个月我们正在学校了解“丝绸之路”。
The Silk Road? That's interesting! 翻译:“丝绸之路”?听着很有意思!
Yes, it is! Mum and Dad, may I ask you a question? 翻译:是的,非常有意思!爸爸妈妈,我可以问你们一个问题吗?
Sure, Jenny! What is it? 翻译:当然可以,詹妮!你想问什么?
My school is doing a China study this term. Some students from my class want to travel along the Silk Road in China. May I go with them? 翻译:这个学期,我们学校在做一项有关中国的专题研究。我们班上的一些同学想去中国旅行,一路沿着“丝绸之路”走。我可以和他们一起去吗?
Who will lead the trip? 翻译:谁来带领这次旅行?
Ms Martin! Here is the note from my school. 翻译:马丁太太!这是学校发的通知。
Jenny's mother and father read the note. 翻译:詹妮的爸爸妈妈在看通知。
Yes, you may go, Jenny. This is a good chance for you to learn interesting things about China. 翻译:好,你可以去,詹妮。这对你来说是了解中国有趣事情的好机会。
Great! Thank you, Mum and Dad! I'm so excited! I will tell Li Ming the good news. 翻译:太好了!谢谢爸爸妈妈!我太兴奋了!我要把这个好消息告诉李明。
Jenny is learning about the Silk Road in school this month. 翻译:詹妮这个月正在学校了解“丝绸之路”。
Jenny's school is doing a China study this term. 翻译:这个学期,詹妮的学校在做一项有关中国的专题研究。
Jenny will go to China with her parents. 翻译:詹妮要和自己的爸爸妈妈去中国。
Learning Tips 翻译:学习小贴士
Proposed by China in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote the Silk Road spirit in the new era. It is welcomed by many countries both as a public good and as a cooperation platform. 翻译:“一带一路”倡议是中国在2013年提出的,旨在在新时代弘扬“丝绸之路”精神。“一带一路”既是公共事业,也是合作平台,受到各国欢迎。
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions. 翻译:再听一遍对话录音,然后回答问题。
Where do Jenny's classmates want to travel? 翻译:詹妮的同学们想去哪里旅行?
Who will lead the trip? 翻译:谁来带领这次旅行?
What does Mrs Smith think about the trip? 翻译:史密斯先生如何看待这次旅行?
Read the note from Jenny's school. Then make up a conversation with your partner. 翻译:阅读詹妮学校发的通知。然后与同伴一起编一段对话。
Dear parents, Our school is doing a China study this term. We are planning a trip to the Silk Road in China. Ms Mart in will lead the trip and travel with the students. All students in Grade 7 can join. For more information, please come to the meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2. Regards, Mr Franklin 翻译:尊敬的家长: 本学期,我校正在进行一项有关中国的专题研究。我校计划展开一次中国“丝绸之路”旅行,马丁太太将带领本次旅行,与学生们一同前往。7年级的所有学生均可参与。要想了解更多信息,请于3月2日星期三下午3点30分来校参加会议。 谨此致意, 富兰克林先生
What is Jenny's school doing this term? 翻译:这个学期,詹妮的学校在做什么?
What are they planning? 翻译:他们计划做什么?
Listen and repeat. Write more words in each group. 翻译:听录音并复述。给每个字母组合多写几个单词。
ou /aʊ/ about around 翻译:ou /aʊ/ 大约 周围
ea /i:/ lead read 翻译:ea /i:/ 带领 阅读
nk /ŋk/ think thank 翻译:nk /ŋk/ 思考 感谢
tion /ʃn/ conversation information 翻译:tion /ʃn/ 对话 信息
Lesson 2 Our trip plan 翻译:第2课 我们的旅行计划
What do you know about the cities along the Silk Road? Discuss with your partner. 翻译:你对“丝绸之路”的沿途城市了解多少?与同伴讨论一下。
Xi'an 翻译:西安
Lanzhou 翻译:兰州
Dunhuang 翻译:敦煌
Kashi 翻译:喀什
Read the email and answer the questions 翻译:阅读电子邮件,然后回答问题。
Hi, Li Ming, 翻译:你好,李明:
I'm so excited! My classmates and I will go to China! We will travel along the Silk Road. 翻译:我太兴奋了!我和我的同学们要去北京了!我们要沿着“丝绸之路”旅行。
We will start in Xi'an. We will visit the Terra Cotta Warriors and have some Chinese food. Then we will take a train to Lanzhou. It is not far from Xi'an. I want to walk along the Yellow River. Our last stop along the Silk Road is Dunhuang. Dunhuang is my dream city. I'm looking forward to visiting the Mogao Caves. I can't wait to see the beautiful ancient paintings there. 翻译:我们会从西安出发。我们要去参观兵马俑、品尝中国美食。然后,我们会坐火车前往兰州,从西安去兰州不会很远。我想沿着黄河散散步。我们“丝绸之路”旅行的最后一站是敦煌。敦煌是我梦想中的城市。我期待着能去参观莫高窟,我迫不及待地想要看看那里美丽的古画。
The Silk Road is very long, and we don't have enough time. We can only see part of it. But this trip will be very special. We will learn about the history and culture of China along the way. 翻译:“丝绸之路”的路途很长,而我们没有充足的时间去游览。我们只能参观到其中的一部分。但是这次旅行会很特别。我们会一路了解到中国的历史与文化。
Our trip ends in Beijing. I hope to see you there. 翻译:我们的旅行会在北京结束。希望能在北京见到你。
That is the plan for our trip. 翻译:以上就是我们的旅行计划。
Your friend, 翻译:你的朋友,
Jenny 翻译:詹妮
How will Jenny and her classmates go to Lanzhou from Xi'an? 翻译:詹妮和她的同学们要怎么从西安去兰州?
Where are the Mogao Caves? 翻译:莫高窟在哪里?
What is special about this trip? 翻译:这次旅行有什么特别之处?
Read the email again and complete the timeline. 翻译:再读一遍电子邮件,然后完成时间轴。
Xi'an 翻译:西安
visit the Terra Cotta Warriors and eat Chinese food 翻译:参观兵马俑,品尝中国美食
Dunhuang 翻译:敦煌
visit the Mogao Caves and see the beautiful ancient paintings 翻译:参观莫高窟,观赏美丽的古画
Lanzhou 翻译:兰州
walk along the Yellow River 翻译:沿着黄河散步
Beijing 翻译:北京
Complete the conversation and then role-play it. 翻译:完成对话内容,然后进行角色扮演。
Hi, Mum. Jenny and her classmates will come to China. 翻译:嗨,妈妈。詹妮和她的同学们要来中国了。
That's wonderful. Where will they go? 翻译:那太棒了。他们要去哪里?
They will travel along the Silk Road. They will learn about the history and culture of China along the way. 翻译:他们要沿着“丝绸之路”旅行。他们会一路了解到中国的历史与文化。
Which places will they visit? 翻译:他们要去参观哪些地方?
They will visit Xi'an and Lanzhou. 翻译:他们要去西安和兰州。
I guess they will also go to Dunhuang. 翻译:我猜他们还会去敦煌。
Yes, that's their last stop along the Silk Road. They will see the beautiful ancient paintings in the Mogao Caves. 翻译:是的,那是他们“丝绸之路”旅行的最后一站。他们要在莫高窟观赏美丽的古画。
It will be a nice journey! 翻译:这会是一次愉快的旅行。
They will visit Xi'an and Lanzhou. 翻译:他们要去西安和兰州。
Yes, that's their last stop along the Silk Road. 翻译:是的,那是他们“丝绸之路”旅行的最后一站。
Jenny and her classmates will come to China. 翻译:詹妮和她的同学们要来中国了。
They will learn about the history and culture of China along the way. 翻译:他们会一路了解到中国的历史与文化。
Lesson 3 A visit to Xi'an 翻译:第3课 游览西安
Where can you see these places of interest? Look and talk. 翻译:你在哪里能看到下列这些名胜古迹?看图片,说一说。
the Big Wild Goose Pagoda 翻译:大雁塔
the Bell Tower 翻译:钟楼
the Drum Tower 翻译:鼓楼
the Terra Cotta Warriors 翻译:兵马俑
Read the passage and number the places of interest. 翻译:阅读文章,然后给名胜古迹排序。
Hello everyone, welcome to Xi'an. I'm so happy to meet you. I will show you around this ancient city. 翻译:大家好,欢迎来到西安。很高兴见到大家。我将带领大家参观这座古城。
First, we will walk along the City Wall. It is over 13 kilometres long and more than 600 years old. You can ride a bicycle on the ancient wall. Then we will go to the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower. You can enjoy wonderful shows there. 翻译:首先,我们会沿着城墙散步。城墙长达13千米,拥有600多年的历史。大家可以在这座古老的城墙上骑着自行车兜兜风。接着,我们会前往鼓楼和钟楼。大家可以在那边欣赏到精彩的表演。
This afternoon, we will go to the Shaanxi History Museum. We will learn a lot about Chinese history. Later, we will visit the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. It is more than 1,300 years old. 翻译:今天下午,我们会前往陕西历史博物馆。我们会了解到很多中国历史方面的知识。之后,我们会参观大雁塔。它拥有1300多年的历史。
Tomorrow, we will visit the famous Terra Cotta Warriors. They are more than 2,000 years old! We can also try some delicious Chinese food and enjoy the special dishes of Xi'an. 翻译:明天,我们会参观到著名的兵马俑。它们拥有2000多年的历史!同时,我们还会品尝到可口的中国美食,享用西安的特色菜肴。
I hope you will have lots of fun! 翻译:希望大家能够玩得开心!
the Terra Cotta Warriors 翻译:兵马俑
the Big Wild Goose Pagoda 翻译:大雁塔
the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower 翻译:鼓楼和钟楼
the Shaanxi History Museum 翻译:陕西历史博物馆
the ancient wall 翻译:古老的城墙
Read the sentences, pay attention to the parts in yellow. Then fill in the blanks. 翻译:读句子,注意标黄的部分。然后填空。
First we will walk along the City Wall. 翻译:首先,我们会沿着城墙散步。
We will learn a lot about Chinese history. 翻译:我们会了解到很多中国历史方面的知识。
Later, we will visit the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. 翻译:之后,我们会参观大雁塔。
—When will the show start? —In ten minutes. 翻译:—演出什么时候开始? —十分钟后。
Li Ming will visit his grandparents next week. 翻译:李明下周要去探望他的爷爷奶奶。
My bike is broken. I will take a bus to school this afternoon. 翻译:我的自行车坏了。我今天下午会坐公交车去学校。
We usually use will in front of a verb to talk about things that may happen in the future. 翻译:will一般用于动词之前,用以谈论将来可能会发生的事情。
Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the words. 翻译:用单词的正确形式完成对话。
take 翻译:拍照
have 翻译:拥有
watch 翻译:观看
call 翻译:把……叫做
Hi Jenny! Hi Danny! What are you up to? 翻译:嗨,詹妮!嗨,丹尼!你们在做什么?
We are visiting the Drum Tower. It is so big. 翻译:我们在参观鼓楼。它可真大啊。
We will watch Drum Beating Show. It will be fun. 翻译:我们要观看击鼓表演,那会很有意思的。
Wow, sounds great! Where will you go tomorrow? 翻译:哇,听着不错嘛!你们明天要去哪里?
We will visit the Terra Cotta Warriors. 翻译:我们要去参观陶俑。
We call them Bing MaYong in Chinese 翻译:在中文里,我们叫它们“兵马俑”。
I am looking forward to seeing the warriors! 翻译:我很期待看到兵马俑!
The day after tomorrow, we will visit Lanzhou. 翻译:我们后天要去兰州。
I will take a picture with the Yellow River in the background! 翻译:我要拍一张以黄河为背景的照片。
I think you will have a great time. 翻译:我想你们会玩得很开心。
Lesson 4 Other stops along the Silk Road 翻译:第4课 “丝绸之路”沿线的其他站点
What do you know about Lanzhou and Dunhuang? Talk with your partner. 翻译:你对兰州和敦煌了解多少?与同伴说一说。
Read the webpages and answer the questions. 翻译:阅读网页内容,然后回答问题。
Welcome to Lanzhou! 翻译:欢迎来到兰州!
Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu. It has a long history. You can walk across the Zhongshan Bridge. It was the first bridge over the Yellow River. Do you know how long the Yellow River is? It is about 5,400 kilometres long. We all call it the Mother River. Beside the river, you can have a look at the sculpture of a mother with a baby — the Yellow River Mother Sculpture. Many people take pictures there. 翻译:兰州是甘肃的首都,历史悠久。你可以步行穿过中山大桥,这是黄河上搭建的第一座桥。你知道黄河有多长吗?黄河全长约5400千米,我们都称它为“母亲河”。在河边,你可以看到“黄河母亲”塑像,这是一座母亲抱着孩子的雕塑。许多人会在那里拍照。
Come have a wonderful experience in this ancient city! 翻译:快来这座古城,好好体验一番吧!
Welcome to Dunhuang! 翻译:欢迎来到敦煌!
Dunhuang is one of the main stops along the Silk Road. Here, you cannot miss the Mogao Caves, the Art Museum of the East. You can see ancient paintings and sculptures in the Mogao Caves. They are amazing! You can also ride camels on Mingsha Mountain. It will be a lot of fun. 翻译:敦煌是“丝绸之路”沿线上的主要站点之一。在这里,可不要错过了莫高窟这座东方艺术博物馆哦。你可以在莫高窟里看到古代的画作和雕塑,它们令人赞叹!你还可以在鸣沙山上骑骆驼。那会很有意思的。
Come discover the secrets of this ancient city! 翻译:快来探索这座古城的秘密吧!
What was the first bridge over the Yellow River? 翻译:黄河上搭建的第一座桥是什么?
How long is the Yellow River? 翻译:黄河有多长?
What can you do in Dunhuang? 翻译:你可以在敦煌做些什么?
Read the webpages again and complete the paragraph with the phrases. 翻译:再读一遍网页内容,然后用短语完成文段内容。
take a picture 翻译:拍照
walk across 翻译:走过,穿过
have a look 翻译:看看
Dunhuang and Lanzhou are two important cities along the Silk Road. In Lanzhou, you can taste noodles with beef. You can walk across the Yellow River on the Zhongshan Bridge. You can also take a picture beside the Mother River Sculpture. In Dunhuang, you cannot miss the Mogao Caves. The paintings are amazing. You will have a look at people's lives in ancient times. 翻译:敦煌和兰州是“丝绸之路”沿线上重要的两座城市。在兰州,你可以品尝牛肉面。你可以在中山大桥上步行穿过黄河。你还可以在“黄河母亲”塑像旁边拍照。在敦煌,你可别错过了莫高窟,里面的画作令人赞叹,你会在画上看到古人的生活。
Complete the table and talk with your partner. 翻译:完成表格,然后与同伴说一说。
Suppose Jenny and Danny are coming to visit you. Which place would you show them? 翻译:假设詹妮和丹尼要来看你,你会带他们去哪个地方?
place 翻译:景点
Where is it? 翻译:在哪里?
What's special? 翻译:有什么特别之处?
Write a passage about the place in Activity 4. 翻译:就活动4中的地方撰写一段话。
Hello, my name is... I'm going to show you around... 翻译:你们好,我叫……我打算带你们参观……。
Useful expressions 翻译:常用表达
Welcome to... 翻译:欢迎来到……
I will show you around... 翻译:我将带你(们)参观……
This is.... 翻译:这是……
You'll see.. 翻译:你(们)将会看到……
Lesson 5 A trip plan 翻译:第5课 旅行计划
Project 翻译:专题研究
Read Jenny's diary and tick the correct answers. 翻译:阅读詹妮的日记,然后勾出正确的答案。
Date: March 15 翻译:日期:3月15日
Weather: Cloudy, windy, and cool 翻译:天气:多云有风,天气凉爽
Dear Diary, 翻译:亲爱的日记:
It is 9:00 p.m. We are in Beijing now. Tomorrow, we will go to the Great Wall. It is about 6,000 kilometres long and over 2,000 years old. There you can travel thousands of years back in time. We are going to have Beijing roast duck for dinner. It is a famous dish in the world. Then, we will see the Beijing opera. I am looking forward to the interesting traditional art and the colourful costumes! 翻译:现在是晚上9点。我们现在在北京。明天,我们要去长城。长城约6000千米长,拥有2000多年的历史。在那里,你可以穿越过去,回到数千年前。我们打算晚饭吃北京烤鸭。这是世界上的一道名菜。然后,我们会去看京剧表演。我对那些有趣的传统艺术和绚丽多彩的戏服充满期待!
The day after tomorrow, we are going to visit the Palace Museum. It is one of China's largest museums. I will learn more about Chinese culture. Then we will fly home in the evening. I can't believe our trip will be over soon. 翻译:后天,我们打算去参观故宫博物院。这是中国最大的博物馆之一。我会了解到更多的中国文化。然后,我们就要在晚上坐飞机回家了。真不敢相信,我们的旅行这么快就要结束了。
Oh, my! It's late, I have to go to bed now. I can't wait to visit the Great Wall tomorrow! 翻译:噢,天啊!已经很晚了。我现在得去睡觉了。我等不及明天就要去参观长城了!
When will Jenny go to the Great Wall? 翻译:詹妮什么时候要去长城?
Tomorrow. 翻译:明天。
This evening. 翻译:今天晚上。
The day after tomorrow. 翻译:后天。
What will Jenny have for dinner tomorrow evening? 翻译:詹妮明天晚上要吃什么?
Dumplings. 翻译:饺子。
Beijing roast duck. 翻译:北京烤鸭。
Lanzhou beef noodles. 翻译:兰州牛肉面。
Complete Jenny's activity plan in Beijing. 翻译:完成詹妮在北京的活动行程。
Day 翻译:天数
What will she do? 翻译:她要做些什么?
Suppose you are going on a short trip. Talk about the following questions with your partner. 翻译:假设你准备去短途旅行。与同伴谈论下列这些问题。
Where will you travel? 翻译:你要去哪里旅行?
When will you go on your trip? 翻译:你要什么时候去旅行?
Who will travel with you? 翻译:你要和谁一起去旅行?
What places of interest will you visit? 翻译:你要参观哪些名胜古迹?
What is special about them? 翻译:它们有什么特别之处?
Make a trip plan and present it to the class. 翻译:制定旅行计划,然后向全班同学展示。
MY TRIP PLAN 翻译:我的旅行计划
When 翻译:时间
From ______ to ______ 翻译:从______到______
Where 翻译:地点
Who 翻译:人物
Day 翻译:天数
Places of interest 翻译:名胜古迹
What is special? 翻译:有什么特别之处?
What will I do? 翻译:我要做的事情?
Understanding cultures Marco Polo and the Silk Road 翻译:文化理解:马可·波罗与“丝绸之路”
Read the passage and tick the correct pictures. 翻译:阅读文章,然后勾出正确的图片。
Marco Polo was a man from Italy. At the age of 17, he began to travel along the Silk Road with his father and uncle. They moved goods between Europe and Asia. They travelled by boat, horse, and camel. Their journey lasted about 20 years! 翻译:马可·波罗是意大利人。17岁时,他开始跟随父亲和叔叔沿着“丝绸之路”旅行。他们在欧洲和亚洲之间运送货物。他们或乘船、或骑马、或骑骆驼旅行。他们的行程持续了大概20年!
In 1275, Marco Polo arrived in Beijing. He met the emperor and worked him for 17 years. The Chinese discovered coal and invented paper. Marco Polo brought some back to ltaly. He also brought back a lot of sik, tea, and other goods. These things were new to Italians. 翻译:1275年,马可·波罗抵达北京。他遇见了元世祖忽必烈,为其效力了17年。那时的中国人不仅发现了煤,还发明了纸。马可·波罗带了一些煤和纸回意大利。同时,他还带回了许多丝绸、茶叶和其他商品。这些东西对意大利人来说都很新鲜。
There is a famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, about Marco Polo's trip to China. 翻译:著名的《马可·波罗行纪》讲述的就是马可·波罗的中国之行。
How did Marco Polo's family move goods along the Silk Road? 翻译:马可·波罗一家是如何在“丝绸之路”上运送货物的?
Read the passage again and answer the questions. 翻译:再读一遍文章,然后回答问题。
When did Marco Polo come to China? 翻译:马可·波罗是什么时候来的中国?
What did Marco Polo bring back to Italy from China? 翻译:马可·波罗从中国带了哪些东西回意大利?
What's the name of the book about Marco Polo's trip to China? 翻译:讲述马可·波罗的中国之行的书名叫什么?
Here is a brief description of China in The Travels of Marco Polo. What the word in bold is. 翻译:以下是《马可·波罗行纪》对中国的简要描述。黑体词是什么意思。
The city of Cambaluc is in a vast, level plain. It forms a square, each side of which is about six miles in length, and it is enclosed by a wall which is made of very strong and thick stones, well-cemented with lime and brick. 翻译:“汗八里”城坐落在广阔平坦的平原上。这座城呈正方形,每边长约六英里,它被一堵墙包围着,这堵墙是由非常坚固和厚实的石头砌成的,用石灰和砖很好地粘合在一起。
There are other important persons related to the Silk Road. Find more information and introduce them to the class. 翻译:与“丝绸之路”相关的重要人物还有其他几位。查找更多资料,向全班同学作介绍。
Zhang Qian 翻译:张骞
Ban Chao 翻译:班超
Zheng He 翻译:郑和
Self-check 翻译:自我检测
I can introduce places of interest along the Silk Road: 翻译:我能介绍“丝绸之路”沿线上的名胜古迹:
It is more than 1300 years old. 翻译:它拥有1300多年的历史。
Dunhuang is one of the main stops along the Silk Road. 翻译:敦煌是“丝绸之路”沿线上的主要站点之一。
I can express something that will happen in the future: 翻译:我能表达将来会发生的事情:
Tomorrow, we will go to the Great Wall. 翻译:明天,我们要去长城。
It will be a lot of fun. 翻译:那会很有意思的。
I know about Chinese culture along the Silk Road: 翻译:我了解“丝绸之路”沿线的中国文化。
Tomorrow, we will visit the famous Terra Cotta Warriors. 翻译:明天,我们会参观到著名的兵马俑。
You can see ancient paintings and sculptures in the Mogao Caves. 翻译:你可以在莫高窟里看到古代的画作和雕塑。
Improvement needed: 翻译:需要改进的地方:
Fun Time 翻译:轻松一刻
My trip 翻译:我的旅行
My trip is so much fun, in the sun, we all run, Climbing mountains big and tall, And splashing in a waterfall. My heart is filled with joy galore, Can't wait to do it all once more! 翻译:我的旅行乐趣多, 太阳底下去奔跑, 高大山脉来攀爬, 壮阔瀑布中戏水, 快乐无限在心中, 等不及要再体验!
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